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What is the best year-round jacket?

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:33 pm
by Mississippi Jones
In your own opinion, what leather would be suitable for a year-round jacket. From Spring to Winter, which leather would you prefer?

Kind of a tough question considering how thin and thick the leather can be. I've been in love with the Novapelle myself, but it's too hot and heavy to wear in warmer areas. I figured a goat skin jacket would do because you can always wear long-johns or a sweater underneath if it gets too cold, yet it's also thin enough to wear in warmer climates (not to mention its' durability).

What do you guys think?

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:47 pm
by Holt
I clicked goatskin..

strong.drapy.water stretching


Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:56 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
You're missing one vital choice; None. If you live in a majority of the worlds climates, there is at least one season when no sane man wishing himself good health should be wearing a leather jacket. That would be my vote.

However, having done insane things at Summits, Lambskin (Wested's anyway) is the coolest.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:18 pm
by Mississippi Jones
Good point, Chewie. I wouldn't wear any jacket if it's too hot. But if I was going for protection in a rough environment (like bushes and briars) I would definately wear something.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:48 pm
by jacksdad
i would choose goat, I got my Indy goat in July,but had an A-2 goat and it's warm in the winter and just right for those cool summer nights.I did have to layer it in the winter but it still did the trick. I gave it to my Dad after I got my Indy goat. I can wait for winter but looking forward to see how warm the goat skin Indy jacket is. Summer is just too awesome especially with everything to look at.(women)

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:08 pm
by Castor Dioscuri
Unless you have a very thin, maybe even washed horsehide, or unless you have a high tolerance to heat, I wouldn't recommend horsehide. Tried wearing a Wested in an Orlando summer once, and took it off almost twenty minutes later, drenched in sweat.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:13 pm
by PSBIndy
If you live in an area that has 4 distinct seasons, a leather jacket will never do. One time last winter when it was just 2 degrees F outside (-10 windchill), I wore my thick Wested HH and nearly froze to death (even with a sweater underneath). There's a reason why Eskimos wear fur and not leather.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:18 pm
by Bufflehead Jones
I didn't vote because the answer is none. Have you ever heard, "jack of all trades, but master of none"? That is true of jackets.

I must admit that I have a ton of coats and jackets. If it is summer and I want a jacket for the rare cool night, I will use my Wested lambskin. If it is summer and it is going to rain, I will use a Gore-tex windbreaker, or if it is a little cooler, I will use my Barbour jacket.

When it gets a little cooler in spring or fall, I may be able to use my Tony Nowak or zip the lining into my Barbour jacket if it is raining.

In Winter, if it is not so cold, I may use my Tony Novak. I may also be able to use the Barbour jacket with the lining and hood for rainy days and I can wear it with a fleece layered underneath.

For the Arctic freeze kind of days, I will pull out the heavy artillery and don a North Face down parka. It will also repel rain and snow.

If I am attending a sporting event, I will choose from any number of jackets or parkas with logos of my favorite teams. If I am wearing a suit in cold weather, I will wear either a cashmere topcoat, or a trenchcoat that is quite versatile with or without a zip in lining.

As you can see from this small sampling, I would not even think of having one jacket or coat that I would want to try to wear all year long. That just ain't gonna happen.

I will wear a jacket or coat that is appropriate for where I am going or what I am doing. When I leave my house, I do have three rules. I don't get cold, I don't get wet, and I don't go hungry. When I choose which jacket or coat to wear, I keep those rules in mind.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:41 pm
by CairoIndy
I asked Magnoli last week if he could make me a Raiders wax jacket-like the Barbour jackets- and he told me he is currently looking for a good supplier for the material and he said to 'watch this space'.. :D

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:15 pm
by Michaelson
If he does, PLEASE post a new thread so we don't miss the annoucement.

THAT'S intriging!! :D

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:21 pm
by JC1972
I voted lamb even though the answer for me would be none as well. Now living in FL, I can wear my G&B lamb hopefully for 5 months of the year. Could be much less than that as we've only been down here 2+ months.

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:06 am
by Weston
I voted for goat. I've worn my Wings in temps from -0 to 80+. Of course, I layered up in the winter, so I think any of the above would do as the leather is really just a shell.

I do believe that my cowhide jacket is the worst insulator of the bunch. Hot in the warm weather, cold in the winter. Maybe it's the stuff I treated it with, but is just seems to absorb whatever the outside temp is and transfer it directly to my skin.


The specific question

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:21 pm
by IndianaGeo
Bufflehead, I think the question poll was involving the "best year round LEATHER", not simply "jacket". Correct me if I´m mistaken. With that said, I´d have to agree with most who voted and say goatskin. It´s strong, stops the wind, repels rain, and is light and warm if used with layers. I´m loving my Wested goat even on cool summer nights and I think it will be great in fall and even in winter with a sweater underneath.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:00 am
by Bufflehead Jones
My point was that leather is not the best choice in all circumstances and there is no jacket that is good for all seasons. That is why I didn't vote in the poll. None of the choices in the poll match with my answer.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:04 am
by CM
CairoIndy wrote:I asked Magnoli last week if he could make me a Raiders wax jacket-like the Barbour jackets- and he told me he is currently looking for a good supplier for the material and he said to 'watch this space'.. :D
I want to know about that too - sounds interesting.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:47 am
by Castor Dioscuri
Well, I would personally think... Lamb. Or the thinnest leather from any of the other hides, for that matter.

Why? It's because we all know that wearing leather in the winter alone won't help, regardless of what kind of leather, it really all depends on how well you layer up.

In the summer time, when the weather is fine, you'll need a jacket that won't give you heatstroke. So naturally, you'll want something like lamb.

Personally, I've worn lamb in the heaviest winters, and the ultra-light novapelle towards the end of spring, and haven't had too many issues. On the other hand, I have worn heavy hides like cowhide and horsehide in the summer, and shortly after, was forced to walk around the rest of the day with the jacket tucked in my arm. Sure they did great in the wintery months, but are more of a burden once the weather rises.

What I am amazed at, however, is when I think of Ford filming Indy IV on Universal's backlots during last summer, wearing that heavy leather jacket. I was down there this summer, and I felt like I was melting, despite only wearing a polo shirt.

But as others have pointed out, it also really depends on what you wear underneath it. I can't imagine how Indy would have survived getting to the Raven bar wearing only his safari shirt under that jacket... Still, I disagree that there isn't a jacket that can become THE jacket, since all you need to do is to try to make it work.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:17 am
by jacksdad
I'm curious what is a wax like jacket?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:43 am
by mark seven