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Whip Basics: A Beginners Guide - REVIEW!

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:46 am
by Shagbd
hello my friends!
I have received my copy of Robby's Whip Basics DVD and have posted a full review here on

but also here is the review in case you do not wish to register to read that thread

Well, I just received my Review copy of Whip Basics from Robby.
He contacted me sometime back and asked if i would mind reviewing it for him.
He explained the process that was involved with making this video and i was really blown away.
As Lauren has mentioned it went through nine different revisions to get what we have here, and the effort put into it is very obvious.
The market that this video enters is very small. To my knowledge the only other whip instructional videos on the market are the two volume Alex Green videos, the Mike Murphy videos, and Anthony Delongis has several as well. Unfortunantly, I have not seen Mr Delongis' videos so i cannot comment, however to the other two, I have to say that this new video is far superior.
I have been a martial arts instructor for nearly 9 years, and involved in martial arts even longer. I would like to think that my experience has given me the insight and the ability to determine what methods work in teaching and instruction.
The problem with other videos on whip cracking is that they sorta rush through the "basics" and try to get to the more advanced techniques. My martial arts instructor always told us, the THREE most important things are : "Basics, Basics and ...BASICS". It brought a smile to my face to hear Robby preaching this same philosophy on his DVD.
He takes each crack and breaks it down in detail showing not only the RIGHT way to do a crack, but also some incorrect technique. I think this is very important. It is just as important to teach what TG do as it is to teach what NOT TO do.

I plan to do this review in two parts.
Part one was just for me to watch it and give my thoughts as i did above...
The second part is to let my wife watch it and see how much she can learn. She has had very little experience with the whip, so it will be interesting to see what a "fresh mind" can do with it.

Again Robby, I am very impressed with your video and "all i can say is WOW"!


Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 3:43 am
by Whip Basics
Thanks for the review,

and as I wrote before... I did my best, but now it's on all of you to judge it. At least I still can't believe that you started only five month ago...
I'm very curious what your wife thinks and if she'll find the tutorial helpful. Tony brought up a very interesting point in all this, when he said
that this tutorial is not only for the beginners, but it can help the advanced to teach. I've never seen it that way...

Thanks again for your review and don't forget to post what your wife says!


Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:04 pm
by Shagbd
Oh i WILL!
This is only PART ONE of my review, I hope to let her work with it a while and see how she can progress with ONLY the video

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:32 pm
by Shagbd
PART TWO OF THE REVIEW: A newbies perspective...

As Promised, I got my wife to try out the DVD and try some of the cracks. She has only ever cracked with me a few times so i considered her a pretty good example of a "fresh mind" on the subject. I gave her my 6 foot Huntress nylon whip because A) Robby suggests in the video that 6 ft is the best length for beginners and B) names Steven Huntress as a great nylon whipmaker....... I figure I was giving her the best tool for the job to start with.

She has watched the Mike Murphy and Alex Green videos with me previously and really couldnt even sit through them. She found those rather boring, and lost interest pretty quickly. However, we sat together and watched Robby's video and she was laughing at all the right parts, his jokes.... and she was very engaged in the explanations and analogies given to each crack. She would really related when he would compare to to another movement (IE: Underhand is like bowling). She also really liked the explanations of how NOT to do the crack and the emphasis on letting the whip crack itself and not overpowering.

I did not want to rush her or give too much information at once, so she just watched the two cracks and got them down pat!..... The underhand flick was a bit more challenging, but she got it.......

During this whole process i was trying my best NOT to say anything or add any details beyond what Robby said in the video to see how she would do if i TRUELY was not there. Overall i would say the video was a HUGE success for her and even though bullwhips are not really her "thing", she picked it up really quickly and I have no doubt would be able to continue through the video with equal success with other cracks.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:34 pm
by bobm2004
I just got mine today and watched it just now. Its 10:20 PM, it raining and I just watched the whole thing trough. I am desperate to get outside and start cracking right this very second!!! I of course know that my mentor Adam would have my scalp if he found out I was using on of my leather whips outside in the rain!

I found the explanation on the four basic cracks to be awesome. Having only been cracking for a couple of months now it really showed me that I had a few things right and a few things that need improvement and how to link the cracks into combination's, something that has eluded me to this moment. I can see the coming weekend to be a crack feast-my poor neighbors!! The format was simple and easy to understand. The demonstrations were both in tight and far view. The explanation of the mechanics were perfect. The emphasis on letting the whip do the work is repeated throughout with good reason, as even his slow motion demo's get little baby pops! His voice is very clear, the instructions precise and very easy to understand. Very enjoyable.

I wish to send out thanks to both the maker of this fine DVD, Robert for making this fine tutorial and to Midwest Whips for bringing it to America for a VERY reasonable price.


Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:44 pm
by jabahutt70
I received my copy a week ago today, so last Friday. Just watched it through last night on my laptop and thought it to be an excellent video for beginner whipcrackers.

Also, as Tony mentioned somewhere, it's a great resource to learn some tips on teaching others how to crack. We all have friends & family members that at some point will probably like to try to crack a whip, even if they don't want to sit through an entire video, especially one of A.G.s vids, as David said are pretty dry. Robby provides a good method for teaching, beneficial to both new & experienced whipcrackers.

Excellent job on the video, Robby, my hat's off to you! Looking forward to seeing the next volume.


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