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Hat Fund, and things to pnder

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:46 am
by laughograms
OK, so first let me get my badge of shame out, shine it up some and pin it to my lapel: contrary to some people's advice regarding DPs, I actually bought and wear daily, a Disneyland wool felt DP --- not the crushable variety. It is a little tight as it is an XL and I should be sporting a XXL, but it is broken in enough that it feels mostly comfy on my head and I get many a compliment.


I know full well just by the feel of it that it is not a piece of headgear built to last. Moreover, it was more of a purchase of necessity and for "testing" as the sun hat I had planned to wear that day, had been tossed in the wash by my wife with the result that when I wore it I looked like Carol Burnett doing her "washer woman" character. Those who go hatless on hot summer days in Disneyland know how a hat is needed, and I had wanted to try a fedora for a while. Many many years ago, back when RotLA came out, I had one of those Stetson jobbies and I loved it, but lost it when I left it on a bus. So I wanted to see how I looked in one now, some 27 years later, and how it felt wearing one about.

Well, I love wearing it. And on top of that, most people aren't the kind of obsessive fans we all are, and I receive many a compliment on it. It is actually an OK looking hat and it works on me. But, it is so obviously NOT an Indy hat despite its branding as such. And, you can just feel the kind of rough, cheapish quality of it. But you can, and I do, get away with wearing it pretty much everywhere. It serves a purpose and I got it wicked cheap because my wife, as I have mentioned elsewhere, is a cast member at DL and we get crazy discount prices on everything.

So it is serving a purpose as a temporary lid and more importantly has convinced me to buy a hat of quality.

The hat I really want, of course, is an AB. After that, one of those beautiful beaver Penmans. After that, a Camptown Legend. And after that, an Akubra Fed IV. But I am the father of a 3-year-old, with many a bill to pay and many an old credit card debt from my misspent youth to pay off ( a horror show). In other words, we are pinching pennies around here big time, so an out and out hat purchase ain't gonna happen, at least if I want to father any more children if you catch my drift.

So, sitting on my desk is a tin can that used to have McCann's steel cut oats in it. I sealed it with some Krazy Glue and punched a hole in the lid and every time I have a couple of spare bucks on hand I put them in there. It's my "hat fund." So far I have $30 in there. Saving up for that dream hat. . .

But what is the target sum, I ask myself again and again? I am impatient and want a proper hat very very badly and very very soon (this wool felt one is gonna start shrinking if I sweat in it much more, and if I wear it in the rain I am pretty sure it is gonna become the world's first Indiana Jones yarmulke in about 5 seconds). But I will be saving up for a while, clearly.

But if I save up for months more for a more expensive hat than a Fed IV, in most cases it will take longer still to get the hat (not complaining, oh wonderful hatmaking people, I respect and admire your craft -- it is more my own impatience and eagerness to be behatted that is at fault!)

Whereas a Fed IV can come to me in a matter of days for ~$150 delivered, needing only the bash of my choosing. And no additional costly styling.

But then, I think, a real beaver one would be the just the thing and I am so entranced by those photos of the Penman. It looks like a hat that, if it were a woman, I would marry it. Sure, that's twisted. I know. Sue me.

So, I am a little torn. Obviously an AB is right out, until I sell that big screenplay or win the lottery (two equally likely occurrences, I'm afraid). I suspect once I have enough to order the Akubra I will not be able to wait, and though I am extra sure after researching and reading everyone's thoughts on the Fed IV that I would be delighted with the lid. . . aarrrgh, I just want to know if anyone else has been in the same situation, or if you can imagine yourself in it. What would you do? Would you save up for a longer time, like twice as long probably, and then wait 5 or 6 or 8 times as long for the hat to get to ya? Or would you go for the Fed IV and just forget the swankier options?

(By the way, I posted a Marrakesh notice that if anyone has a 7 7/8 / size 63 hat they are looking to sell, and it's been gently used, I am interested, so PM me. Yes I have a huge coconut, you got a problem with that? :D )

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:40 am
by mark seven
Hi Laughograms,I do the same thing,I save up and allow myself one hat and one new jacket a year..I'm saving for my next hat(a Magnoli HJ)at the moment(this years jacket-GB goat-is on it's way to me across the Atlantic right now! :lol: ).I have a 4 year old daughter so I know what you mean about being on a budget :wink: ..why not save for the fed(you won't be dissapointed-I have an AB but I still wear my fed often),you'll have a great hat you can wear THIS year that will get you through the winter no problems,and then as soon as your Fed arrives,straight away, start saving up in your AB tin-you could have that AB on your head christmas next year-this way you will always have something to look forward to!(or drop some major hints that you'd like to have an AB ordered for you this christmas and then you'll be wearing an AB next summer :wink: :D )

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:43 am
by Cassidy
Hey man, I have two points for you.

1) NEVER, ever be an apologist for your DP fedora and think it isn't an Indiana Jones hat. Wear it proudly and have some adventures. That's what Indy is about.

2) Keep saving until you ultimately get the hat you want. Don't compromise or get your second choice. Wait until you have enough to get the one you want.


Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:13 am
by BendingOak
I always advice people to save to get a high quality hat. You waist more money on buying a couple or a few of lesser quality hats. I think the idea of getting the akubra to have right away and then saving up for next year for the Adventurebilt hat by Steve.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:15 am
by Cassidy
It took me about 3 years to save up for an HJ - then the one I got looked exactly like the Venice Pier hat.

I sold it though to pay off debts.

Don't feel bad for me though. It beats Visa freezing you in Carbonite any day of the week.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:40 am
by cowboy827
First, I understand completely. I'm the father of a 4 month old boy, and the husband of a woman who thinks one hat really ought to be enough. I also have student loans out the wazoo from college and law school, credit card bills, the mortgage, car payments, you name it and I owe it. Unfortuantely for my wallet, I also have expensive tastes and hobbies. While I love my fedoras and jackets, I also collect cowboy hats and boots.

Second, I own an orginal Federation Deluxe. I bought it about 3 years ago, and it has served me very well. I've worn it in all kinds of weather, and it works as both a dress hat and a casual hat.

My own personal thinking goes something like this: If you want an AB because you really want top-of-the-line, and it's important to you to own the same hat manufactured for the latest film, just wait and save up for it. On the other hand, if you want a hat that looks like Indy's, but you are more concerned with buying a quality hat for an affordable (to most) price than with name-value, the Akubra will do nicely.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:15 am
by DR Ulloa
I can understand, somewhat, your situation. I graduated from the university this month, so I am technically still a poor college kid. It takes me a while to save for what I want but I do just for what I want. I ordered an AB as soon as I could. I also bought a Keppler which is a great hat at a great price. I hadn't purchased anything in a while so I jumped on the Penman hat when Oak announced it and cannot wait for the hat to arrive. It sounds like you are more interested in having a beaver hat than having "the one used in the film." If that is the case, the Penman is about one hundred bucks more than what it will cost to have the Federation purchased and shipped to you. It is worth it in, in my opinion, to wait for the big boy. If what you really want is an AB then save for it. Wear your DP until you get it. Also, keep an eye out on the Cairo Bazaar, you find some pretty good offerings there on hats. You may just luck out there.


Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:28 am
by Chewbacca Jones
I think Dave is on the right track. You need to decide what's most important to you. I did back when I first started with hats. My priority was; 1. A hat that looked vintage in style 2. In my price range 3. not stiff like my old DP wool from 1984 4. Could handle some rain and snow. At the time, only one hat fit the bill... the Federation.

Today, there are many options that capture the Indy look, and each has it's strengths. If you simply must have top-of-line beaver, your choices are clear; AB and Pennman. But consider and research Keppler, JPD - who makes rabbit and beaver felts, and Camptown. Each will answer a different set of priorities.

Saving for the Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:08 pm
"Buy the best, used". Though in your case, the size needed will be considerably harder to find. Even with current exchange and shipping charges, the Fed IV is hard to beat for quality/price. If you bought one, you'd have the hat right away, and it would likely retain much value should you decide to sell it in order to purchase, say an Adventurebilt. And what would you wear during the year or so wait?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:54 pm
by Mannie Bothans
Cassidy wrote:Hey man, I have two points for you.

1) NEVER, ever be an apologist for your DP fedora and think it isn't an Indiana Jones hat. Wear it proudly and have some adventures. That's what Indy is about.


Also, I think you have a keen eye based on your ranking of the ones you have listed.

I think the DP will certainly continue to hold up until you can save up. Maybe check out Marc's Henry. It is pricey, but it has a lot of history going for it, and once you have the money it's a factory lid so no "forever-waiting".

Still, I think you will enjoy any "upgrade" you pick.

Re: Saving for the Hat

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:02 pm
by laughograms
YARVTON wrote:"Buy the best, used". Though in your case, the size needed will be considerably harder to find. Even with current exchange and shipping charges, the Fed IV is hard to beat for quality/price. If you bought one, you'd have the hat right away, and it would likely retain much value should you decide to sell it in order to purchase, say an Adventurebilt. And what would you wear during the year or so wait?
Wow, that is a really good point. (And I would buy the best, used, if I could -- as you say size is an issue. I do this all the time. I am the king of Craigslist and buy almost all my durable goods there -- so many people have to buy the new thing every year, it is amazing how many crazy good deals on almost new stuff you can get).

I am not planning on "collecting" hats per se (though I will want a grey hat as well at some point) -- really I plan on owning one hat at a time. Needing one soon adds fuel to the Fed IV fire. All the advice and thoughts so far are great, and much appreciated.

As for wearing the DP and having adventures, I already am doing that. 6 weeks ago I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. So it has been a farewell to Twinkies for Johnny Large here. Not feeling sorry for myself for a second, it was my fondness for chili dogs and milkshakes that got me into this mess, and I am getting myself out. I am doing that with medication, proper diet and daily exercise -- I walk half an hour a day; might not seem like much to some people but it's a lot for a formerly sedentary, middle-aged fat man. (And if you need to know why I am so motivated, my avatar should explain that.)

Anyway my point is I live at the base of the San Gabriel mountains and I have taken up hiking in the Angeles National Forest. My brisk daily walks get me warmed up for a few hours' hike in the woods each Sunday morning, which I love, fedora firmly on my head (many a fellow hiker appreciates the hat!). So the hat is part of my new and suddenly very active life (heck, I have lost 12 pounds in the last month so I am doing something right) and it's getting a lot of rugged use -- wet tree branches, waterfall spray, etc. I don't think the DP is really made to take it long term though but I helped it out with some of that waterproofing spray, the popular one around here, I forget the name, Scout is it?

So I am leaning more and more toward the Fed purchase ASAP and then the longer savings for an AB or Penman with a resale of the Fed afterwards to offset the price. I like the idea of having a "good enough" hat for the uses I put it to whilst I save for "the best." I am loving all the responses so far so please continue to share your thoughts.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:30 pm
by Piker
I just got my quarterly statment for my "Hat Account" at my Credit Union. Every pay period I have a set amount go to that account.

I "felt" that was a prudent move.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:35 pm
by laughograms
Piker wrote:I just got my quarterly statment for my "Hat Account" at my Credit Union. Every pay period I have a set amount go to that account.

I "felt" that was a prudent move.
What a splendid pun. I like that idea! Wouldn't get past the Mrs. though and rightly so - we have many many issues to deal with $$$-wise. But I get my little allowance each week, skip a few Starbucks visits and fill up my jar and I am fine with that, for now . . .

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:48 pm
by BendingOak
Piker wrote:I just got my quarterly statment for my "Hat Account" at my Credit Union. Every pay period I have a set amount go to that account.

I "felt" that was a prudent move.

Thats great. I should do something like that.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:07 pm
by Lord_Clarence
Hey, never knock a DP for adventure purposes. My crushable outback hat may not pass costume muster among this crowd, but for a $30 hat I got seven years ago, it's been on a lot of adventures, covered thousands of miles with me, and looked good doing it, for little out-of-pocket risk. I just sewed an Indy-style ribbon on it, so it looks even more the part, and it's my preferred hat.

'Course, my other hat is my oft-mentioned Stetson Disney, which doesn't bear wearing in public for long, cardboard sweatband and all.

In any case, I always like to see someone rockin' the DP with no shame.


Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:50 am
by Chewbacca Jones
Piker wrote:I just got my quarterly statment for my "Hat Account" at my Credit Union. Every pay period I have a set amount go to that account.

I "felt" that was a prudent move.
Now that's a good idea! I'll have to remember that one.