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My Christmas break creation
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:40 pm
by Ohio Jones
Just a few pics of my latest hat off the new cherry block I made.
Its not a screen accurate hat....Not what I was going for....just one to wear to work.
Enjoy ... hat002.jpg ... t003-1.jpg
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:43 pm
by DR Ulloa
Thats some pretty heavy weight felt you have there. That thing will last a lifetime. A great looking hat. There is a bit too much taper for my taste but I'm sure it looks better on your head.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:20 am
by Indiana G
that's a beauty of a fedora ohio! you're getting the skillz my friend......i like the neat and tidy bow work....i wish i learned that quick
that's a great looking flange too. mine makes a more hard radius which sometimes creases the end of the brim if it doesn't want to cooperate.......i was wondering if anyone had any remedy for this? i was thinking of steaming it before the flange to loosen the felt more. i already dampen the brim before i mate it to the flange but i still get these ugly creases where the brim needs to fold to accomodate the curvature......perhaps, lamode did not give me enough brim width to do this?
after i flange it, i'm always steaming the brim back out as when it comes out, it looks like a shrimp cocktail dish.....too much flanging.
oak, fedora, marc,

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:45 am
by BendingOak
Are you talking about lines coming from the crown to the brim edge?
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:02 pm
by Ohio Jones
[quote="DR Ulloa"]
A great looking hat. There is a bit too much taper for my taste but I'm sure it looks better on your head.
You are right. I think the problem is that the roundover on the block is a little to much. I think I will have to remedy that. Thanks for the kind words. The felt came from hatsupply as a mans dress body in rust color.
Thanks G....They are improving a little. As far as the flange....I wet mine a bit then steam it and then stretch a piece of tee shirt material over it and tie it down. Then I steam it some more and pull the tee tight. Seems to work okay on my flange...but that is probably along the same lines of what you are doing.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:22 pm
by Indiana G
BendingOak wrote:Are you talking about lines coming from the crown to the brim edge?
i'm talking about the 'crinkling' right at the edge of the brim. after ironing the brim, it gets pretty stiff and does not want to take to the curvature. maybe i'm not soaking the brim enough. i know on a very stiff brim, i'll get these crinkles (but they become less noticeable over time).
the next hat that i block, i will soak the brim thoroughly so she takes to the curvature. lamode made my flange curvature radius quite short which is why i have to steam it back to where i want it.........which is okay as i love to play with mr. kettle
ohio, that taper maybe coming from a deep center bash. if you decrease the height of the hat and put a shallower bash in, mr. taper won't come around so much. and if you're like me and still get mr. taper........sit on the hat, grab the humps and pull them apart......leave it in that funny bash over night and then put the center crease back in. she'll go in shallower the next time and you just might get some reverse tapering in the sides..........i can see steve, marc, and oak just shudder at the thought........"i can't pull the humps apart and stretch the felt out....let alone sit on it.......who's going to buy my hats???"
if you want a real deal raiders fedora, that's what you need to do imo. i've played on the line between having a 'nice' hat and wanting a raiders fedora (turned and crumpled) can't have both and i choose the latter.
anyone still want me to make hats for them???

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:21 pm
by MustangLoverMex
Excellent work over there Ohio! Keep up that amazing work! Oh, and could you please put a picture of your block?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:05 pm
by Ohio Jones
Hey Mustang,
Thanks for the kind words,
Actually if you scroll down a bit there should be a thread that is titled..MY NEW BLOCK.
Check it out.
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:34 pm
by Mitch LaRue
I can't keep my lip buttoned when you write something like that!
So: Just for the record, G... you're NOT scarin' ME away with that kinda' talk...
I just respect you all the more for tellin' it like it is (and YOU KNOW that my take on things is that if you could ever figure out a way to get over the "start-up expenses hurdle" and had the means to make ME a Raiders lid in MY size... I'd be ON BOARD all the way to the "turned and crumpled" hat at the finish line!)
All the Best, my friend!
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:50 pm
by Mitch LaRue
Apologies, Ohio... MY oversight:
I should ALSO have mentioned...
VERY impressive work, Sir... You DO indeed have skills we should all be keeping our eyes on...
Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:27 pm
by Ohio Jones
Thanks Mitch,
I have had help from G and from LLS on a lot of stuff. With out their willingness to answer all my questions I would probably have a pile of capes in my shop....maybe being turned into lampshades.
It is so great to find a bunch of guys on a site like this that all have a common interest and love to share they knowledge with you know "the new guy".
This is a great site and I have made some great friends. I cant wait to get home and get on here to check out the new stuff.
Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:51 pm
by Indiana G
Ohio Jones wrote:Thanks Mitch,
I have had help from G and from LLS on a lot of stuff. With out their willingness to answer all my questions I would probably have a pile of capes in my shop....maybe being turned into lampshades.
It is so great to find a bunch of guys on a site like this that all have a common interest and love to share they knowledge with you know "the new guy".
This is a great site and I have made some great friends. I cant wait to get home and get on here to check out the new stuff.
do what i do....have one cape (hat body) that is your tester. tweak your block as how you want or think it should be adjusted.......test it out on that hat body. pull the hat body off the block when dry (you don't even need to iron the brim out......just get the shape of the crown nice and formed on it) and then bash the crown into it.......if you're satisfied with it, use a good hat body.
the good thing about this method also is that in the end, your test body will probably go through over a dozen reblocks, stabilizing that felt more and can make a pretty nice stable hat out of her when all of your experimenting has finished

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:54 pm
by Ohio Jones
As always......great advice.......and that is going to be my M.O. from now on.
Thanks Bro
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:28 pm
by inexpensive_jones
That looks great Ohio. I even like the minimal taper you may have.
I was just watching Temple of Doom and I have to admit that there are some scenes in there where I think the fedora looks fantastic because of a little taper.

And for this next comment I may risk being stoned, but my AB maybe could a
I'd better go now.
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:36 pm
by Indiana G
inexpensive_jones wrote:That looks great Ohio. I even like the minimal taper you may have.
I was just watching Temple of Doom and I have to admit that there are some scenes in there where I think the fedora looks fantastic because of a little taper.

And for this next comment I may risk being stoned, but my AB maybe could a
I'd better go now.
i agree with you i guess they'll have to stone the both of us

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:54 pm
by BendingOak
inexpensive_jones wrote:That looks great Ohio. I even like the minimal taper you may have.
I was just watching Temple of Doom and I have to admit that there are some scenes in there where I think the fedora looks fantastic because of a little taper.

And for this next comment I may risk being stoned, but my AB maybe could a
I'd better go now.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:55 pm
by The_Raiders
inexpensive_jones wrote:That looks great Ohio. I even like the minimal taper you may have.
I was just watching Temple of Doom and I have to admit that there are some scenes in there where I think the fedora looks fantastic because of a little taper.

And for this next comment I may risk being stoned, but my AB maybe could a
I'd better go now.
Personally i get very very irritated when my Christys gets tapered, I've had to reblock it alot
But really my Christys looks very much like the TOD hat, which bothers me, I can't stand the taper. I tend to reshape my hat alot too using a spray bottle and thats when I notice it taper more and more until I reblock it again.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:34 pm
by BendingOak
It's because of a couple of reasons. The felt has a lot of air in it and my understanding is they dry block these hats. Heat and water is not a friend of this hat.
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:41 pm
by The_Raiders
BendingOak wrote:It's because of a couple of reasons. The felt has a lot of air in it and my understanding is they dry block these hats. Heat and water is not a friend of this hat.
Yes, I have found that out the hard way. I've never heard of dry blocking before.... My christys was very tapered, but I made my own block outa a styrofoam material I got for only $8, and it worked perfect. And now my hat has a KOTCS bash and it looks great.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:09 pm
by Ohio Jones
inexpensive_jones wrote:That looks great Ohio. I even like the minimal taper you may have.
I was just watching Temple of Doom and I have to admit that there are some scenes in there where I think the fedora looks fantastic because of a little taper.

And for this next comment I may risk being stoned, but my AB maybe could a
I'd better go now.
I am glad you like it IJ. The taper bothers me a bit. I think its exaggerated in the photo....but it is there for sure.
I am going to be working on another block to try and remedy it, after I finish my new brim jack that is almost ready for a trial run.
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:13 am
by Mitch LaRue
Ohio, could you maybe post one or two profile shots? (And don't forget that ANY hat photo isbetter presented - and that much MORE accurate - with a noggin underneath it).
As for the taper being kinda "over-represented" in the photo... we all know what you're saying - and don't sweat it - I've seen even some of the BEST fedora's (Penman - hello?)

look a bit tapered in
only certain photos that are either taken too close to the subject or are just a bit... "skewed" in the photo.
(I'm NOT under the impression that that's an ACTUAL a photo-technical term, for those of you who know more on the subject than me).
But please post a profile shot... and again, you'll find that having someone wearing it for the shot - be it YOU, a friend or the pizza delivery guy - will help the hat to look that much more "right" (as well as giving you - and us - an opportunity to critique your own work more objectively and accurately).
(Although, on second thought DON'T let a pizza delivery dude put the hat on for a photo... he just might make a run for it with such a handsome prize!)
All the Best,
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 11:30 am
by Ohio Jones
I will get right on it. I have to say I LOVE hats....but personally I dont think they look right on me. You however are a natural for wearing hats. I did go out today with mine on and got the "Hey Indy whats up?" from my neighbor. I just chuckled.
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:31 pm
by Mitch LaRue
Looking forward to the side shots, Ohio... thank you in advance (and for the kind words).
I've always been of the opinion that the "Hey Indy!" comments from some of the regular walk-ons in our lives just kinda fade away (or tire-out) after a while as long as it doesn't seem to (or REALLY doesn't) bother you.
I don't get many comments like that at all (people might be thinking it, but who cares if they are? And yes, I DO realize this subject has been talked about time & time again on these hallowed boards...)
But I guess when (and if) someone DOES next, I'm commited to the same response every time: A nod, a wink and a lopsided smile - much like your chuckle. There's really not much more than something like that warrants (especially since it's probably not always easy to tell if comments like that are meant as a friendly jab, a compliment, or in... we'll call it a snarky, dismissive - or teasing - way.)
Gotta tell you, though... after hearing about a story relayed here in one of the fedora threads (forgive me, I can't credit whoever told the original)... my 9 year old son has a comeback ready to go if ever we're out and someone gives ME a "Hey Indy" (sometimes I think my boy is hoping it'll happen)...
I won't even have a chance to answer before he'll be saying "Hey! YOU call him DOCTOR Jones!"

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:12 pm
by Marlin_Fan
Nice lid!!
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:52 pm
by Ohio Jones
Here you go Mitch,
Remember....that I think I look like a dork with a hat...but I love them.....and I still have that Northwest Ohio winter weight
Br cruel...but not to cruel.
I have come to the conclusion that this lid is just a bit to small for my melon. I am going to reblock it as soon as a larger block is made. I found out from my good friend Indy G that I need another half inch for it to fit just ducky with the sweat sewed in. ... hat005.jpg ... hat007.jpg
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:30 pm
by Mitch LaRue
I'll agree that that particular hat its a wee bit small on ya... but I disagree that you look like a dork with a hat on... I think you look like a guy I wouldn't MESS with - in a hat!
I think that last photo's my favorite... love the tipped up sides and the overall "swoop" you've got going in that brim!
So what if this one's a tiny bit snug on ya? Something tells me you'll have yourself a PERFECT fit soon (And when you get it, KEEP IT! Folks on these Boards who make great hats will tell you themselves: they keep giving 'em away and THEN never find time to make a good one for THEMSELVES!)
Either way, there's no debating the fact that - as I said earlier - you've definitely got some skills happening when it comes to hat making.
Cheers, Ohio
(And I've gotta mention this: it look like you and I have the EXACT same kinda weather system going on around us... Even looking at that house across the street in your photos... if I didn't know better, I'd swear we lived in the same neighborhood.)
All the Best,
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:32 pm
by Indiana G
its funny how it doesn't look as tapered when its sitting on your head. remember, not to look at yourself less than 3 feet or so in front of the mirror as your line of sight will play 'taper tricks' with you. its good to get a long distance view of yourself to see exactly how the hat looks.
is the hat very snug? imo, when a hat is that low on your noggin, that's where it should be the most snug. but if it's giving you headaches at that point, it is too tight. you were going to upsize your block by 1/4" no?
that is a great initial hatblock. much better than my first incarnation of a hatblock. you should be very proud of that hat sir

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:34 pm
by Ohio Jones
How cool would that be. We have gotten almost 12 inches of snow. I love it but in small doses. Yeah...I need a little bit bigger hat. I see photos of some guys on here and the hat fits them....but the crown looks huge. I guess that is what I need to figure out.
I will keep you posted with pics on the next one off the block.
Indy G,
Thanks for the kind remarks.....this is the hat I muffed up the sweat and so I took it out to replace according to your directions. It was snug with the sweat in it and it looked like a kids hat on my melon, and it looked really tall. I will maybe just wait and reblock this hat on a slightly bigger block...and I might leave that 1/8 taper in the back out and leave it straight and then just taper the front of the hat.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:38 pm
by Mitch LaRue
In the interest of making sure you get the FULL compliment you deserve, I should tell you:
I edited my post above with a few extra words on the subject of the brim and so on.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:45 pm
by Indiana G
Ohio Jones wrote:Mitch,
How cool would that be. We have gotten almost 12 inches of snow. I love it but in small doses. Yeah...I need a little bit bigger hat. I see photos of some guys on here and the hat fits them....but the crown looks huge. I guess that is what I need to figure out.
I will keep you posted with pics on the next one off the block.
Indy G,
Thanks for the kind remarks.....this is the hat I muffed up the sweat and so I took it out to replace according to your directions. It was snug with the sweat in it and it looked like a kids hat on my melon, and it looked really tall. I will maybe just wait and reblock this hat on a slightly bigger block...and I might leave that 1/8 taper in the back out and leave it straight and then just taper the front of the hat.
a good test if the hat body is going to fit on your noggin is once the hat is blocked and dry.....throw it on your head. if it hits your ears easily, then it should be a good size. if the hat 'fits' without the sweat.....she's gonna be a pretty tight fit. i do that as a test run before i sew in the sweat. this will confirm that i didn't have any shrinkage issues during drying and i can also ascertain height and other dimensions using this step.......but i can't see how the bash will be at that point in time.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:18 pm
by Ohio Jones
I made a new block.....actually it looks like something out of Dr. Frankenstiens Lab.
First is a pic of the hat on the first block.
This is the same hat (minus ribbon and bow) on my new block.
Here is a profile ... rofile.jpg
Here is a top view ... ile002.jpg
I see an more taper.....but the question is.......was the third time (block) the charm?
I know there are some keen eyes out there and just want to know what you all think.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:14 pm
by Indiana G
is that the block with the duct tape on it, in the back?
you've definitely killed the taper off nicely

looks really good from what i can see. what are you aiming for? CS, raiders? a decent hat made by yours truly?
you already hit the last one out of the park ;-)
could you give us a profile view? it looks like the design of the front is a keeper imo

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:15 pm
by BendingOak
Mitch LaRue wrote:Ohio, could you maybe post one or two profile shots? (And don't forget that ANY hat photo isbetter presented - and that much MORE accurate - with a noggin underneath it).
As for the taper being kinda "over-represented" in the photo... we all know what you're saying - and don't sweat it - I've seen even some of the BEST fedora's (Penman - hello?)

look a bit tapered in
only certain photos that are either taken too close to the subject or are just a bit... "skewed" in the photo.
(I'm NOT under the impression that that's an ACTUAL a photo-technical term, for those of you who know more on the subject than me).
But please post a profile shot... and again, you'll find that having someone wearing it for the shot - be it YOU, a friend or the pizza delivery guy - will help the hat to look that much more "right" (as well as giving you - and us - an opportunity to critique your own work more objectively and accurately).
(Although, on second thought DON'T let a pizza delivery dude put the hat on for a photo... he just might make a run for it with such a handsome prize!)
All the Best,
Hey! Mitch!
Not all of us have a great wife who knows well enough to stand back a few feet in natural lighting to take a good photo.
Ohio Jones.
You are correct that you blocked the hat too small. It's better to make the hat body a 1/2 inch bigger that what you would cut the sweatband to. If you try and push in a sweatband to a hat body of the same size it will look like the hat is to small even when the hat fits you perfectly.
What is you crown height. open crown?
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:34 pm
by Ohio Jones
Hey Oak,
This one measures from the brim to the very center of the open crown right at 6 1/2 inches. I dont know if that is right...wrong...or what. I know that when I put the center crease in it (and its not very deep) that it just ever so slightly touches my head.
I was not going for a SA hat...something close that would suit me a bit. I love the style of the Raiders hat...but I dont think It likes me back.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:38 pm
by Ohio Jones
Hey G,
Yep...that is duct tape. I made the block with a removable top was very thin. I did this only because if the humps pulled in I could take that piece off and regrind a new one versus making a whole new block.
I will get up a profile pic asap
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:44 pm
by BendingOak
I was asking for crown height? what is the crown height of you hat ? with no creases.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:42 pm
by Indiana G
verrrrrryy nice profile! nice work!
now i got something to work towards.....i think this friendly competition is fun
your not allowed to play'd be like racing your ferrari against our volkswagens!!!!! shoo! shoo!!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:52 pm
by Ohio Jones
I post a few after she comes off the flange complete with ribbon, bow, sweat and liner.
Can't wait to see what you finish up.
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:43 pm
by Ohio Jones
Well here she is.
Flanged, ribbon and bow, and the sweat sewed in (thanks for answering all my questions with this part Indy G)
A few days of wearing in extreme cold (-12 degrees) and she still is holding straight.
I still have a little fine tuning and I will post some actually wearing it...hopeful outside if it ever warms up!
Oh...and I am not totally satisfied with the bow....I may redo it.
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:22 am
by Indiana G
very nice work're definitely coming along with the hat making skills

it looks like your frankenstein block is a 'dog that will hunt'.......i think i might need to pick your brain about it ;-)
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:29 am
by Ohio Jones
Thanks G,
Hope you are having some luck with your tear down.
Did you get my P.M.?
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:34 am
by Indiana G
i got it tonite ohio.....sorry, been busy trying to save a $100 beaver hat body
check your pm's and check my thread....i think i'm ready to flex my drafting skills and do up some blue prints for an indy g block.......and NO ONE will get to see it!!!! not even you ohio....i expect you to build my block using a blindfold please......

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:42 pm
by Mitch LaRue
Hello Gentlemen,
First of all, apologies to YOU, Ohio...
I'm REALLY showing up late for this competitive little chat. I haven't been on the Boards too much over the last couple of weeks (life gettin' in the way of all the ENJOYABLE stuff, you know how it is)... and only in the last day or so saw your pm.
I've missed out on these aMAZing new shots of your hat, the "sass" from Oak and the advice (and mutual admiration / envy exchanges) between you and Indy G.
Wow! I just scrolled back up this page and just realized that you, Oak, G and myself have almost single-handedly kept this thread "floating" for a while now. This is like a good game of poker!
(Of course, when it comes to fedoras, you 3 gents have all the tips, technical know-how and advice... I'm just a fan who "knows what he likes when he sees it").
I can appreciate when to line, shape and overall "look" of a hat works... but I don't know much about the technical magic you guys manage to pull off that gets them looking that good. Having said that, please know that I still have a HUGE appreciation for the amount of analysis, sweat and tears that go into these hats (as well as the "trial & error" gauntlets you guys run through to GET to where YOU'RE satisfied with something you're putting you reputations behind.
It's just one of the things that makes me so proud to wear fedoras like the one Oak put on my head (and with any luck, the kind of hats that just maybe yourself and Indy G will be kind enough to let me wear on my noggin.
All the Best,
(By the way, G: What happened with that $100 beaver hat body?)
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:21 pm
by Indiana G
Mitch LaRue wrote:(By the way, G: What happened with that $100 beaver hat body?)
this is what happened:
it became a veeeeeeery nice TOD fedora......which is good for folks like crimsams (and myself) who like the TOD fedora.......but i was shooting for a raiders hat so there is some dissappointment there.
nonetheless, i've analyzed that lamode block, my homemade 360 block, my vintage block, the english block that steve posted as well as steve's open crowned vintage HJ. took all of those ingredients along with some advice from LLS and drew up my own block which i believe will yield a very, very good raiders hat. according to what i can see, the taper issue from my lamode block will be eliminated, the curvature of the top dome should give me some wicked camel humps, and the way it drops in the back should produce the beautiful arc and 'bum bumps' in the back. i would be more surprised, if anything, that this block WOULD not produce something awesome.....and if there are any deficiencies in it, i still have a couple tricks up my sleeve in the bashing department.
i sent these plans to my partner in crime, ohio, and he is cutting/glueing/grinding as we speak as this is MY top secret block, it will take ohio a little longer to build it as he has to do it blindfolded.
i will post something next week in regards to what this bad boy will yield.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:31 pm
by Ohio Jones
Glad to see you back on here. I think I tweaked my block to produce a hat that I like enough to wear!
Indy G and I are working on a nice Raiders block.....His design is GREAT...even though I cant look at it while I am working on it.......and that reminds me G........I need band aids!! Since I have to wear a blind fold...I have numerous cuts and abrasions....and only 4 fingers left......but man does it FEEL nice.
I will have something for you to look at this weekend G!
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:36 pm
by Indiana G
Ohio Jones wrote:Mitch,
Glad to see you back on here. I think I tweaked my block to produce a hat that I like enough to wear!
Indy G and I are working on a nice Raiders block.....His design is GREAT...even though I cant look at it while I am working on it.......and that reminds me G........I need band aids!! Since I have to wear a blind fold...I have numerous cuts and abrasions....and only 4 fingers left......but man does it FEEL nice.
I will have something for you to look at this weekend G!
that's not the half of it! it's gonna be hard on my end too if i have to block a hat blinldfolded!
here i am coming from the kitchen, oven mits on, with a steaming cone of felt......can't see a thing because of the blindfold......and i accidentally throw it onto my dogs head instead of the block
i think the SPCA will be calling me after that!!!

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:30 pm
by Kokopelli

Dude! I just saw this thread- that hat's color is delicious! Great Job!
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:19 pm
by Ohio Jones
Kokopelli wrote:
Dude! I just saw this thread- that hat's color is delicious! Great Job!
Hey Kokopelli,
Thanks man....I got that cape from hatsupply and was concerned about the color. It is rust...and it did darken up a bit after pouncing. I made one for my dad and the cape came from the same was chocolate...and that was dark! A little to dark for my taste.
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:16 pm
by Mitch LaRue
Best of Luck to the BOTH of you mad dogs with everything you're trying to tackle!
I know I speak for PLENTY of us here when I say we wait with baited breath to see what you two evil scientists can come up with.
(And while some folks might read what I've just written and think to themselves
"Hey, if Indy G and Ohio ever formed their own company, they could call it "MadDog Hats" or "Evil Scientist Hats"...
Allow me to be the FIRST to suggest to you by a more befitting name...)
"Blindfolded Brothers Fedoras"
(It might not be the way you eventually choose to go... but it's definitely the "nom de plumes" you should both be working under for the time being...)
All the Best!