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Hat Lineages

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:11 pm
by carolinamike
So I thought it would be interesting to trace the lineage of my hat. So I set out to find out who all had owned it before me, and exactly how old it was.

So here it goes.
The first owner of my hat was of course Lee Keppler as it is a Keppler hat. I don't know how long it was from the time Mr. Keppler made it to the time he sold it, but he sold it to Bowie in early 2007 at a gun show in Phoenix, AZ. Bowie kept it in the box until he sold it to serrecuir somewhere around April of 2008. Serrecuir "hardly had the chance to wear it at all" before he sold it to me. He was making room for the 2 ABs that he has on order. And now it adorns my head whenever I leave the house. It's a lovely hat, although it is starting to taper some (SC summers :lol:). Soon I will be attempting the first of what I hope to be many re-blocks.

So that's my hat's lineage. How about yours? I'm sure some of the original owners would love to find out where their hats are now.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:46 pm
by Doctor_Jones
thanks for the story. hope to read many more.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:51 pm
by BendingOak
I've had many hat but gave some away and sold others. It would be nice to see some of them and how they are doing.

I have 3 ABs and 1 ABD. I'm the only owner and will be the only owner. they are the only hats I own beside a couple of test hats of my own. Hopefully soon I'll make myself a hat.