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Children's fur felt fedora
Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:04 pm
by whipitgood
Does anyone know of someone who makes an inexpensive children's fur felt fedora. I met a woman at Baron Hats today who was going to buy her son a $200 IJ hat there. I pulled her aside and told her to try Todd's for a child's size wool, but she really wanted him to have fur. I told her I would try to find some resources that were not over her $200 limit. I figured if she was planning on investing that kind of money, she should get quality and not the poor excuse for an IJ fedora that Baron's sells.
Re: Children's fur felt fedora
Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 9:52 pm
by scot2525
whipitgood wrote:Does anyone know of someone who makes an inexpensive children's fur felt fedora. I met a woman at Baron Hats today who was going to buy her son a $200 IJ hat there. I pulled her aside and told her to try Todd's for a child's size wool, but she really wanted him to have fur. I told her I would try to find some resources that were not over her $200 limit. I figured if she was planning on investing that kind of money, she should get quality and not the poor excuse for an IJ fedora that Baron's sells.
When you say child, how old do you think the child in question is and do you know what his hat size may be?
Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:02 pm
by whipitgood
To be honest I don't know off hand, but I will try to contact his mother to find out. I think he is 6 or 7.
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:40 pm
by ichnob
I personally don't think it's good to get a child a fur hat because he'll outgrow it very soon. And there's only so much a hat stretcher can do. But it seems that the parent is dead set on getting her child a fur hat.
I think you should shoot an e-mail to JerseyJones (Camptown Hats). I thought I remember reading one of his posts that he was working on a child-size lid.
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:49 pm
by whipitgood
ichnob wrote:I personally don't think it's good to get a child a fur hat because he'll outgrow it very soon. And there's only so much a hat stretcher can do. But it seems that the parent is dead set on getting her child a fur hat.
I think you should shoot an e-mail to JerseyJones (Camptown Hats). I thought I remember reading one of his posts that he was working on a child-size lid.
That's exactly what I told the mother, but she seemed insistant on it being fur. When I talked to her earllier this morning she said she might go with the Todd's wool for children. I don't think her kid could tell the difference anyway.