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Is it bad I want another jacket?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:20 pm
by Indiana Joyce
Youve seen my custom LC wested novapelle.

I love it, its comfy, it looks neat.

But at the same time I see it and think...what if the back was an inch longer..what if you had gotten the silver zipper...what if you had ordered it in goat, or lamb...

I really cant afford a new jacket right now, but I can just hear peoples reactions when I can...dont you already have an indy jacket? why do you need two?

I know a few of you own more than one jacket, and in some cases more than one from more than one vendor.
Why? And whats it like having more than one?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:24 pm
by Holt
welcome to the temple of the jacket loonies

you are ready to enter..


Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:28 pm
by Indiana G
Indiana Holt wrote:welcome to the temple of the jacket loonies

you are ready to enter..

:lol:'re not allowed to comment here as it is only for multiple indy jacket owners..................go by a second jacket and then we can talk :P :lol: :lol: :lol:

joyce....i see that the bug has bitten you. like i said, the quest for THE jacket is the quest for the devine in us all :lol:

are you looking for more authenticity per what you see on the screen or are you looking for a better fit?

regardless....if you start down this road, you're gonna need a second mortgage, so beware :lol:

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:21 pm
by DoubleOhSeven
Indiana Holt wrote:welcome to the temple of the jacket loonies

you are ready to enter..


My wife even calls it a disease.

No cure, I'm afraid.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:32 pm
by crismans
You've come to the wrong place to get an objective answer to the question of is it wrong to want another jacket. That's like asking Mola Ram if he has enough hearts in his collection.

Just take it slow or you'll break the bank--believe me. :o

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:40 pm
by scot2525
Indiana G wrote:
Indiana Holt wrote:welcome to the temple of the jacket loonies

you are ready to enter..

:lol:'re not allowed to comment here as it is only for multiple indy jacket owners..................go by a second jacket and then we can talk :P :lol: :lol: :lol:

joyce....i see that the bug has bitten you. like i said, the quest for THE jacket is the quest for the devine in us all :lol:

are you looking for more authenticity per what you see on the screen or are you looking for a better fit?

regardless....if you start down this road, you're gonna need a second mortgage, so beware :lol:
IJ I "feel you."

I joined COW in May and ordered my first jacket in May. Since May I have recieved three jackets for myself and one for my son. I currently own a Wested ROTLA Novapelle custom and a Todd's standard for myself, I sold off my original Wested OTR authentic lamb. My son has the US Wings "kids" Indy jacket.

I still am considering another jacket purchase for myself, especially after seeing Holt's newest ROTLA jacket.

But the really sick, :shock: :twisted: , thing is I am looking into purchasing my son a more SA and better fitting jacket already.

Re: Is it bad I want another jacket?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:43 pm
by bigrex
Indiana Joyce wrote:Youve seen my custom LC wested novapelle.

But at the same time I see it and think...what if the back was an inch longer..what if you had gotten the silver zipper...what if you had ordered it in goat, or lamb...
Ha, that's how I felt, it always seems like your jacket can be more "perfect" or an even better jacket is just around the bend or something. Maybe it would be cheaper in the long run if we all just pooled resources, hopped a flight to Kent, England, were fitted in person and be done with it already, but I'm sure everyone would still find things to modify anyway. lol. :lol:

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:52 pm
by Raider S
I think you should try to be as happy with the one you have and wear it till it dies. (I have a few of these jackets already, so I'm one to talk.)

But what I've found best for me is my USW cowhide that's turnign out to be great for the winter with it's cotton lining and thicker leather (I live in a place where we measure snow in feet instead of inches) and my Wested washed goat for warmer weather, casual wear.

Don't really need more than that (even though I have more) and the quest for something extreme SA just doesn't have much meaning for me. I'm am tempted by the Expo because I think that would probably be SA enough while lasting a long time.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:59 pm
by crismans
Raider S wrote:
Don't really need more than that (even though I have more) and the quest for something extreme SA just doesn't have much meaning for me. I'm am tempted by the Expo because I think that would probably be SA enough while lasting a long time.
While I do have the SA bug to a certain degree, what gets me is the new hides or a different company. For instance, Wested comes out with the washed goat? I want to see what it's like. I've not owned a G and B or a Magnoli? Dang it, I want to wear one and see what they're like.

It is truly a disease.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:04 pm
by Imahomer
My problem is I CAN afford another jacket, so I have to resist temptations, or I'll be broke buying props, vintage clothing and the like.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:32 am
by indy89
It's a obsession. I ordered a Wested custom Raiders jacket, I haven't received it yet but I'm already thinking of ordering a G&B Expo. Chances are I won't, but the thought of ordering another jacket after I just ordered one scares me. There's no cure.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:41 am
by Zombie Jones
Hmmm...I guess I'm just lucky in that I bought the perfect jacket the first time, so I don't need or want another one. :)

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:25 am
by jacksdad
I own 2 one wested otr goat and a wings goat, I'm torn about getting another one,like wested's TOD or the wings TOD, or saving for a Tony Nowak 1, I was saving but had to use the money for somehing else,plus Holts new jacket is another one I want, my problem is I want only 1 jacket to wear and die with but havn't made up my mind which one that could be. It's a disease but a fun one.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:06 am
by PSBIndy
At one point, I once briefly owned 14's never enough. :)

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:18 am
by Hatch
Zombie Jones wrote:Hmmm...I guess I'm just lucky in that I bought the perfect jacket the first time, so I don't need or want another one. :)
Is yours a TN ?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:11 pm
by rick5150
It is not wrong to want more jackets. You need multiple jackets. Once you have your fill of Indy jackets, there are a LOT of other cool jackets out there. Watch virtually any movie and the main character will be sporting a great jacket. That was my downfall. I liked too many of them. I have long crossed the point where it was 'wrong' to own as many as I have, but it did not seem to slow me down either.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:41 pm
by Texan Scott's bad, it's bad!

So what are you after next? ;-)

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:47 pm
by DVD Connoisseur
Before I discovered Rick's site, number of film jackets in my wardrobe = 0.

I now have 9 in a period of 6 months.... :oops:

The more designs I see, the more I want. Still, as far as addictions go, this one keeps me warm and dry.

Re: Is it bad I want another jacket?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:49 pm
by Browncoat
Indiana Joyce wrote:I can just hear peoples reactions when I can...dont you already have an indy jacket? why do you need two?
Well you can always explain to them that there are FOUR movies. You need one jacket to represent each film! :lol:

The past two years I have been a bit prone to injury so I have gone from being fit to being extremely out of shape to being fit again. Needless to say, because of sizing fluctuations, I had all but stopped buying new jackets during that time.

The great thing was it allowed me to appreciate the ones that I did have. Sometimes its nice to stop and smell the roses, well new leather in this case, before moving on to the next one.

There will always be a want for more...

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:07 pm
by Mississippi Jones
I want more than one jacket because I'm on the quest to find the perfect jacket for me. Perfect length, leather, zipper, fit, etc.....but then, my ideas change. Oh why can't I be content.... :cry:

Oh jacket gods why have you forsaken me!!!! :x

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:16 pm
by rick5150
_ wrote:Me? Oh, I'm just shooting the bull-chips about this. I'm content with the TN CS.
No, no, no! You need a Bates T-2. That style needs someone with a physique, although I have to say that you seem suited to brown more than black. Maybe it is just me. How did the X-2 jacket turn out? Oh, and forget Belstaff - it ain't gonna happen for you. :mrgreen:

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:10 pm
by Texan Scott
IJ asked: "Is it bad, I want another jacket?"

To which I asked:'s bad, it's bad! which one do you want to get next? ;-)

Jacket itch syndrome! :P

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:58 pm
by Indiana Joyce
I want a TOD. I will probably only ever own two jackets, both westeds, because of the price of a custom jacket. Everyone elses price for a custom is way out of my price range. If I could afford it, Id have a Todds, a Nowak, and a couple of Westeds.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:09 am
by Zombie Jones
Hatch wrote:
Zombie Jones wrote:Hmmm...I guess I'm just lucky in that I bought the perfect jacket the first time, so I don't need or want another one. :)
Is yours a TN ?
No; my use of the word "perfect" was a little joke just for me. I have a custom Wested Raiders jacket in Novapelle. Obviously it's not screen accurate, but it's perfect for me, which is exactly what I wanted.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 10:58 am
by Hatch
Zombie Jones wrote:
Hatch wrote:
Zombie Jones wrote:Hmmm...I guess I'm just lucky in that I bought the perfect jacket the first time, so I don't need or want another one. :)
Is yours a TN ?
No; my use of the word "perfect" was a little joke just for me. I have a custom Wested Raiders jacket in Novapelle. Obviously it's not screen accurate, but it's perfect for me, which is exactly what I wanted.
Ahhh........a contented man........for so many the quest goes on and on and........

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 9:38 pm
by HWaltonJonesJr.Phd
when I'm not thinking about another perfect jacket I'm wondering why I'm always thinking about LEATHER *^&%$%*&* JACKETS since I found this site...

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:48 pm
by Zombie Jones
Hatch wrote:
Zombie Jones wrote:
Hatch wrote:
Zombie Jones wrote:Hmmm...I guess I'm just lucky in that I bought the perfect jacket the first time, so I don't need or want another one. :)
Is yours a TN ?
No; my use of the word "perfect" was a little joke just for me. I have a custom Wested Raiders jacket in Novapelle. Obviously it's not screen accurate, but it's perfect for me, which is exactly what I wanted.
Ahhh........a contented man...
Well, as far as the jacket is concerned, anyway. ;-)