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airborne express and lost jacket

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 12:59 am
by indy1936
my raiders jacket shipped out last thursday. there haven't
been any updates to the tracking page since then. it turns out
that airborne has misplaced several "bags" of packages.
apparently one of those bags contained my jacket.
the plane landed in ohio but the jacket is lost somewhere
between there and london. ahhh!!! something similar to
this happened about 4 years ago when i ordered my first
jacket. wish me luck!


Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 1:17 am
by Captain D
O, man, I'm sorry to hear that! :cry:

I was chatting with Neosmatrix just the other day, and I believe that the same thing happened to his jacket as well.....but I hope that everyone recieves their jackets soon, best wishes, and keep us updated!

Captain D

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 9:26 am
by Pyroxene
That's awful. Keep us posted on what happens.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 9:50 am
by MK
Oh man :( Now you are making me worried. Airborne says my jacket left London on March 27th with no updates. :evil:

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 10:39 am
by Mike
Neos told me he called Airgborne and they said that his hang up was in customs and that he had to give them documentation to get it out. I'm now sure what they'd want. I advised him to talk with Peter about it and see if he could help. It would be nice to get this solved soon. Sounds like there's a growing backlog. :cry:


Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 12:37 pm
by Renderking Fisk
If it was any other country then England... I would ask to have the Daisy Cutters sent in. Is there any chance some folks at Airborne have cause an embargo or blockade to prevent products from shipping to the US.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 1:01 pm
by Michaelson
From what I'm understanding here, though, the items ARE in the U.S., just being held up for paperwork. Odd. Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 1:12 pm
by Renderking Fisk
Michaelson wrote:From what I'm understanding here, though, the items ARE in the U.S., just being held up for paperwork. Odd. Regards. Michaelson
Maybe we should show up as a team and convince them they need to clear this up.... :lol:

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 1:14 pm
by Michaelson
I've got your back! :wink: Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 10:50 pm
by RedburnIV
Seems like my Wested Raiders jacket will be arriving without fuss. I called Airborne and they told me that there were flight delays, so if anyone is worried about their jacket like I was, dont worry anymore because chances are its in customs. When I called Airborne, the very not helpful Marcy, told me or rather gave me a "generalization" as she called it that if customs decides to keep it, I need to get a "Declaration" from the Department of Commerce, and a Visa. I called The Department of Commerce and basically the guy said "Your getting a leather jacket?...why you calling us?" They wouldn't be able to do anything anyways, so she was mistaken about that.
HOWEVER good news when speaking with one guy threwout the whole thing that was incredibly helpful, he told me my jacket is pending at customs and will definatly get threw and be sent to me soon.
I bet you guys think I nervous a bit eh?? :roll: ok well maybe I was a little... :lol: OK ALOT!!!!!

Regards, Dan


Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 10:53 pm
by indy1936
good news, all. the jacket just appeared as:

On Hand in Destination Country for Customs Clearance.

it is strange however that airborne actually misplaced several
containers of packages. at least the jacket made it through.



Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 10:57 pm
by RedburnIV
See! Told ya!

Regards, Dan

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 11:24 pm
by Renderking Fisk
NeosMatrix003 wrote:Seems like my Wested Raiders jacket will be arriving without fuss. I called Airborne and they told me that there were flight delays, so if anyone is worried about their jacket like I was, dont worry anymore because chances are its in customs.
The truth is... someone alerted them to the fact that two of the meanest hombre`s of the North East were just about to open up industrial size can's of whoop-arce on them

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 12:02 am
by Chamorro
Had to track mine down today and pick it up in person. They had an incomplete address on my shipping label. Don't know if it's Airborne's fault or Wested's but somebody's not minding their P's and Q's.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 3:12 pm
by rick5150
I am glad everything worked out for you. My first Wested was "lost" by Airbourne although I still suspect somebody stole it. What is worse is they say they delivered it on my doorstep. When I asked if they got a signature, they said they were not required to at a residential address.

There were four people in the house at the time and I arrived home for lunch within fifteen minutes of the 11:58 delivery time they gave. I live in a rural area and highly doubt somebody was lurking in the bushes waiting for a delivery of a jacket. I mean, I couldn't blame them if they were, but it is not very likely.

I called Airbourne and asked them to confirm the address. They said they would get back to me. They sent the driver back to the house. I was at work when he came to the house. My wife watched the driver pull into the driveway. She thought he had found the jacket and was here to deliver it. He looked at the house and left. A short time later, I got a call from Airbourne describing the house. I was fuming at this point since I know that he had to drive to the house to get a description of it. THat liar more than likely stole my jacket.

Luckily, I had picked up two Westeds while I was waiting for that one. My 4th jacket came in before I knew it and I hope my fifth is in soon. I wish I could go to England and get a jacket directly from Peter. I can't stand the wait, but the results are worth it!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 3:19 pm
by Chamorro
I have always been of the opinion that Airborne people are made up of the rejects from UPS and FedEx ... and that isn't saying much. For my money, nobody beats the good old United States Postal Service in terms of reliability.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 3:25 pm
by agent5
Man O' man. I would NOT have stood for that!!! I would have kept going up the chain of people until I got to the top if I got no help. I guarantee someone would have eventually given in. So long as you aren't a complete jerk, keep your composure and talk with some sense there is no reason you shouldn't have been able to persue this to the end result of them giving you the money for a new jacket. Your story got me very mad. :evil: What a bunch of BIG BS!!

I too have a jacket in customs limbo right now. Wested must have had a good month last month. Seems customs has alot of Wested sitting around. All I can say is there is no such thing as 'express' service. My jacket sat for 5 full days at Airborne Express. If it was any kind of express service, it would have been in and out in a day or two. Not five. Now it's been in customs going on 3 days. Why? Nobody really cares. That's why. I guess this is all kinda like the health system in this country. There's just no way to fix it. :x

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 3:33 pm
by rick5150
Agent 5,
I agree. Somebody referred to Airborne as "Still-born" and I absolutely love the reference! This matter was persued from the "other end" of the shipment and I was sent another jacket by Peter. That is exactly why Wested will always be my preferred jacket... He is an excellent businesman and has a good heart.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 3:37 pm
by Chamorro
He really should re-think using Airborne. The only plus is that they don't nail you with that $30.00 customs fee.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 5:07 pm
by Atticus
Yeah my jacket left airborne station in london around 1230 this aftertoon. So I have no idea how long it will take for me to actually get it. I just hope they dont lose it.



Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 5:58 pm
by CEEJAY928
Thats terrible......

I hope that you guys get you jackets. Hopefully nothing gets lost.... or "stolen".

btw Rick, did you eventually get that stolen jacket back? I know Peter
sent you another one, but want about the one that airborne has?
If not, I would still argue. I agree with agent5.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 6:44 pm
by rick5150
I never received the jacket, but any reimbursement from Airbourne would have been made to Peter since he said he would persue it. Plus, it is almost a year now... I am not looking for anything that is not mine. Peter was more than gracious and to accept another jacket under the circumstances would seem like cheating Peter & Wested. I would not do that. If I did receive the jacket, I would feel obligated to return one to Peter...

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 6:51 pm
by CEEJAY928
oh, ok. I know you got your jacket. I was just hoping something went to Peter. Since they reimbursed Peter.... thats all good.

I was just hoping both ends were compensated.