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Am I being too picky?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:54 pm
by BlueSkyz
Hola all,Just a quick question as to wether I'm being too picky about quality of workmanship. I have gotten 3 jackets within the past 4 months and all 3 had the collar stand sewn the same way,wavy and irregular stiching,no attention to detail in this area,one side wider than the other. Is this something you would consider acceptable from a top notch manufacturer. {they have responded rather rudely saying that it is no longer their concern because they are 'custom',ie,non standard leather.}
I have spoken with managers and was treated somewhat abruptly. I tried to let them fix it but they are 'non repairable' defects according to management.......
I'm not trying to beat a dead horse or cow in this case,but we all work very hard to pay some of the prices we pay for these jackets,and just wanted to know how you guys felt??

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:43 pm
by scot2525
As the customer service manager of a large retailer in Indiana I can say that I would probably be beating my head against the wall if I recieved this complaint and offering you to return the jacket for a full refund as I wouldn't think we could provide a product that can withstand that kind of nitpicking. :shock: :( :evil:

This is by no means an attack on you BlueSkyz but any product that is "hand made" with these type of materials cannot be perfect.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:44 pm
by Baldwyn
OI!!! That IS sloppy. At first, I was all prepared to say "Heck, you're being too picky" but given that G&B is supposed to have top-notch stitching, and excellent customer service, with a great warranty, I'd say it was unacceptable. And you're such a good customer of theirs too!

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:55 pm
by jacksdad
no I think if you pay that much for a jacket and your not happy you should get exactly what you want. it's not nick picking,it's about paying for what you expected.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:05 pm
by Raider S
I don't know the answer. Those are some wavy lines for such an expensive jacket. For the price you paid you should be happy with what you recieved.

Is there anyway you might circle or highlight the areas you are talking about? I don't see anything on the last photo you posted.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:56 pm
by JC1972
I know I'm a newbie to the hobby and I see the wavy lines. But is it noticeable when wearing? Is it moreso that you know its there so you're more self-conscious about it? I know G&B has usually great customer service so I'm kinda surprised. How was your tact on the phone? A friend of mine who worked in CS (not there mind you) said you'll never get anywhere yellin' and cursin'. Sometimes I think he's right. Did they offer any kind of compensation? I know I'd be ticked though spending that kind of dough and perhaps I should check my jacket as I never looked at that.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:18 pm
by TheMechanic
Well at least you can't see the stitch when you're wearing it. That's the good news.
If you're that unhappy with it, try sending it back and get a whole new jacket.
Their stitching is guaranteed for life.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:38 pm
by Michaelson
True, but the problem here is this is a custom jacket. They won't take it back as a return.

Regard! Michaelson

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:02 pm
by BlueSkyz
More background on this,Travis Adams[who is no longer with G&B] worked with me the best he could without making the jacket himself,and his manager,both went out of their way to make it right. I think what really bother's me,and I was super polite on the phone,that the R&D manager wouldn't accept the fact that I was merely trying to perhaps head off a workmanship problem,got very irate and basically said he really didn't care to help me. Now I have been a 'Flight Suits' customer since the mid 80's and was very suprised at his crappy attitude. I have entertained ordering a buffalo jacket from them but I have pause........
So I gather I'm not being too picky. What would you do to resolve this?? And yes it is 'non-returnable' but where does the 'workmanship' gaurantee come in to play or is this a catch 22?? I went over the '30 days' due to family matters but it just puts a burr in the old saddle every time I pick it up.............
I'm not trying to be an a** here,I just want the quality any of us on this forum would expect from an awesome company like Gibson & Barnes.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:12 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
At first, I thought; why get bent about it. It's not that bad. But the more I look at it and think it through, the more it bugs me. I think that's shoddy work.

Most custom leather garments are "unfixable" and non-returnable. That's part of the risk. However, rudeness from any vendor - especially at the prices paid for a G&B - is intolerable.

You mention multiple jackets. Were they all custom made? All G&B's? Any off-the-racks? I ask because it has bearing. I mean, one G&B custom with this problem I could toss up to the risks of custom leather garments. But THREE! That's just not caring. G&Bs cost enough to care about a recurring defect. A little money back should be in order, at least. An a sincere apology.

On the other hand, if three different vendors are involved, I have no choice but to scratch my head at the odds!

Finally, if any are off-the-rack, then there is a mass-production type of mistake that they should be fixing for future jackets, and should have been fixed long ago.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:35 pm
by crismans
I have to agree with Chewbacca Jones on this one. I was all set to say you were being too picky, but considering the prices one pays for a G and B, you should be happy with the purchase. I also fully understand their no return policy on customs but you aren't unhappy because you got a, say, buffalo jacket and are unhappy with the hide. This is because of workmanship issues. And when you take into account you're a long-term and loyal customer...

I can understand them not taking it back but they could have given you a little money back (or maybe some store credit toward a future purchase) told you they're sorry about the problem and they'll look to correct it for future jackets.

Just my opinion, of course.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:45 pm
by Raider S
In another post I mentioned giving people (companies) second chances IF they do their best to correct whatever went wrong the first time. I stand by that but NOT in a situation like yours where someone was rude or even hostile when you have a QC issue.

Looking at the photos again, however, I'm only seeing that one wave. It's not what I'd expect in a pricey custom jacket, but I also think it wouldn't affect the jacket as it will be hidden when worn.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:39 pm
by bobjones
Hi Blue. Did you measure the collar from the stitched seam to make sure it is a uniform length until the ends?

Maybe the place where the collar is folding is not a straight line, so trying to fold it at exactly the same point across the entire collar might even the "wave effect" out.

If the collar is genuinely flawed, and want the jacket repaired, they MUST accomodate you. The non-returnability of the jacket is meaningless IMO as you are not seeking to return the jacket because you did not like it for some reason, the issue pertains to a manufacturing defect.

And G&B's warranty is 6 months:

"We guarantee your purchase to be 100% satisfactory. If you are dissatisfied with anything you purchase from us, please return it unaltered, with your sales receipt within six months of purchase. We'll replace it or refund your money.

We guarantee every uniform, jacket, and helmet to fit the person it was made for. If your purchase doesn't fit right, please return it with your sales receipt within six months of purchase. If your purchase was a standard size, we'll exchange it for another standard size. If it was made to measure, we'll alter or remake it at no charge."

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:14 am
by CM
That is badly made and the attitude *****. Mine has none of those issues, thank God.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:26 am
by BlueSkyz
I started out with a goat expedition off the rack,it came with a broken zipper, #1; returned it and they made me another goat #2,it was made like overnight,it was shipped to me before I could return the #1 jacket....NOW the collar stand issue started,I took pictures and emailed them to G&B sales dept,they said 'send it back because we can't fix that problem' and to make me happy,they made me a jacket in non standard dark vintage nappa ,#3. It arrived and I flipped out because the leather was completly different and it had the same issues with the collar. I returned this jacket also[3 jackets now at $20 a pop shipping] I have been very tollerant and polite[and continue to] but I'm a little bit irratated at this point. So they resolved it by making me a 4th jacket [nappa again],shipped it to me and #### if the collar stand wasn't messed up again. Now I take care of my 82 yr old Mom full time so the 30 days sort of slipped by. Travis from G&B sold me jacket #3 for $*** as a second,ok I can live with that. To resolve this whole issue,I suggested that that do the same with #4 refund me the difference and apply it towards a buffalo jacket. Well the guy I talked to knew of my situation and basically said that the problems with the collar stands on the jackets was MY problem. I have pondered wether or not to say anything on this forum but they thought I would accept his rude answer as the final word.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:54 am
by CM
Looks like it was made by some guy in training. Forget the custom angle, it wasn't properly made. Seams all over the place. You may need to go old fashioned and write to them. Send your well worded letter to someone who matters there. Tell them people in this forum are interested in the outcome.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:30 am
by jacksdad
If they make custom jackets why can't they just fix it? I'm confused. That isn't very good customer service. i hope they fix it for you and I would metion how you have made it public knowlege that might light a fire.Good luck

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:27 am
by Browncoat
Wow...after getting it wrong 4 times and now basically telling you to that they will no longer service your complaints, I say sell that jacket to recoup what you can and be done with G&B.

They don't want your business.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:27 am
by Raider S
Every G&B jacket you have had has the same issue with the collar? I don't understand becuause you have posted a lot of pictures before saying how much you like them but you were sending them back? :?

Seems like the broken zipper would have been an easy fix - why didn't they just fix that instead of making a new one?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:29 am
by Holt
wow Browncoat your awatar is irritatiiiiiiiing :shock: ..I almost smacked that little bugger... :lol:

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:39 am
by BlueSkyz
Yes I do like thier jackets and I have posted pics showing that but this problem was something I was going to let G&B deal with,but they made it sound like its my fault. I just want the quality jacket I expected. I am the last one to air laundry in public,I have given them ample chances to make this right and they have chosen poorly.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:45 am
by Raider S
I think you need to go to a different maker. Period.

This might not have been your intention, but this post has made me reconsider if I would ever buy from them as I'd been thinking of asking for a sample to check the fit.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:19 pm
by Rundquist
The only thing that I see that might be considered an imperfection is the one stitch line that I’ve marked. There’s a slight curve (pic below). Obviously G&B don’t consider that to be a defect. These are hand made after all. You are however entitled to disagree. I’ve got four Expeditions. I took a look at them. There really is nothing out of the ordinary about your jacket. Now, the leather in your collar stand has started to loosen up from wear. It no longer lies flat. You see dips and curves in your pictures. That’s what leather does. That nappa leather is prone to do that. But a trained eye can see that the only variance at all in the stitching is that one spot.

If that “variance” really bugged you, you should have sent the jacket back within a week or two. How long does it take one to decide on something? That’s like eating half a steak and then deciding to send it back. Clearly the jacket is worn. G&B’s guarantee says you can return an item “unaltered”. “Unaltered” means in unworn condition. You wouldn't try to take back shoes that have been worn outside (well some people would, I supose). I would have to agree that at this point you should probably try somebody else and see if you’re more satisfied, just don’t take a few months to figure it out. If you need that time to evaluate a product, that’s fine too, but don’t expect any company to take back a jacket that’s been worn for your evaluation process. That’s what ebay is for. Cheers


Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:35 pm
by BlueSkyz
Quite honestly this whole thing started by me pointing out some obvious imperfections to G&B. I have several G&B jackets and NOT one of them show this kind of sloppy work. I suppose it really startled me. I never had intentions of returning the jacket,yes it is 'custom' and as far as it being 'worn',how does one 'try it and see if you like it????' And believe me,this was discussed with G&B as soon as I got the jacket,was told 'we'll get back to you'. Which they never did..Perhaps a better perspective. Is your bufallo jacket like this??

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:40 pm
by TheMechanic
What is custom about the jacket? Is it a custom size?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:45 pm
by Raider S
I appreciate your posting.

I just checked the collars on two USW's and two OTR Wested's - the USW's were near perfect and the Wested's excellent. So it's not impossible to get this right.

If it were my jacket I guess I'd live with it but be wary of future purchases considering what transpired. Too many other makers out there to choose from.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:45 pm
by Rundquist
BlueSkyz wrote:Quite honestly this whole thing started by me pointing out some obvious imperfections to G&B. I have several G&B jackets and NOT one of them show this kind of sloppy work. I suppose it really startled me. I never had intentions of returning the jacket,yes it is 'custom' and as far as it being 'worn',how does one 'try it and see if you like it????' And believe me,this was discussed with G&B as soon as I got the jacket,was told 'we'll get back to you'. Which they never did..Perhaps a better perspective. Is your bufallo jacket like this??
You contradict yourself. You discussed the collar with them & yet you never intended to return the jacket? Why bring it up now? I've got a well worn goatskin expedition that has a collar that looks very similar. It's fine. I would have to doubt that I need a better perspective. :wink:

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:49 pm
by Holt
I think the jacket just screams has the tag of G&B on it and they deliever quality.

ask yourself...would this tiny tiny mistake on this jacket really let you hang the jacket in the closet and not use it ever? would it bug you to death cause it has a little sloppy wavy seam..I thought that people were going crazy over unacurrate pockets and stiching coming lose on handwarmers,etc....

first of all the tiny flaw cant even be seen when you are wearing it...

and second the rest of the jacket is good aint it.good tight stitching.nice strong hide.GREAT detail,etc...

If I would ask my self if I was too picky about this,then my gut would say yes....

I cant see the problem...I would NEVER send it back or get a new one becuase of this tiny little thing....I hope to get me one of the G&b jackets one day..cause what I hear and read about them is just quality craftmanship all the way...



Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:08 pm
by jacksdad
after Raider S metioned he checked his jackets I checked mine and the collars stands are straight. I know what it's like to have something bother you, I did that with an A-2 and it drove me nuts for months.I went over my wested after I got it and found nothing but I kept checking it. I hope it all works out for you.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:44 pm
by Raider S
I don't think they could do a better job than the USW's I have and the Wested's are nearly the same. But if I had a wave like yours I'd probably just live with it - it happens and they decided it was acceptable to send out.

I'd try to see the flaw as some individual character and enjoy it for years to come. Maybe not a good solution but it seems like you've run into a wall with G&B on this one.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:03 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
Considering I've seen fake leather jackets in K-Mart with better collar stands than that, I think G&B has a problem to fix with this. It's just plain bad work. The stitching is uneven and the stand is visably wider on one end than the other.

Not terrible, but from a high quality, high priced maker, it IS a big deal. The rest of the jacket can be flawless and without peer, but that's not the point.

Anyone who thinks he's complaining about something he shouldn't, try to remember how often people complain about uneven stitching on other jackets. Heck, I've read numerous angry posts because stitches are too far or too close to and edge for screen accuracy, despite high quality and dead-straight lines. Why should this be acceptable?

BlueSkyz admits that he didn't think it was a big enough issue to mention at first. It's the kind of thing that should have been taken care of with an e-mail or phone call. Instead, G&B has chosen not to fix the problem (indeed repeated it), not to admit there is one, and became rude about it. So, now is the time to say something publicly, as BSkyz has done.

If this is a common issue with G&B jackets, I find myself looking at a common problem in the Indy gear community; brand loyalty in the face of constant problems. Why support a vendor who doesn't care? Why accept defects that shouldn't be there? The hobby has grown, and so have it's options. G&B is known for being kind of uncaring as it is, from what I've read. This clearly seals it. Bottom line; we don't need them anymore. They need us.

OK, rant's over. :oops:

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:21 pm
by Rundquist
Chewbacca Jones wrote:Considering I've seen fake leather jackets in K-Mart with better collar stands than that, I think G&B has a problem to fix with this. It's just plain bad work. The stitching is uneven and the stand is visably wider on one end than the other.
Visibly wider on one end? There’s a forced perspective in the pics. One might have a problem with that single wave in the stitching, but that collar stand is a straight piece of leather. BlueSkyz didn’t have the stones to pull that collar straight before he posted these pics. If he had, you would see a lot less to complain about. Regardless, he’s the one that made the mistake by not returning the jacket immediately.

Chewbacca Jones wrote:
If this is a common issue with G&B jackets, I find myself looking at a common problem in the Indy gear community; brand loyalty in the face of constant problems. Why support a vendor who doesn't care? Why accept defects that shouldn't be there? The hobby has grown, and so have it's options. G&B is known for being kind of uncaring as it is, from what I've read. This clearly seals it. Bottom line; we don't need them anymore. They need us.

OK, rant's over. :oops:

I doubt that G&B would thank me for saying this, but I doubt that they need you. Have you ever even had one of their jackets?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:37 pm
by Tollan
I think think customer and vendor need each other. Neither should be so arrogant.

I have had pretty good, if abrupt and course, correspondence with G&B. Their jackets have been above my expectations in quality though. The goat they have at the moment is amazing. The $ to £ is not so favourable at the moment any more though otherwise I would be tempted to get G1 from them :cry:

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:51 pm
by Indiana G
Chewbacca Jones wrote:If this is a common issue with G&B jackets, I find myself looking at a common problem in the Indy gear community; brand loyalty in the face of constant problems. Why support a vendor who doesn't care? Why accept defects that shouldn't be there? The hobby has grown, and so have it's options. G&B is known for being kind of uncaring as it is, from what I've read. This clearly seals it. Bottom line; we don't need them anymore. They need us.

OK, rant's over. :oops:
chewie, i'm gonna have to agree with rundquist (OMG :shock: ) in the fact that g&b would probably still be lucrative even if they don't offer the expedtion, so i don't think they need us persay.

but on the flipside of the coin, i'm with you on not needing them. i was ready to pull the trigger on one of these bad boys once and asked to do some slight mods.....they politely turned me down......even when i flashed them all my blood money :lol: . they sell a real world, durable, tough as nails jacket......and in doing so have sacrificed some things that would drive the stitch nazi's crazy. i even though of forking over the dough just to get one shipped to me for examination and then return it.........if i did that, then i'd have some backing to shoot down rundquist whenever an expo popped up (either that or see the light and join his merry G&B crusade.......but perish that thought........KT and todd would disown me :lol: ).

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:10 pm
by Cowboy
I can't see the problem myself. I agree that the collar does not look like it has been pulled tight. I have owned 4 jacksts from 3 of the major players and I must say that I am still the happiest with the G&B. It is a tank and feels great to wear. It is the only one of the 4 that just feels good on my person. They also delivered faster than promised. It is a great jacket for the money.

In all fairness to Wings, I did get the factory blow-outs from last year so I am not comparing apple to apples with them. They are tough too, I just did not like the lining bulging out from the end of the sleeves or the insulation.

Sorry to be blunt Friend, but from the pictures, I don't see what you are complaining about.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:47 pm
by Rundquist
Indiana G wrote:
Chewbacca Jones wrote:If this is a common issue with G&B jackets, I find myself looking at a common problem in the Indy gear community; brand loyalty in the face of constant problems. Why support a vendor who doesn't care? Why accept defects that shouldn't be there? The hobby has grown, and so have it's options. G&B is known for being kind of uncaring as it is, from what I've read. This clearly seals it. Bottom line; we don't need them anymore. They need us.

OK, rant's over. :oops:
chewie, i'm gonna have to agree with rundquist (OMG :shock: ) in the fact that g&b would probably still be lucrative even if they don't offer the expedtion, so i don't think they need us persay.

but on the flipside of the coin, i'm with you on not needing them. i was ready to pull the trigger on one of these bad boys once and asked to do some slight mods.....they politely turned me down......even when i flashed them all my blood money :lol: . they sell a real world, durable, tough as nails jacket......and in doing so have sacrificed some things that would drive the stitch nazi's crazy. i even though of forking over the dough just to get one shipped to me for examination and then return it.........if i did that, then i'd have some backing to shoot down rundquist whenever an expo popped up (either that or see the light and join his merry G&B crusade.......but perish that thought........KT and todd would disown me :lol: ).

I’m defiantly partial to G&B. I like what I like, just like anybody else on this board (you like what you like). I never post with any authority on any jacket that I have not owned. You don’t like the Expedition. I get it. But this post goes beyond blindly backing some product that I personally like. What is being called into question is G&B’s integrity. I’m saying that it’s not reasonable to ask some company to take back an item after it’s been used. You can see stains in the lining for pete’s sake. I think I’m done on this one. :-s

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:56 pm
by scot2525
I was starting to feel lonely with my initial comment but I am glad to see that some of you agree.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:03 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
Rundquist wrote:
Visibly wider on one end? There’s a forced perspective in the pics. One might have a problem with that single wave in the stitching, but that collar stand is a straight piece of leather. BlueSkyz didn’t have the stones to pull that collar straight before he posted these pics.

I doubt that G&B would thank me for saying this, but I doubt that they need you. Have you ever even had one of their jackets?
I'm willing to concede that there might be some forced perspective going on, but take a look at the 3rd pic of the first post. It looks like at least one edge flares outward.

I don't think it's appropriate to say "BlueSkyz didn't have the stones" about anything. You're calling the guy out over expressing a dissatisfaction, not blindly launching an attack on G&B.

As for my personal experience with G&B, it is limited, but if you read my post carefully you will realize that I am merely speaking from the standpoint that BlueSkyz (and others who have expressed issues with G&B) are indeed being truthful. I know of no reason they should lie, do you? Assuming that these people are honest (which I do until I see evidence telling me otherwise), I have no choice but to question G&B's "integrity" as you put it. If they are rude and don't accept responsibility for their quality control, why defend them?

Defend the jacket? Sure, no problem here. They make a good jacket. Agreed. I have seen a G&B in person, and I was impressed. However, they don't make a jacket that would fit me, so I'm never going to order one. My loss, from what I've seen.

Now, I can't very well demand that G&B come over here and tell their side. I don't know what else may be going on. I base my comments entirely on what facts are in evidence, and give the benefit of the doubt that they are indeed facts. And the pictures seem to show several different jackets. Some photos show a clearly used jacket. But he did keep at least one. Keep that in mind.

Tollan, I'm not being arrogant, and I would not assume (Indy G) that the company would crumble without the Indy crowd. It's just that it started to sound like people have seen this collar problem and service problems in the past, but shrug them off. That irritates me because if the customer shrugs off that sort of thing all the time, it breeds lower standards, and the customer gets stepped on. At a time, Indy fans were forced to take what they could get, but that's not true anymore. We have choices, and we are no longer some small, bottom-feeding consumer class. We have the power to get the same respect from the vendors that we give to them, and to get our money's worth in all aspects of a transaction, not just product.

Finally, I have to say; Considering the kind of things that members of this forum knit-pick over on a daily basis, BlueSkyz is hardly out of line with this complaint. 100 good experiences by others does not negate one's own bad experience, eh?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:09 pm
by BlueSkyz
Wow Rundquist,perhaps we should take this to the vendor section...........
I will say this and be done with it because I have gotten enough opinions. First off, I don't think there is a more loyal Flight Suits customer here and I resent the fact that some think I don't know what I'm talking about,I have touted G&B's praises from the first day on this forum,I have used their products through hundreds of commercial flight hours and thousands of military flight hours. I know what they are capable of! This whole episode started with me being a good patient customer,returning 3 jackets at a vendors request,each time being assured that this would never happen again. And it did.......
The purpose of this forum seems to me 'to show and tell the good and the bad'. Nothing is sacred and some posts are outrageous. I think every member here deserves the very best a manufacturer can offer. So when do you say enough is enough? I have not said one untrue word and it stands to reason my standards are higher than others. Not my fault.....
Thank all of you for your opinions and as always I stand behind this company,I just wish someone from G&B who cares would deal with their obvious issues. I'm just a caring customer that gives (Mod edit: watch your language and don't skirt around the word filter, please.) and is not willing to be bullied around by someone with substandard attitudes.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:36 pm
by AnubisScales
My only concerns and questions would be about the sturdiness, and does it look right when being worn?

Other than that, for the jacket itself, I wouldn't worry.

For the company being rude and uncooperative... that's another story.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:48 am
by Prescott
I think Skyz was just looking for acknowledgement of a problem with the stitching on his collar stand (in the interest of informing them to prevent future complaints), not necessarily a new jacket. One of my first GB had a stitch in the same area that wandered completely off the reservation, I mean completely off the collar stand. It did bug me and I eventually sold that jacket to help fund my current expo. My time for returning had expired and I hadn’t noticed the defect until too late. This was about the time they started offering the seal brown goat and I convinced myself that I needed one. In defense of GB, they’ve taken back a fair and sometimes unfair number of jackets from Indy fans. We tend to be a picky lot and I think we took over advantage of their return policy. In fact, I think we were responsible for the change in policy as expos represented a small percentage of their sales and had the most returns. It was either that or start charging a lot more for an already expensive jacket. While I do not agree with abrupt or dismissive customer service people, you can begin to understand how it could happen. Sometimes it can be hard to separate the meaningful from the meaningless complaints when this product generates so many. I also understand those who say “It’s part of the business. If you take the money, you have to take the rest”. However, there has to be a balance. I think Skyz may find his balance by contacting someone higher up the chain in Flight Suits. In the end, it’s in their best interest to offer the best Indy jacket they possibly can.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 7:59 pm
by Rundquist
Chewbacca Jones wrote:
Rundquist wrote:
Visibly wider on one end? There’s a forced perspective in the pics. One might have a problem with that single wave in the stitching, but that collar stand is a straight piece of leather. BlueSkyz didn’t have the stones to pull that collar straight before he posted these pics.

I doubt that G&B would thank me for saying this, but I doubt that they need you. Have you ever even had one of their jackets?
I'm willing to concede that there might be some forced perspective going on, but take a look at the 3rd pic of the first post. It looks like at least one edge flares outward.

I don't think it's appropriate to say "BlueSkyz didn't have the stones" about anything. You're calling the guy out over expressing a dissatisfaction, not blindly launching an attack on G&B.
My final word is this. Blue Skyz is entitled to his opinion (as is everybody on this board). He can be dissatisfied with his jacket. But it’s just not reasonable to expect to return an item that is clearly used. I’m calling the guy out over not owning up to that. He’s also made several insinuations (both in this thread and in private pm’s) that I’m a “special” G&B customer. The idea is that I get better stuff out of G&B than the average person. That idea is hogwash. I've been in their showroom & have seen what's on their racks, so yeah, I’m a bit ticked at that idea.

PS- My assessment of the pictures of his collar is an honest one. I have one Expedition that has a collar that would be hard to take pictures of for evaluation purposes because of the creases in it from natural wear. It wouldn’t look so straight in a two dimensional pic, even though that’s not the case.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 8:40 pm
by BlueSkyz
I keep hearing'I should have returned the jacket',the day I got the last jacket I called G&B and told them that this jacket wasn't right either. They said they would get back to me. They never did.......
as far as Rund's issues go,yes the jacket is 'used' but never once had I even mentioned sending it back.the others were returned at G&B's request.
I still want Rundquist to post pictures of the collar stand of his brand new bufallo jacket and then lets compare it stone boy.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 9:22 pm
by Rundquist
BlueSkyz wrote:I keep hearing'I should have returned the jacket',the day I got the last jacket I called G&B and told them that this jacket wasn't right either. They said they would get back to me. They never did.......
as far as Rund's issues go,yes the jacket is 'used' but never once had I even mentioned sending it back.the others were returned at G&B's request.
I still want Rundquist to post pictures of the collar stand of his brand new bufallo jacket and then lets compare it stone boy.

No problem, creep. You'll have to wait until Monday.


Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 9:23 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Keep it civil, guys.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 9:44 pm
by BlueSkyz
Civil is right..I'm not the one who began the name calling. I thought this was an open forum of mature interested 'Indy' fans. If I had any feelings,he might have hurt them. Show me the pictures...........

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 9:49 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Regardless of who started any name calling, there's no reason for anyone to take part in continuing it. Enough said.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:11 pm
by Raider S
I think there are people who "white knight" certain manufacturer's jackets yet don't miss a chance to bash others. Would that be a suprise?

All jackets and all makers should be open to fair criticism and fair praise.

In this thread I see an ugly wave in a line of stitching - no question - and think it was fair to point it out. I also think it was fair to point out that wearing the jacket for quite a while and expecting something to be done after is a bit of a stretch.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:15 pm
by BlueSkyz
Please note that the jacket is only 4 months looks older because of the dark vintage nappa hide.It is why I've been so adimate about G&B offering it as a leather choice.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 11:33 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
Raider S wrote:All jackets and all makers should be open to fair criticism and fair praise.

In this thread I see an ugly wave in a line of stitching - no question - and think it was fair to point it out. I also think it was fair to point out that wearing the jacket for quite a while and expecting something to be done after is a bit of a stretch.
Absolutely so, Raider S! I think this sort of thread is healthy (minus the personal spitballs, of course).

Just a reminder to all. The "worn" jacket is the one he kept, and did not intend to return. The "worn" condition of that one jacket is not a factor in the service issue that's bugging Blue.

Now, I don't know what comments may have been exchanged about G&B giving Rundquist special treatment, BUT; It does happen (on purpose OR by accident) that some customers have incredible luck with particular vendors. I'm an avid defender of several (Magnoli, Fedora, Art Fawcett). But I remain open to the possibility that some may not have as much luck with them as I do. I'll be shocked, but I would expect unhappy customers to be honest.

I'll be back Monday to see Rundquist's new jacket. :wink: