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Same question asked 10000x by a different guy

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 12:10 am
by CapKimmel
I am wanting a new Wested, 'cause my currnet one is too big. I owned one pior to this, it was great, but the sleeves were just a little too short and I needed a small bit more shoulder room. Two minor points I wish I had simply lived with, cause now, I really miss that jacket and I don't want to ask my brother for it back. . . I've rattled on. So I'll be brief. . .now. Both jackets were new cow, which doesn't distress much. I like the durability, but want that distressing that comes so easily to lamb. It's also California, and I need something not SO warm. Does goat distress as well as lamb and can it be worn comfortably in warmer weather? Will it still be warm enough in the cold.
There. That was brief, wasn't it?
ahhh, @#$%.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 1:10 am
by CEEJAY928
I live in California, and I currently have a wested lamb, and I love it.

I plan on getting a authentic goat within a few weeks.
I've taken advice that it's fairly light, and cool enough
for California weather (75-80 degrees), meaning, its not too heavy.

as far as distressing goes. I'm not sure. I haven't ordered the
goat yet. there are a few people who have distressed the new
authentic goat.

The best thing for you to do is look for those links on your own.
It's better that way, and you'll see many persepectives about them.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 10:33 am
by Indiana Joe
Although I cannot add much to the discussion in the area of distressing the goat b/c it is such a tough hide. Naturally, it takes awhile.

As far as warmth, I wore my Flightsuits goatskin in 75 degree and a little warmer weather. I was fine and didn't even break a sweat. Now, I must add, I am VERY acclimated to warm weather (I don't get hot easily) and I get cold rather easily so keep that in mind with my comments. That said, I wore my goat without a sweater in weather as cold as 20 degrees and was just fine unless there was a very strong wind.

Hope that helps,


Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 11:26 am
by Sergei
I own a Wested and FS goat. The batch that Peter had in late 2001, at least distressed real well, NATURALLY. I was starting to see highlights in the seams only after about 6 weeks. After 12 months, the highlights were much more visible.

I also have the Wested New Cow. I would agree with you, that for California, Goat is much better. The cowhide is much, much heavier and warmer. I tend to wear the cow, only when it is real cold and I want that extra warmth. Two thumbs up, that goat is more durable than cow. Lamb is a different story. Although you could probably wear it in warmer weather, the durablity aspect of the leather leaves it much to be desired. If it snags on anything, the leather tears.

Just my .02.
