Now, you can see that all of this passing around accusation and innuendo is totally unecessary because if the person
with the problem just goes straight to Sarge in the first place (NOT what Walker has done-he went to CS)
Unfortunately, not everyone here has Sarges personal e-mail,
and is on a first name basis with the guy. When someone has
a problem with a vendors product, they will follow the guidelines
set down by that vendor. Like Fedora said, not everyone has
the knowledge of this forum. They don't know Sarge like you do.
Just like Walker did, they follow what the company says to do in
order to fix the problem.
Walkers very first time at trying to get a jacket fixed was done
by the book according to Wings. If you have a problem, you call
customer service. Thats what he did, and they sent him to a place
that ripped him off. Those are FACTS, not hearsay or inuendo or
mudslinging. Its FACTS.
Now, suppose you are having a problem with your water
heater at home? You go down in the basement, you look around
for a phone number off of the thing, or maybe you have it
in the manuals that came with the thing, and you call what number?
Huh? Why the number that says, "If you have any problems,
please call customer support". How are you going to get the
number or address of the guy who owns the water heater
company? You follow the guidelines set forth by the company
when you first have a problem. Thats just what has happened
in this case. It was the first time at trying to fix the problem.
The second time trying was that the Customer Service
department at Wings said, Oh well, were sorry, but all we can
give you is your shipping back.
Now is the third time. Now is the time for getting Sarge involved
in his companies business practices. Walker has followed what
was required of him right from the start.
Its easy to loose sight of a problem when it happens to someone
we know. But not everyone knows Sarge personally, and not
everyone knows about these types of forums to get information
like that.
I know Sarge will probably make it right. But I also have a
problem with Rixters situation, where he sent the jackets back
multiple times for the same type of problem. The hems were
coming unglued. And right out of the box mind you!
Most companies I know of, if you have a problem like that, they
will check the product that they are exchanging for you to make
very sure that it does not exsist on that one! But to go thru
the same thing so many times? Where is the quality control
Sarge spoke of? I know the first Old Cow jacket I bought from
Sarge two years ago had the stitching coming out in multiple
places. When I wrote directly to Sarge, he sent me another e-mail
address to contact about the return and exchange. And guess
where that was? Neil Cooper. After my initial purchase, all other
issues I had to take up with Cooper, not Wings. And as a matter
of fact, the second jacket I got did not have the Wings logo in it!
It only had the Cooper logo.
And, other people besides us complained about the jackets that
Wings was selling from Cooper right? And what did Sarge do?
He stopped having them make the jackets for Wings. So its not
like he does not know of quality issues from other folks than us,
or he would never have cut his ties with Cooper. Cooper screwed
up too many times, and Sarge did something about it.
Now the exact same thing is happening to Sarge. Put yourself
in the Militarys place. What if Sarge is making the jackets for
our forces, and the hems kept coming apart? Do you honestly
think the military would put up with this? NO! They would find
another vendor to make their products. Thats just what
Sarge did when he stopped getting his jackets made by Cooper.
He was ticked and did something about it.
Forums like this are an invaluable tool to help people make their
choices where to spend their hard earned cash! Think about the
poor guy who doesn't know about this forum, and he got rapped
with a $169.00 charge, and doesn't know what to do, or where
to turn for help? He may think that he is the only one that this
has happened too, and he will just turn tail and take it.
But now, suppose, that same guy was a member of our forum,
and he reads the problems that people have. And he PM's them
or asks questions right on the forum about a certain product, or
a certain vendor.
He can now make his choice which one to give his money to.
And which ones he might want to stay away from because
there products seem to have more problems than another.
Think about Cooper. How many people on this forum have looked
at the information we have posted about Coopers quaility issues,
and they stayed away from buying a Cooper jacket?
It works both ways. Feedback is the only way anyone who
makes a product can ever improve on said product.