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The Choir Boy.
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:58 pm
by Canasta
here is another comedy routine I do in the show.
I thought you guys might like it.
You know what this trick takes, don't ya!?
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:18 pm
by Imahomer
Cool trick. You won't see me trying it though.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:48 pm
by Cracker
Me either. I've hit myself too many time in the legs, back, head, ears, etc. to attempt that.

But it was a great video Chris, thank you !!!
Canasta wrote:
You know what this trick takes, don't ya!?
Yeah, brass ones which I don't have
Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:36 am
by IndianaBravo
That was great Canasta. It´s so nice to see the entertainment aspect of the whip, apart from it´s more martial applications. I´m sure practicing that trick had it´s moments of YOWZA!
Nicely Done

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:50 am
by TurnerME
Awesome trick. I showed the video around to all the women at work and they got a huge kick from it.
Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:38 am
by bigrex
I would hope he used a jock strap or something for protection while practicing that one.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:10 am
by Vindy
Very funny video. Now I want to see the whole show sometime!
Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:54 pm
by DanielJones
Cool trick! Looks like a fun show too.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:55 pm
by Indiana County Jr.
You know what is going to happen now. Someone's better half will see that and say "Hey, i think i can do that, go get me your whip and hold still...."

and then "Eeeeyooowwwww!"
Re: The Choir Boy.
Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:17 am
by cabbynum
I was at a friends house during my spring break with my whips
i was showing off and saw a small twig
i tried to show her the choir boy
first attempt... Success
when i tried it with the piece i just cut (now much smaller)
i get all lined up
then miss completly i was short (no pun intended)
then i do it again and go to high and to far
my voice was higher than the highest tenor
also great presentation
i love the set up of the trick it builds the suspense very well
Re: The Choir Boy.
Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:39 pm
by fatcatrocky
well..... i know what it takes... it takes a at least 3 nuts... so you can bust one when learning...
just kidding.