Current price for a Keppler Raiders fedora?
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:04 am
Sorry if this has come up earlier - I completely forgot to ask Lee about the current prices
on his fedoras when I got off the phone with him ( I had a holster question ) I know that
the price was $140.00 earlier this year, but have since heard it has increased to something
like $160.00 or $175.00. Could any of you Keppler owners help me out? I hate to have to
call Lee again and pester him ( although he's a heck of a nice guy ) Thanks! :junior:
on his fedoras when I got off the phone with him ( I had a holster question ) I know that
the price was $140.00 earlier this year, but have since heard it has increased to something
like $160.00 or $175.00. Could any of you Keppler owners help me out? I hate to have to
call Lee again and pester him ( although he's a heck of a nice guy ) Thanks! :junior: