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"Gear"...Real World or Costume Use?
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:21 pm
by Randall
Randall wrote:Hatch wrote:This has probably been brought up in past but after reading Randall's post just wanted to add ..........they're not just "costume" boots great for weekends , hiking , work boots etc you sure don't have to baby them...Hatch
Agreeded,. but I would say that most folks here would wear them as part of the whole costume and little if any for daily wear or real life adventuring.
Michaelson wrote:Sounds like a good subject for a poll, Randall.
Why don't you start one in the general gear section? That's an interesting thesis!
Regards! Michaelson
So here it is. Name your gear items and let us know if they are strictly for costuming, real life adventuring (wearing the item(s) every or nearly every day), or a little of both. Pictures of the gear in action are always encouraged.
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:22 pm
by Michaelson
There you go. 100% for real world use. Time to lock this thread....

Regards! Michaelson
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:33 pm
by Marc
Real world for me. Every single day wear is the following:
-Shirt (when clean of course)
I don't wear the holster and the whip to the office though, but I prefer something that could have been worn by Indy back then - had he ever existed.
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:35 pm
by Jens
He said it! It's not a costume at all for me ... it's "field gear".
I try to find a "real world use" for every single piece of the gear ... even got a special holster made ... for my throwel. ;-)
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:14 pm
by Bowie
Real world items only!
Jacket - G&B goatskin (need I say more)
AB - From Steve (One Heck of a guy to boot)
405 Aldens with a pair of AF64's on the way- great boots
Todds shirt is one of, if not my favorite shirt to wear
New classic S&W M1917 .45 5.5" barrel (more accurate & less kick)
Wested pants, very comfy
Keppler Holster and belt w/ holder attached (Excellent quality)
Paul Nolan whip, but not exactly socially acceptable to wear in public
Original MKVII w/Keppler strap and AB buckle - don't leave home w/o it.
However I do not wear said gear all at the same time unless the occasion calls.
I base all my purchases on how usable they are in real life. They all need to be both rugged and functional for me to spend my money.
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:33 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Real world, whether on campus, traveling to a conference, everyday, or even archaeological digs:
-Cabela's brown leather jacket
-Cabela's safari shirts.
-Todd's web belts
-close-enough boots, bag, and pants

best wishes,
Nebraska Schulte
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:52 pm
by Erri
For me it's a bit of both...
I don't really go in many adventures and my "field" is not anywhere near Jens'.
In the list of stuff I wear as normal outwear there is my jacket, my shoes and my gas mask bag first of all. I'm not scared to use them but neither I abuse of them (a part from the jacket... the more abuse the better).
My trousers and shirt are from Noel Howard, I wear them normally but also very carefully. The shirt is a very special one so it is worn only when I'm sure it won't get dirty (although it has been on a couple of steam trains, no problem with that).
The hat is used even more rarely but not because it's a costume piece, just because where I usually go I have nowhere where to put it and I don't want to hold it on my laps for hours.
So... costume gear? Not really. I bought most of the stuff because I knew I could wear it and match it with other clothes of mine. Unless you wear all at the same time it will never look like an indiana jones costume.
The only parts I consider as costume are the whip and the gunbelt.
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:03 pm
by Wade Egan
In order of importance:
BAG. I use my various MK VIIs every day.
HAT. I still wear my Stetson Indiana Jones from 1988. It's been around the world with me a couple of times.
SHIRT. Love the shirts, I wear mine at least once a week just going out with jeans, shorts or pants.
PANTS. I wear my Indy pants with t-shirt or button down for everyday outings.
WEB BELT. Wearing my brown Raiders web belt right now with shorts.
GUN BELT. I wear my TOD and my LC gun belts with jeans, shorts or pants. Through the loops of course. No gun or whip.
BOOTS. I rocked my Indy boots all over Southeast Asia for a couple of months recently. Brought them and a pair of flip flops. No issues.
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:12 pm
by IndianaBogart
Costume Items:
-Whip holder
Real World:
-Jacket: wear it everyday when the weather calls for it
-shirt: wear it just like any other shirt
-pants: wear them just like any other pants
-web belts: wear them almost every day
-gun belt: wear it when I'm not wearing a web belt
-boots: wear my CE boots all the time
-bag: use it to put small items in for trips, and for carry on bag. and I keep an "emergency" bag in my car
-hat: don't wear my hat out in public right now 'cause it's covered in Fuller's. But when my moonstone FED IV comes.....
-whip: I practice wit my whip as often as possible, but I don't carry it out in public
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:18 pm
by Gater
well as of this writing, I am in a Wested pre-D cowhide Raiders (converted to CS) a Cabelas shirt, Levi's and JCrew Deckers and my trusty fedora. Tough-as-nails gear for a tough-as-nails Private Eye!
(aw! I broke a nail!)
real world for me
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:57 pm
by Connecticut Jones
Hat - Fed IV, my 'non-work' hat -- worn for trips to the mall, hiking with the family, running errands. I wear a fedora every day, and this is my go to bad weather hat and weekend hat
pants - Cabela's close enoughs - super comfortable and durable
shirt - Cabela's close enough or Wal-Mart close enough
I have a couple of different colors of the pants and shirts, I coordinate so I'm not always looking just like Indy
boots- J. Crew close enoughs (Redwing manufactured) amazing comfort, great for previously mentioned hiking with family, wearing on weekends
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:02 pm
by Cammer
This is a really great thread. It really shows where the appeal of the gear of Indiana Jones lies. Sure, some of the appeal is because it is directly associated with a heroic character with whom most of us can readily identify, but the main attraction to this gear lies from the everyday usefulness and practicality of it. It is so practical that most of us can find an application for at least a few of the elements every day.
At least for now, the poll shows this is true. No one has cast a vote that their Indy gear is for Costume Use only. That truly says a lot.
The creator of the Indy Jones character really hit on a rare combination of the hero and the common man. Indiana Jones doesn't have any super powers, he really doesn't have any great abilities that any one of us wouldn't be able to develop given the proper motivation. In fact, the best part of Indiana Jones comes from his weaknesses and his ability to make the best of his many mistakes. Therein lies his greatest appeal IMHO.
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:37 pm
by whipwarrior
I fall squarely into the 'both' category. Obviously I bought the stuff because it's what Indy wears in the movies, but almost without exception, it's very well-built to handle everyday use. I mean, I've had my Alden #405's for nearly ten years, and they are still going strong. Same goes for my Noel Howard clothing and Mk-VII bag, David Morgan bullwhip and Herbert Johnson fedora. Practical, durable, and stylish.
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 3:45 am
by Zombie Jones
I'm in the "Little of Both" group myself.
Hat (Fed IV standard) - I wear it whenever the mood strikes, weather permitting.
Jacket (Wested Raiders Novapelle) - Worn whenever weather permits.
Shirt (Todd's) - Worn whenever the mood strikes.
Pants (L.L. Bean Chinos) - Could go either way, but mostly for costuming. I'm a Levi's kind of guy and I rarely wear dress pants, brown dress pants even less.
Boots (Dr. Martens) - Worn whenever the mood strikes.
Web Belt - Worn whenever.
Mk VII (Todd's) - Costume only; at this point I have no real need for an every-day bag.
Gunbelt (Tandy Leather) - Costume only.
Holster (Todd's) and gun (Airsoft) - Costume only.
Whip (Caicedo) - Though it's a real whip and I have fun with it, it would only be worn as a costume item.
Gloves (Wells Lamont) - Worn on those infrequent occasions I do yardwork.
That's the great thing about Indy gear--except for the whip and gunbelt, every item is practical for every day use.
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:28 am
by Indiana Joosse
I guess I fall into the "little of both" group as well.
Because I have been wearing my jacket every day since received it, and I wear my hat and Mk. VII whenever it is appropriate.
But I usually don't wear items like my revolver and holster in the street. That would probably get me arrested...
Mind you, I have been using them at re-enactment events, but I figured that something like that would fall into the 'costume' category. Wich is why I ticked both.
The only item that I have never really worn is my whip. I have one, because every respectable Indy fan sort of has to have one. But I'm generally not too fond of carrying it around...

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:59 am
by jedidentist
My jacket and MkVII get everyday use. Alden's...when I feel like it. MBA pants...sometimes. But for me, the fedora and everything else it pretty much exclusively costume. When my AB finally arrives, I'll probably wear it a lot more than my Keppler.
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:47 am
by Last Crusader
I started a similar thread some time ago.
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:20 pm
by jacksdad
I chose everyday use....
jacket wested goat wear it every day
close enough boots everyday for work
bag everyday no matter what
shirt wested, and Todds when washed at least 2 times a week.
I haven't gotten any real Indy pants yet, but I wear cargo pants everyday.
Fedora occasionally it's a fed,but when I get my Penman everyday.
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:49 pm
by Darth Indiana
a bit of both.
I dont' leave the house without my Fed 3
Alternate between the web belt and gunbelt for daily wear - web with Slacks and gunbelt with jeans
Boots all day, everyday.
Slacks on warmer days and when the occassion calls for it.
Shirt is fairly regular, especially now that the weather is cooling off
MK-VII i take whenever I hike.
I don't have a proper Inyd Jacket yet, but my cow A-2 has been daily wear during the cooler months, rain or shine, for about eight years now.
The only things that are worn only with full gear are the whip and holster. Practice often with the whip but never wear it in public, and i can't buy a handgun yet anyway, so the holster literally just a costume piece.
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:52 pm
by Renderking Fisk
I don't dress up, I don't Cos-Play. What you see in my avatars are the real deal.
What's the use in buying this stuff if it's just going to hide in the closet?
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:05 pm
by Indiana Joosse
Renderking Fisk wrote:I don't dress up, I don't Cos-Play. What you see in my avatars are the real deal.
What's the use in buying this stuff if it's just going to hide in the closet?
That kind of depends on if your closet leads to Narnia or not...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:12 pm
by Indiana G
real world for me. i don't feel right without an indy jacket, fedora and alden boots. if i'm not wearing that, then i'm in my pajamas

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:16 pm
by GoldenHistorian
really wish we say indy pyjamas when indy was packing.
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:16 pm
by Renderking Fisk
Indiana G wrote:real world for me. i don't feel right without an indy jacket, fedora and alden boots. if i'm not wearing that, then i'm in my pajamas

Try wearing your pajama's with your fedora. It's like a thinking cap first thing in the morning... only better looking!
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:43 pm
by Soup
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:46 pm
by whipitgood
A little of both. For real world use, boots, web belt and shirt for me. The fedora if weather permits.
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:09 pm
I chose a little of both. Daily use of the Jacket and Boots. The rest of the gear is strictly for costuming.
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:41 pm
by Kevin_Kenobi
Real World:
Todd's boots
Wings Jacket
Magnoli's MKVII Bag with Todd's strap

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:09 pm
by tunic
Real world, I wear something everyday if it's only a web belt. But I always have something Indy on.
Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 12:09 pm
by scot2525
I am a little bit of both. I have several items that are strictly costume or display; MKVII bag, gun belt, holster, whip holder, Ark diary, map room brush, and pocket knife.
I do wear other peices of the gear in everyday life when the opportunity presents itself. I wear one of my two jackets anytime I have a chance, the shirt a couple times a month, the pants for any casual or semi casual business function, the hat a few times a week depending on the rest of my attire, the web belt a few times a week, and the boots several times a week.
The whip falls into a different category. I of course only "wear" it for costuming but do take it out in the yard or down to the park to practice cracking with it.
I forgot to add the Imco lighter (Marion's lighter), I use it almost everyday.