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Thinking of reblocking my hat myself. Need some help.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:56 pm
by IndianaBogart
I'm thinking of re-blocking my Fed III using a styrofoam block. (as discussed in this post: viewtopic.php?t=35652&highlight=)

I have some questions though:

1) Do I need to remove the liner before re-blocking the hat? (or any other part of the hat?)

2) Do I need to make the top of the block rounded at all or mostly just flat? (Going for Raiders look)

3) It was suggested that I cover my styrofoam block in Bondo. Do I need to compensate, as far as the size of the block goes, for the layer of Bondo applied?

4) What is the most accurate way of measuring my hat so as to make the block the right size for the hat, and prevent stretching or shrinking?

5) Do I need to do anything to the brim or can I just leave it? I don't have a flange and don't have the money to get one. I'm wanting to reblock my hat so that I can turn it. (I wasn't aware of turning a hat when I first got my Fed III) But I ironed part of the brim a little bit to get one side of it flat (SOC). Like I said, I wasn't aware of the turn at the time. :oops: Anyway, I guess what I'm just asking is if after the hat is re-blocked, and then I turn it and bash it, will the brim still have the swoops, etc. Or does something need to be done to the brim?

I know this was long and probably confusing, but hopefully some of you can help me out.

Thanks guys,

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 3:38 pm
by BendingOak
-You will need to remove all the parts.

- I wouldn't use styrofoam block but i would cover it and i think you would need to adjust for this.

- You would want a full dome not a flat one.

- You will need to flange the brim.

- For the measurement for the block depends on what you head measurement is. If you give me your head measurements or what the sweatband was cut to. Then I could give you an answer.

It seems like a lot of work and I think you will end up spending about the same money if you had someone re-block it for you. Thats if all you are doing is to re-block the hat to get the turn in. If it's to learn, then the hat will go to a good learning experience.

There a little bit more to it than just pulling the parts out and stretching it over the block and putting it back together. I messed up many a hats and raw bodies learning that one.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 4:03 pm
by IndianaBogart
Thanks, Oak. I've been thinking about having my hat re-blocked for awhile. When I saw the thread I posted I thought that it may be easier than sending it off to someone. And I would be able to hopefully learn how to do it myself. But I mostly just want it done so that I can turn it. I think you've have convinced me to just send it off to have it re-blocked. I'll probably do that after Christmas when I'll be getting my moonstone Fed IV \:D/ That way I won't be hatless. Thanks for advice....and for saving me a lot of time and frustration. :)


Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 5:54 pm
by BendingOak
If you want to learn, thats the only way. Better of getting hats that are worth nothing to you to practice on first. this way you wont spend that much on them and you wont feel bad after trashing it.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 5:56 pm
by IndianaBogart

Thanks for the advice Oak. It's very much appreciated. :)

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:46 am
by darthbish
can a hat be reblocked without removing the sweatband??

Why does it need to come out??

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:22 am
by BendingOak
Think about the space the sweatband takes up.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:26 am
by DR Ulloa
darthbish, think of a reblock as getting your car tires balanced and rotated. You need to do it if your car is pulling one way or another. To do it, you have to take the wheels off and recalibrate and then put the, back on in different spots to keep things fresh. Same deal. You cannot reblock a hat without removing the liner. Hatters have to comensate for a sweat band when they block your hat, making sure to leave enough space for it. Blocking a hat with the sweat on just won't do much.


Edit: Oak got to it before I did. ;-)

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:37 am
by darthbish about if I use the example of a hat with severe taper, for instance..

even taking the sweatband into account, making a block that would counter the taper would surely be a better look..Wouldn't it??

Get me??

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:01 am
by BendingOak
I guess I look at it this way. I never say to my self well that would be good enough. I hate the way it sounds.

To answer your question, it would improve it some. You would have to use a block one size smaller than was used to make the hat.