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Raiders smoking jacket trousers.

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:15 am
by IndyGeek78
Im trying to work out what trousers Indy is wearing under his Smoking jacket in Raiders. Is it just his Professor torusers or his field trousers (not that this would make sense). Any ideas? ... ts/103.jpg
That's the best image I can get Im afraid.

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:26 am
by binkmeisterRick
I would assume they're the trousers from the suit he was wearing earlier that day.

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:49 am
by IndyGeek78
Thats what I thought. Just thought Id ask

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:35 pm
by knibs7
I thought that was a robe...


Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 5:03 am
by Satipo
And what's on his feet? Is he a slippers or a shoes-inside man?

Re: Raiders smoking jacket trousers.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:19 am
by Mulceber
IndyGeek78 wrote:Im trying to work out what trousers Indy is wearing under his Smoking jacket in Raiders. Is it just his Professor torusers or his field trousers (not that this would make sense). Any ideas? ... ts/103.jpg
That's the best image I can get Im afraid.
Yeah, IIRC, smoking jackets are generally not much longer than waist-length. That's more of a robe. As for what he's wearing under it, I'd imagine the pants he was wearing earlier that day, and either the same shoes as well or barefoot. Indy doesn't strike me as much of a slippers guy or a socks guy. -M

Re: Raiders smoking jacket trousers.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:23 am
by FloatinJoe
Mulceber wrote:
IndyGeek78 wrote:Im trying to work out what trousers Indy is wearing under his Smoking jacket in Raiders. Is it just his Professor torusers or his field trousers (not that this would make sense). Any ideas? ... ts/103.jpg
That's the best image I can get Im afraid.
Yeah, IIRC, smoking jackets are generally not much longer than waist-length. That's more of a robe. As for what he's wearing under it, I'd imagine the pants he was wearing earlier that day, and either the same shoes as well or barefoot. Indy doesn't strike me as much of a slippers guy or a socks guy. -M
The thing to keep in mind is what was originally happening before Marcus showed up. Supposedly, Indy was having an evening with the "Love You" student from earlier in the day. With that being the case, there's a good chance that he was wearing house slippers. Also, due to the length of the jacket/robe, it was probably a dressing gown. They were quite common in the Victorian era and the theater. It is very possible that this could have been a habit he picked up earlier in life.


Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:06 pm
by IndyGeek78
Thats what why I was questioning it. Maybe they're some kind of bed wear and a vest or just casual slacks. I reckon He'd be a slipper man

Re: Raiders smoking jacket trousers.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 7:06 pm
by Indiana Joyce
FloatinJoe wrote:
Mulceber wrote:
IndyGeek78 wrote:Im trying to work out what trousers Indy is wearing under his Smoking jacket in Raiders. Is it just his Professor torusers or his field trousers (not that this would make sense). Any ideas? ... ts/103.jpg
That's the best image I can get Im afraid.
Yeah, IIRC, smoking jackets are generally not much longer than waist-length. That's more of a robe. As for what he's wearing under it, I'd imagine the pants he was wearing earlier that day, and either the same shoes as well or barefoot. Indy doesn't strike me as much of a slippers guy or a socks guy. -M
The thing to keep in mind is what was originally happening before Marcus showed up. Supposedly, Indy was having an evening with the "Love You" student from earlier in the day. With that being the case, there's a good chance that he was wearing house slippers. Also, due to the length of the jacket/robe, it was probably a dressing gown. They were quite common in the Victorian era and the theater. It is very possible that this could have been a habit he picked up earlier in life.

It wasnt the Love You girl. Its the girl waiting outside his classroom that Marcus exchanges glances with. Im assuming the whole point of her character was to establish that what he did to Marion he continues to do.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:47 pm
by FloatinJoe
I stand corrected... same idea; wrong girl.

Re: Raiders smoking jacket trousers.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:13 am
by scot2525
Indiana Joyce wrote:
FloatinJoe wrote:
Mulceber wrote:
IndyGeek78 wrote:Im trying to work out what trousers Indy is wearing under his Smoking jacket in Raiders. Is it just his Professor torusers or his field trousers (not that this would make sense). Any ideas? ... ts/103.jpg
That's the best image I can get Im afraid.
Yeah, IIRC, smoking jackets are generally not much longer than waist-length. That's more of a robe. As for what he's wearing under it, I'd imagine the pants he was wearing earlier that day, and either the same shoes as well or barefoot. Indy doesn't strike me as much of a slippers guy or a socks guy. -M
The thing to keep in mind is what was originally happening before Marcus showed up. Supposedly, Indy was having an evening with the "Love You" student from earlier in the day. With that being the case, there's a good chance that he was wearing house slippers. Also, due to the length of the jacket/robe, it was probably a dressing gown. They were quite common in the Victorian era and the theater. It is very possible that this could have been a habit he picked up earlier in life.

It wasnt the Love You girl. Its the girl waiting outside his classroom that Marcus exchanges glances with. Im assuming the whole point of her character was to establish that what he did to Marion he continues to do.
OK, I give up, where does this information come from? Novel, early screenplay, and where can I find it? :oops: I don't know!

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:41 am
by Mark Brody
I second scot2525's queries. I've never heard any of this before.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:59 pm
by Indiana Joyce
In the Making of book, they have some shots from that scene as it originally played out. Its also mentioned in the novelization, shes talking and hes not even paying attention to her because all he can think about is the Ark, Abner, and what he did to his daughter. Her character was named Susan.

Going to go check the page number and see if I can take a photo to post. hang on.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:25 pm
by Indiana Joyce
I know ive seen pics of the two of them at his house, but its not in the making of book. Now Im not sure where Ive seen it. I do however have this paragraph on page 81 of the book:
"Shortened on July 25, the scene of Brody and Indy speaking about his adventures in Peru had the latter trying to find time for an attractive student named Susan(Pola Churchill). "I shot that in one take," Spielberg says,"basically because I didn't have time to shoot coverage. I had to get out of there in two days."
Back at Elstree, Spielberg shot another scene(which would later be cut) with Indy and Pola Churchill, this time in his house: The libidinous professor is seen lounging with his student when Brody arrives."

This is the only pic I can find.
The caption reads" Ford, Pola Churchill(Susan) and Elliot, in a scene that would be cut where Indy tries to find time for one of his students: Indy is bewildered by another female student who has written LOVE YOU on her eyelids- a Tomblin idea embraced by Spielberg."

Took forever to take that stupid picture lol. I highly reccomend this book. I could take shots of other stuff if anyone is interested.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:31 pm
by McFly
:o Wow.... Go Indy...! :lol:

Learn somethin' new every day! Thanks for the info, guys!


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:32 pm
by Indiana Joyce
Happy to have something to contribute to this site other then pics of me and me trying to buy stuff lol.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:02 am
by knibs7
Thanks for the pic


Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:58 pm
by Indy Magnoli
In the "Lost Journal" there is a paper written by Susan Ryan that Indy comments he has to get back to her. Guess he forgot...

Kind regards,

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:24 am
by carolinamike
If you look really closely it appears that Indy is wearing shoes. I say this 1) because of the shape, not quite a natural foot shape and 2) because of the way the pants bunch a little on the front of the leg. If he was barefoot the pants would come down further. I also believe those are his suit pants from earlier in the day. They appear to have a slight bootcut. This was an old way of cutting pants legs that continues in todays military. In a bootcut the back of the pants leg would be slightly longer than the front to minimize the amount of "bunching" on the top of the shoe. This important because you wouldn't tailor a casual pair of pants with a boot cut. More than likely he just came home and removed the coat and shirt either for comfort or to avoid wrinkling.

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:12 pm
by Canyon
It looks as if those trousers are from his tweed suit as seen in the LOVE YOU eyelids scene. :[

I took this screenshot from the Making of Raiders from the 2003 DVD bonus disc. ;-)


I discussed this a while back as I didn't realise that Indy would have worn suspenders (braces in the UK) with his suits.

What I find hilarous, is that supenders are something entirely different here in the UK!!! :rolling:

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:32 pm
by Jens
Canyon wrote:What I find hilarous, is that supenders are something entirely different here in the UK!!! :rolling:
You mean something more ... well, feminine? ;-)

Great photo, Stella! Like you, I never noticed before that Indy wears ... um, braces with his suits.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:24 am
by carolinamike
I discussed this a while back as I didn't realise that Indy would have worn suspenders (braces in the UK) with his suits.
Actually we call them braces here in the US also. Just most people don't know what braces are. Suspenders are the cheap things that clamp down on your pants. Braces have slots to be used with buttons on the pants. If you walk into a place like Brooks Brothers and ask for braces, they'll know exactly what you're talking about. Unfortunately they'll want you to pay forty dollars for a pair as well. And good luck finding braces at the old S&K.