I have had this bag since April and it has begun to fray in places such as the strap and around the metal ring which attaches th strap to the bag. I use this as my purse so it has some slight weight to it but I thought it was sturdier than that. I'm not sure if it's dry rot or just frayed because of use or if there is any way to fix it. I'm not so much worried about the strap since I can buy the leather one to replace it but if the ring comes off I'm not sure if it can be fixed. I would be very sad to lose it. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I have posted links to pictures I took to help visualize the problem.
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h263/ ... ag0002.jpg
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h263/ ... ag0003.jpg
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h263/ ... ag0004.jpg
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h263/ ... ag0005.jpg
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h263/ ... ag0006.jpg
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h263/ ... ag0007.jpg
frayed MKVII?
Moderator: Dalexs
- Lady Morgan
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- Posts: 12
- Joined: Sat Jun 03, 2006 8:01 pm
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The only way to stop the fray is to use a polyester thread to sew up the end where the fry has started.. then you need to minimize the weight b/c that type of fray is because your bag's weight is too heavy.
* polyester is a good pick b/c it is stronger than nylon and cotton plus it's a bit more heat resistant which makes it better if you tend to wash/ dry your bag... also a polyester thread tends to hold it's shape and resists stretching so for a bag it helps hold a bit more weight....
Also, you might be wearing your bag too low for the amount of weight inside.. causing the snag on the o ring... if you notice that most purses that are large have thick straps that are worn high b/c the more weight a purse has the closer it has to be to the shoulder so it's evenly distributed...
I hope this helps!!!!!!
* polyester is a good pick b/c it is stronger than nylon and cotton plus it's a bit more heat resistant which makes it better if you tend to wash/ dry your bag... also a polyester thread tends to hold it's shape and resists stretching so for a bag it helps hold a bit more weight....
Also, you might be wearing your bag too low for the amount of weight inside.. causing the snag on the o ring... if you notice that most purses that are large have thick straps that are worn high b/c the more weight a purse has the closer it has to be to the shoulder so it's evenly distributed...
I hope this helps!!!!!!
I know this thread is a month old, but I just posted a possible solution to this problem here - viewtopic.php?t=35964