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Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 6:31 am
by afrayedknot
Has anyone had sleeves replaced on a Wested because the sleeves were too short? I sent mine back to Wested for that reason, but the problem now is matching the color of the sleeves with the jacket. Has anyone had any experience with this situation?

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 6:40 am
by Kt Templar
Yes, an ex member from here did and it proved impossible to match as the leather is fractionally different in colour from batch to batch.

The quicker it is sent back the more likely you might get a match, (ie if they still have the same batch).

But in practice due to the high turnover of skins it may not be possible. You could to sell the jacket and get another. Or if the jacket is unworn ask for a replacement.

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:18 am
by afrayedknot
By fractionally different, do you mean noticeably different? Would you notice the difference once the leather started to wear?

Gemma also suggested letting the sleeves down, but mentioned there would be a slight crease.

I'm leaning towards replacing the sleeves with a slightly different color, but only if the difference wasn't too noticeable. But I was wondering what your thoughts were on letting the sleeves down. Can something be done about the crease?

If all else fails, I'll have her return it to me as is.

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:33 am
by Kt Templar
When he was wearing it he didn't notice the difference. But when he saw some flash photographs of him it became apparent, and once you know it's there....

If you can have them let down I would suggest doing that. Yes, there will be a line, but I feel it better than having mismatching sleeves. As time passes the leather vendors they use may have changed so there may be a big difference between the stock they have now and what your jacket was made from. Not just the shade, maybe even the thickness and the grain.

That said, I've seen a few jackets form other vendors here that came with different shades on every panel. To a certain extent all washed and 'less processed' leather naturally has a bit of variance between skins so they have to skillfully match panels to minimise the effect.

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:39 am
by crismans
I think KT's right on this one. A crease would be less noticeable than having sleeves that are off a tone or two in color. Hopefully, you could massage the crease and lessen it over time.

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:47 am
by afrayedknot
Does anyone remember who it was that had their sleeves replaced?

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:04 pm
by Kt Templar
Eg of colour matching, compare the upper and lower panels on the sleeve...


Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:07 pm
by Holt
wow those are the best CS pockets and placement I have seen from wested.

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:11 pm
by Kt Templar
Indiana Holt wrote:wow those are the best CS pockets and placement I have seen from wested.
Lol, that IS a CS production jacket! A Nowak.

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:13 pm
by Holt
oh my god thats funny :lol:

you had me there...

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:53 pm
by RCSignals
Kt Templar wrote:Eg of colour matching, compare the upper and lower panels on the sleeve...

It's distressed leather. What's supposed to match ? I don't see a problem with that jacket that's supposed to look like it's survived a few decades of hard use.

More than one hide goes into the making of a jacket, and each hide even if from the same 'batch' can have slight variations in colour. It's a natural product after all, not a man made piece of vinyl. The variations may not be that noticeable but they will be there. I'm referring here to non distressed hides.
The first ToD I had has slight variations in colour of the different pieces, they are noticeable in certain light. The second does as well, but less so.

An exact colour match may never be possible when replacing sleeves, but I think a close and reasonable match could may be made with careful selection of hide.

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:06 am
by Indiana G
an exact colour match is rather difficult, but i saw the jacket that is in was a really, really bad job. it looked like a varsity jacket imo.

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:13 am
by Baldwyn
Indiana G wrote:an exact colour match is rather difficult, but i saw the jacket that is in was a really, really bad job. it looked like a varsity jacket imo.
Are you talking about the repaired Wested?

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:16 am
by Indiana G
Baldwyn wrote:
Indiana G wrote:an exact colour match is rather difficult, but i saw the jacket that is in was a really, really bad job. it looked like a varsity jacket imo.
Are you talking about the repaired Wested?

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:20 am
by RCSignals
Indiana G wrote:
Baldwyn wrote:
Indiana G wrote:an exact colour match is rather difficult, but i saw the jacket that is in was a really, really bad job. it looked like a varsity jacket imo.
Are you talking about the repaired Wested?
It would have to be done with very careful selection, even making sure perhaps that the sleeves were slightly different in exact match to each other, so that 'varsity jacket' effect wouldn't happen.
Maybe there'd have to be a little distressing go on too.

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:29 am
by Kt Templar
RCSignals wrote:
Indiana G wrote:
It would have to be done with very careful selection, even making sure perhaps that the sleeves were slightly different in exact match to each other, so that 'varsity jacket' effect wouldn't happen.
Maybe there'd have to be a little distressing go on too.
Repeat, he wore it for a while and only noticed it was different when seen with flash photography. I'm sure the same happened when they were making it. It was only that apparent with the flash.

The moral is, don't try to change the sleeves, leather can change colour from batch to batch. It is a natural product.

The Nowak was a jacket for the production. Whilst individual jackets were different to each other, that difference in the sleeve is 'surprisingly' big for one jacket, especially as it was for the production.

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:31 am
by Kt Templar
RCSignals wrote:
Kt Templar wrote:Eg of colour matching, compare the upper and lower panels on the sleeve...

It's distressed leather. What's supposed to match ? I don't see a problem with that jacket that's supposed to look like it's survived a few decades of hard use.

More than one hide goes into the making of a jacket, and each hide even if from the same 'batch' can have slight variations in colour. It's a natural product after all, not a man made piece of vinyl. The variations may not be that noticeable but they will be there. I'm referring here to non distressed hides.
The first ToD I had has slight variations in colour of the different pieces, they are noticeable in certain light. The second does as well, but less so.

An exact colour match may never be possible when replacing sleeves, but I think a close and reasonable match could may be made with careful selection of hide.

You're not talking to some noobie here. I just told you that.

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:00 pm
by afrayedknot
If I decide to let the sleeves out, other than the crease, should I be concerned about anything else?

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:04 pm
by Indiana G
hopefully you don't run out of lining material.

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:50 pm
by afrayedknot
Should I ask if they can replace the lining in the sleeves when they let it out?

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:03 pm
by Indiana G
afrayedknot wrote:Should I ask if they can replace the lining in the sleeves when they let it out?
that would definitely make it a bigger job. based on the tailor i use, and she is one of the best that i've used, altering my sleeve length (shortening them) was about $40 CDN. i do not know how much it would be to replace the lining of the sleeves. i replaced the entire lining in my overcoat for about $100 CDN so the sleeves should be alot less.

good luck. i suggest taking it to a good tailor so they can examine it and give you a cost.

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:19 pm
by Indiana Croft
Well I'm not an ex member, but I did send my Auth. Goat back for the same reason, they were a tad short. I spoke with Peter about my situation way back then and I was in luck as he still had leather from my batch.
Heres a pic, it's been acouple year since I had it done, but you certanetly can't tell that the sleeves were replaced. I was lucky.
Croft :mrgreen:

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:45 pm
by afrayedknot
Has anyone had the sleeves let down on their jacket? I'm leaning towards having this done, and, if necessary, replacing the lining. I'm just wondering if there are any other concerns I need to take into consideration.

Re: Replacing sleeves on a Wested

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 5:47 pm
by Tibor
Hey afrayedknot,

I've had the sleeves of a Wested special veg-tanned let out (sent it back to Wested). I've attached a link to show the result. A darker leather may not show quite so much, but it only really got me an extra half to 3/4 inch. ... sleeve.jpg