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SA Raiders Slider Found!
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:38 pm
by Wade Egan
As some of you know, I've been on a mission to find the exact vintage slider buckle from the Raiders Of The Lost Ark.
The kicker is, I only found four of them in total. But they are definitely the same buckles the costume department used for the Raiders strap. I found them on some vintage WWII issue European gear. I'm sending two out as samples to manufacturers and keeping one. The last buckle I'm putting up for auction. Here's the vendor announcement thread on the buckles:
Here's the buckle and strap combo I've made for the limited edition auction. I also have the same strap on my original issue MK VII.
Check it out:
Hopefully I have some news on the manufacturing process soon as I now have excellent samples. I'll keep everyone posted.
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:40 pm
by Mulceber
Wow, that looks dead on.

I'm no expert, but that looks just about perfect. -M
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:32 pm
by ReturningSon
well, you know I will be participating in the auction wade!!!

Bag Strap Auction
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:54 pm
by Wade Egan
Due to the interest in this auction I've gone ahead and made the auction live as of now. Please keep in mind it's still a three day auction. Somebody is going to be really stoked on this strap!
Good luck!
Auction Link: ... 26_fvi%3D1
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:00 am
by Last Crusader
Looks exactly like the AB buckle that Marc sells.
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:25 am
by jedidentist
Last Crusader wrote:Looks exactly like the AB buckle that Marc sells.
I agree. I'd look closer into that before setting up a "manufacturing run".
Re: SA Raiders Slider Found!
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:11 am
by Erri
wadventure wrote:But they are definitely the same buckles the costume department used for the Raiders strap. I found them on some vintage WWII issue European gear.
Can I ask if you imply that you found the closest match to what we see on screen from WWII gear or if you actually have confirmation that those four that you have are THE SAME STUFF used in the film. And in this case, who confirmed that for you? Are you in touch with someone of the costume department of Raiders?
I do not want to sound in any way doubtful of your exceptional find but you understand that for the sake of knowledge of Indygear you were bound to be asked these very questions. Anyway thanks a lot for the effort you put in this research. I'm very curious to know more about their origin.
I agree with the comment concerning the Adventurebuilt sliders, they look remarkably like these.
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:05 pm
by TheMechanic
I believe what he found is the same buckle as well. Of course I have no proof but I sincerely doubt that anyone alive or dead could possibly remember what vintage item they took those buckles off of.
I've always suspected they were a vintage rifle strap buckle or some other type of surplus pouch buckle.
Nice find!
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:22 pm
by Wade Egan
Of course I knew I'd be asked the questions. I don't think anyone has any 'proof' at this point. It's simply a case of what looks right to us as the most knowledgeable group of Indy enthusiasts around. If we could have found confirmation on these buckles from LF, Lee Keppler would have done it years ago.
First off, I am not sure if these pieces were where they got the actual buckles from. I found the ammo pouches personally (which had the buckles on them), but have only seen the rifle sling with the same buckle and not found it yet. I also believe they used the rifle sling but have no actual confirmation on this. So these are merely identical buckles to the screen used buckles but I have no idea what actual piece they took them from.
Second, it does look like the AB because they modeled their buckle after the screen used buckles. However, this is not an AB buckle, it is an actual vintage buckle I took off of the ammo pouch (four in total).
I am using these for the replication/manufacturing process because I believe them to be the most screen accurate VINTAGE slider I've ever come across. My goal is to have the production pieces come off the line in their finished condition so that there is no sanding or anything that needs to be done.
Also, in regards to the auction: Yes, it is possible to have any color strap attached to the buckle. It is entirely up to the winning bidder.
Thank you for the questions and interest! Stay tuned!
Re: buckles
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:31 pm
by Erri
wadventure wrote:don't think anyone has any 'proof' at this point. It's simply a case of what looks right to us as the most knowledgeable group of Indy enthusiasts around.
well it's always the case isn't it?
You know that somebody had to ask it, sorry that it had to be me but I am rather curious myself; to many of us, the right slider is as important as any other piece of gear.
Well again, congratulation on the great find. I'm sure if these came out some months ago you would have spared Marc and his top men from bothering to replicate these pieces of metalware from screengrabs.
Now I'm curious to know how much your reproductions of these will cost. Afterall, that's what we all care, after screen accuracy
Keep us posted please
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:24 pm
by Imahomer
Very cool. I guess it's true that hard work pays off. Nice find!

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:48 am
by Wade Egan
What it really comes down to is what we as a collective think of the gear in general. I've been adventuring in the woods and swinging from enough branches that I know the feeling of the adventurer. I've floated down rivers in Costa Rica and dove with sharks in Moorea. No gold treasure to hold, but a lifetime of memories to have. We all need heroes.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:48 pm
by Mulceber
I'm not sure if I believe it's the same buckle. I think it very well could be, but it's also possible that it isn't. Regardless, it appears identical to the screen-used buckle and for that, if nothing else, I applaud Wade's hard work. -M
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:38 pm
by Mac
Great find! So which ammo pouches are these sliders found on? ;-)
I borrowed some comparison photos that TheMechanic put together (I hope you don’t mind Mechanic) and added the new wadventure buckle for comparison.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:45 pm
by Indiana G
Mac wrote:Great find! So which ammo pouches are these sliders found on? ;-)
I borrowed some comparison photos that TheMechanic put together (I hope you don’t mind Mechanic) and added the new wadventure buckle for comparison.
is it me or does the screen cap look less squarish.....something only the AB buckle leans towards........
could be just the angle......and all the meds i'm on

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:04 pm
by The Man with the Hat
What kind of pouch did the part come off of? Let's see a picture of the pouch. It would be nice to identify where the original probably came from.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:08 pm
by Mulceber
Yeah I'd say they line up like this, in terms of which one is closest to the screen cap:
1. AB - dead on, looks perfect
2. Wadventure - almost as good as the AB, just a little too squarish
3. Keppler
4. Todd -M
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:33 pm
I think AB is the winner and cry that Magnoli's is nowehere in the list. (I own Magnoli's)
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:41 pm
by Wade Egan
Most likely an MP40 or similar mag case. There are 5 slots for mags measuring 3 x 2 x 10 inches. It's a belt worn pouch with a shoulder strap for extra support. No visible makers markings to identify origin.
I didn't make these, just salvaged them. I am, however, using them for the replicating process because I feel that they are the dead on buckle. Keep in mind the shine is nearly gone on these specimens as they are around 50+ years old and have been sitting in some storage unit somewhere.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:48 pm
by Erri
They definitely look right wadventure. I'm sure that back in the 80's MBA (or whatever was their name at the time) took those to be replicated. As Noel said, they didn't have enough of them for the production (talking of the straps to be precise) so they had to replicate them. I'm guessing the same happened for the buckles attached.
This throws a new light on the origin of the strap too which was originally thought to be a rifle strap but the shoulder strap from that pouch looks more than likely to be the actual inspirator.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:39 pm
by Mac
Again, great find Wade. I’ve never seen this type of ammo pouch before. Thanks for sharing. I’m sure many will want to track down an original.
PLATON wrote:I think AB is the winner and cry that Magnoli's is nowehere in the list. (I own Magnoli's)
Here’s the slide from Magnoli’s website (since Platon refuses to post a photo of his).
Here are two discontinued sliders, Texas Action Gear, left, and Noel Howard, right:
It’s a shame the TAG is no longer available. It is (was) a very nice match.
Texas Jones if you won’t sell them any longer, at least reveal where you sourced them from!
- Mac
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 2:11 am
by Wisconsin Platt
BTW, that pouch is a 4 or 5 cell Hungarian AK-47 Magazine Pouch. Quite plentiful at the moment. Most places are selling the pouch plus 4 Mint AK magazines for $65, and the pouches themselves are appearing for $10-$20. Our friendly neighborhood merchant of death here in IL has dozens of them in green leatherette, orange pleather-like vinyl, and ugly grey or brown canvas, and almost all have these same sliders on them.
Looking at them quickly, you do need to destroy/de-rivet/unstitch of the strap to extricate the buckle, but depending on the price of the pouch, it might be worth it. I was unwilling to destroy my pouch to get the buckle, but I have one en route from a friend who just wanted the magazines.
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 2:38 pm
by Wade Egan
Cool, we have a possible identification. One thing though, this pouch definitely has 5 slots for rather skinny mags. I don't think an AK mag would fit in here.
Trying to locate more of these for positive identification. I'm in California so no one I know has an AK-47 for me to try out.
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 2:41 pm
by Erri
I sincerely hope it costs less to reproduce them than destroy real army bags. Afterall the screen used ones were most likely reproduced too
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 2:48 pm
by agent5
Jeez. Somebody paid $81 for that one buckle. Way more than a bit overpriced but good for Wadventure, thats for sure.
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:07 pm
by Wade Egan
There's no telling what will happen on Ebay! It did have the strap included and starting bid was $49. Regular strap is $40.
I purchased around 20 different mag pouches which looked to have the same buckle, but in actuality they were all different manufacturers and materials. Some of the pouches had a slider similar to this but chunkier and squared off. Others had a more rectangular slider or a rounded corner buckle. Only the bags in the brown and black leather or the brown vinyl (and some of the green vinyl pouches) had this buckle, but the green ones mostly came with different hardware altogether so I steer away from the green ones. Some of the buckles were too heavily corroded from the 50 years of sitting in leather dressing to be used.
Also found this buckle on an old pair of Austrian suspenders. Not sure if they're military issue or not. It was a random find but side by side with the mag pouch buckle it's definitely the same buckle.
The funny thing is, we've found the buckles, we have the specs, and none of the US manufacturers I've contacted will make this piece for a reasonable price. They can laser cut and polish a gasket for a formula one car reasonably but not a simple 1" slider buckle. It's really ridiculous I think.
Some of the buckles have been sent out to China and Mexico for quotes. I'll keep you guys posted.
Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 4:33 pm
by Texas Jones
Mac wrote:Texas Jones if you won’t sell them any longer, at least reveal where you sourced them from!
- Mac
Hey guys....
I'm sorry I haven't been to the board for a long time. I actually have a huge box of strap buckles in my shop. I guess I need to spread the wealth...haha. I actually had them made for me by a metal company...but it's been years since that and I don't have the documentation of the name or anything. They're really nice and judging from the feedback and postings here on the board they are the most accurate.
I'll see about getting them for sale for a decent price (sorry, I don't have the "strap" to go with them, just the buckle). I'll post up a link soon!
(of the retired Texas Action Gear)