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Swedish hobby whip maker (with pics of whips) saying hello

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:40 am
by minstrel
First of all: Hello everybody!

Second: I'm Swedish, so please excuse any peculiar idiosyncrasies below.

I've been lurking here a bit, checking out the info on bullwhips and salivating over the many nice pictures of even nicer whips, picking up bits of new knowledge and generally checking the place out. Now I've decided to join, even though I may not become one of the most active posters on the forum.

A little bit about me: I've been making whips for a little over a year now, and have managed to produce about a dozen bullwhips, and a couple of snakewhips. I have tried different kinds of leather, but not surprisingly kangaroo is my favourite leather by far.

I started making whips because I wanted a bullwhip (and no, it wasn't because I watched Indy use one, although I am an Indy fan of sorts - I think it was the tannins in the new Australian leather hat which seeped into my brain and made me want a whip to go with the hat), and being unemployed I couldn't afford the high end whips I liked the looks of, and I didn't like the look of the ones I could afford. Solution: Buy Ron Edwards' book on how to make whips and some cheap leather and make one myself! Much cheaper. Of course, the first one didn't turn out too good, so I had to buy more leather and make another... and another... and so on.

Since I'm my own worst critic, I don't think any of my whips are worthy of comparison to the high quality ones I have seen here, and elsewhere on the Internet, but they perform adequately for my purposes, so I'm pretty happy with them that way. My initial intention was to just have one as a wall hanger, but now I'm not so sure what my intentions are. I've started cracking my whips after watching Adam Winrich's videos on YouTube, and quite enjoy it. My whips work surprisingly well, even though I don't have a high end professionally made whip to compare them to.

My latest whips are made with three to four plaited roo hide bellies and no bolsters, so they are definitely made with good "guts". Now that I've started using them more, I hope to see how they hold up to regular use.

Ok, enough of the long winded presentation, and let's see some pictures! (BTW, if they don't show up, it's because my web server is down, which it rarely is.)

First off is one of my early whips, made from vegetable tanned calf skin. It has a steel handle and a lead weighted core, and it cracked well when I tried the cattleman's crack with it. I sold it on eBay, though, to get money for more leather. I don't remember how long it was, but maybe 6 or 7 feet long.


My next whip is made from vegetable tanned reindeer leather. The leather is so thin, that the whip turned out very thin too, even though it has three plaited bellies and a lead weighted core. The handle is also a steel rod in this one. It cracks easily, and I have used it a little. It has a 20-plait overlay and it's 8' long. There are a couple of lumps in the last 2' or so of the thong, since I pulled off some strands there, and did a bad job of re-attaching them.


The next whip is my first kangaroo hide bullwhip. It's "traditionally" made, with a tapered wooden dowel in the handle, with a 4-plait belly glued into the handle. The overlay is a 16-plait two tone whipmaker's plait, in black and blue. It's 6' long.


This is my next most recent whip, made from veg tanned roo hide, natural tan. It's an 18-plait whipmaker's plait, 6' overlay, and it has a plaited core and bellies, and a 10" or 11" steel rod in the handle. It was my first really heavy and thick whip made from roo hide, and it cracks very easily.


The last pic I'll post here is my most recent whip. It's a 8½', 16-plait saddle tan roo hide whip with a 8" steel handle, lead weighted core and three plaited bellies. It's my most "Indy like" whip so far, and the one whip I've used the most for whip cracking.


Comments are welcome! :)


Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:22 am
by TurnerME

It looks like your skill is progressing very well. Where did you learn (which books or videos or person or self-taught)?

There are many great whipmakers and enthusiasts here, I am sure you will add to the compliment of choices.

If you make your whips to sell please post your rates.

Again welcome and great looking work.

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:29 am
by zohar
Echoing Turner, your skills appear to be progressing well. Good job.

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:39 am
by minstrel
TurnerME wrote:Where did you learn (which books or videos or person or self-taught)?
Apart from owning Ron Edwards' book How to Make Whips, I'm self taught. That book is pretty good for anyone interested in making their own whips, no matter what style, in my opinion.
TurnerME wrote:If you make your whips to sell please post your rates.
I'm only making the whips for my own use, but I have sold some on eBay to recoup some of the money in order to buy more leather. Right now I'm not contemplating selling any of my whips, though.
TurnerME wrote:Again welcome and great looking work.
Thank you very much.


Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:14 pm
by Andymac84
Man, hello to sweden and welcome here.
Great bunch of whips you have there.
The last one is my favorite. Looks very nice.

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:17 pm
by Kiscien

nice whips :). This reindeer whip is nice :D

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:40 pm
by Swindiana


Swedish whipmakers are pretty scarce it would seem, it's very nice to have you here!

Where about are you located? Örebro myself.

Nice work!!

Best regards,
Swindiana, "Lars"

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:02 am
by minstrel
Lars, I'm in Linköping, but I have (or used to have, I don't know if they've moved or not) cousins in Örebro.

I believe there are few whip makers in Sweden, if any. Whip cracking doesn't seem to be a big hobby/sport over here either, unfortunately.


Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:09 am
by giovanniceleste
Ciao Nicholas ,
you're Welcome :D
Nice whip :wink:
Cheers - Giovanni Celeste

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:54 am
by munakuppi
Hejsan på dig Nicholas.

I'm a beginner whipmaker in Eskilstuna. realy nice to know that I'm not the only one here.

The only profesional whipmaker I've heard of here is Piskmakarn who is somwhere in south sweden. He is suposed to be making finest quality whips for horse hobbyists and I have no idea if he does any other kind of whips.
He sells his whip by order or at horseshow markets or something.

I also liked the reindeer whip. Realy nice looking and even taper exept for the lumps in the end.

Where do you order the hides from? I bought some from Tjäderläder but man they are expensive.
Roohide I bought from Murphywhips. Including postage,tax and customs its much cheaper than any domestic I've found so far.

Too bad the weather has been realy lousy the last couple of weeks. But happy cracking...

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:30 am
by minstrel
Hej på dig munakuppi. :)

I buy my leather from Slöjd-detaljer. They are a bit cheaper than Tjäderläder, for sure, but they don't have as many kinds of leather on offer.

I mostly get my roo hide off amazingoz on eBay, and get the vegetable tanned hides. I don't know if he has drum stuffed hides, but I put on a lot of leather dressing (fiskarsmorning works great) and that works well for me.

I've actually ordered some paracord, and will make a nylon bullwhip sometime in the coming weeks. Then I might be able to do some bullwhip cracking even when the weather isn't so good. :wink:


Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:00 am
by munakuppi

Oh man... Where do you find paracord?
I've looked all aroud here. not even the outdoor shop "mest ute" has any proper one.

I dont want to order it from the states cause the shipping will be much more then the cord it self.

Lol, a bit weird to speak english to a swede... But don't want to exclude all the other in an inglees forum...

Oh, by the way my name is Tapani the nick is just äggkopp in finnish...


Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:56 am
by minstrel
I don't think you can find paracord at a reasonable price in Sweden, unfortunately. The shipping from USA to Sweden is worth it, considering it's a specialty item in Sweden and therefore commands premium prices. Making a nylon whip out of paracord would be a pretty expensive endeavour if you bought the cord over here. :shock:

I think the cheapest I've seen was 155 SEK ($25) for 31 meters (100 feet), excluding shipping. On eBay 100 feet lengths of paracord go for $8 or less, and $7 shipping to Sweden. I bought 300', which I hope will be enough for one whip (8' long, maybe).


Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:29 am
by munakuppi
Oki... yes that realy sounds reasonable.

Lol Only similar to paracod i found here was from Silva and a nasty stuff that was almost impossible to uncore, and finaly with lots of with blisters I found out that i would not stay flat.

Well I'll have to look for it on ebay as well then, is there a good vendor or is it lowest price with international shipping only important?

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:15 pm
by minstrel
This was my first purchase, and I'm still waiting for it to arrive. :) So I don't think I know enough to recommend any seller in particular. I'd say look for the color and length you want to buy, and see whether the seller ships internationally, and take it from there.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:04 pm
by munakuppi
Nice. Well what i've seen you can get realy cheep paracord on ebay... but they all sell 100 feet bunches...
Don't want to pay separate shipment for each... :?

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:07 am
by minstrel
You can find 1000' spools of paracord for sale on eBay as well. I found 300' spools too, so you don't have to buy it in 100' lengths.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:12 am
by VP
Great, more Finns... :roll: Good to see a new whip maker so close to Finland. :tup:

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:35 am
by Scandinavia Jones
Välkommen, minstrel! SJ from Uppsala signing in... good work with the whips! Keep it up!

... and munakuppi (interesting name, btw :lol: ) I was born and raised in E-tuna! Small world...

... and VP - taakse poistu, or something. How's the war?

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:29 pm
by VP
Great, the new recruits just swore the military oath yesterday.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:07 pm
by munakuppi
Yes I found the 1000' spools... bot not in any nice colour but anyway...

Moimoi... no en mä ihan suomalainen oo kun oon suntynyt ja asunut ruotsis... vanhemmat tulee suomest niin mun suomenkieli on jostain 60-70luvulta ja sit täällä kehittynyt hiukan erinlain kuin suomes. Hmm... VP, onks se vääpeli?

Scandinavian Jones/
Lol yes the nick is intentional. lots of people in sweden only knows the genital transltation even tough its the word egg I'm using. Nice, you managed to escape Eskilstuna...


Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:24 pm
by VP
VPR are my initials, no reference to my rank. Tällä hetkellä olen alikersantti.