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Bike Crawl=Fun and DISASTEROUS!

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 9:25 pm
by Nebraska Brad
Ok, so last night I went on the yearly Bicycle Pub Crawl. Basically a bunch of folks get dressed up in costumes and ride bikes to various bars. A fun time always. This year I was happy to have what I felt was a good Indy getup. I have posted some pics on another thread: ... G_0248.jpg

Let me tell you Indy would not have survived had he been required to ride a bike with all of that horse###t on! Kind of a pain especially when you have a nice MK VII that quickly becomes everyone else's purse that you then carry (lousy freeloaders ;-) ) Anywho, I was just slinging my gun belt around my head and shoulder while we rode to avoid things getting tangled in my wheels and it was doing pretty well. At closing time (1 AM) we decided to ride to Village Inn for a late night snack. I must not have secured my 10' DelCapio as well as previously because it worked loose and started dragging on the pavement for a bit before I noticed.
:cry: ... G_0265.jpg ... G_0269.jpg

I know the pics are not that great but it is TRASHED. All the way to the core. I know Bernardo can tie a new turk's head but this is a drag because of the money, the shipping, the waiting and the fact that the whip was getting broken in nicely and a new shiny knot will just not look great.

Let this be a lesson to us all that bikes, whiskey and whips may not be a great combination especially when one overdoes the whiskey. :x :oops: :cry:


Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 9:50 pm
by Cracker
Let this be a lesson to us all that bikes, whiskey and whips may not be a great combination especially when one overdoes the whiskey. Mad Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Don't worry Brad, that will be an easy fix :) Sounds like you had a good time.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:50 pm
by WhipDude
Ouch. I about had a heart attack seeing that photo. Thats why Mutt did the driving and Indy carried no gear on the bike. :p Thats an easy fix for any skilled whip maker. Just pop that sucker off and on goes a new one.

Well, now you are getting more accurate to the truck dragging scene in raiders!

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:18 am
by Texas Raider
Yeah, no worries, bro! Easy fix for the makers! But I can imagine how you feel!


Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:37 am
by McFly
:o :cry: That's almost as sad as looking at pics of wrecked DeLoreans!

Sorry to hear about that, bro. But on the other hand... if you DO send it to Bernardo to fix, wait until after the QM, cuz he's gotta make mine first!! :lol: ;-)


Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:40 am
by maboot38
Dude? You mean to tell me you didn't see that coming? Last time I got drunk in gear, I lost my whip (never found it).

Add bicycles, and you are only one step away from a Darwin award (or perhapes we should call it a Belloq award).

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:17 pm
by Nebraska Brad
maboot38 wrote:Dude? You mean to tell me you didn't see that coming? Last time I got drunk in gear, I lost my whip (never found it).

Add bicycles, and you are only one step away from a Darwin award (or perhapes we should call it a Belloq award).
Yeah I did sort of see it coming. I spent the entire night fiddling with the whip to make sure it remained secured. My original idea was to zip tie it together and not worry about it but thought that I would be called to give at least 1 whip demo that evening and wanted to be able to oblige.

I did give a couple demos and the crowds absolutely loved it. People we amazed at how loud it was and may pics were snapped. The police were called and responded to one midtown bar :twisted:

I'm such a rebel


Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:40 pm
by maboot38
Yeah, I'm sure the whip will get a spin or two from me on Friday as well. Bring it on, cops!

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 3:32 pm
by raider 57
Brad ,those pics are a real bummer!!
In a way though,I'd say you may have got off easy Brad. Had the whip come loose and entangled in your wheels and/or rear cogs you could have had a bad spill. Possibly resulting bodily/head injuries,bike damage and whip damage which all could have been much worse especially if any speed was involved. Take it from me,bike crashes = no fun!

Anyway,Glad to hear the knot damage is repairable.
-raider 57

BTW,I'm considering a Bernardo for my next whip.

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 4:29 pm
by Nebraska Brad
raider 57 wrote:Brad ,those pics are a real bummer!!
In a way though,I'd say you may have got off easy Brad. Had the whip come loose and entangled in your wheels and/or rear cogs you could have had a bad spill. Possibly resulting bodily/head injuries,bike damage and whip damage which all could have been much worse especially if any speed was involved. Take it from me,bike crashes = no fun!

Anyway,Glad to hear the knot damage is repairable.
-raider 57

BTW,I'm considering a Bernardo for my next whip.
Thanks Raider

Yeah bike wrecks are no fun. I have had my fair share to be sure (stupid exercise supposed to be good for you ;-) ).

Bernardo is a great choice for your next whip. He has come to the rescue for me a few times and is great to deal with. This particular whip will be shipped back to him this week for repair. He tied a new turks on my faulty Morgan not too long ago and did an excellent job.


Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:42 pm
by Indiana Jake
Consider getting a whip for thrashing at parties (cheap!) and set aside a really good cracking whip. Only the gearheads will know!

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:41 pm
by maboot38
Yup. Give JRZJOE a ring!