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A New Hat and A Big Thanks
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:20 pm
by McFly
Around 13 months ago, when Steve first announced his involvement with CS and that he'd be raising prices in the future to around $400, I posted a comment in the thread, half-jokingly complaining that I'd never be able to afford one of these hats.
Not two days later did somebody PM me asking if I already had an AB. I replied that I had a rabbit, but I wasn't sure about the size of it, because it seemed a little snug (sometimes I get red lines). Well - what did this person have to say about that? He said, "Get on the horn with Steve and give him your specs for a new AB," saying that my not having a beaver felt was "completely unacceptable."
I won't say exactly who he is, as per his request, but I told him I'd be giving a public thanks when my hat showed up, and not 3 days after it shipped, it's here in California!
THANK YOU very much, again! The felt is beautiful, and I absolutely love the bash. Also, the way this hat fits is definitely a little more comfortable, but I may actually have to make it smaller... as some vendors here know, I'm just terrible with measurements, and so any weird looks on this hat are absolutely my fault.

Anyway - here's some pictures!! Tell me what you guys think!
interestingly enough... the specs on this hat's brim are the SAME as on my Raiders, which looks like this on me:
Could it be that the larger crown makes the Beaver look larger? I've been working on the brim, but the Raiders has a *lot* of curl... I guess a few days of playing could fix it!
Anyways - the hat is gorgeous, and I don't think I've ever felt a hat this soft before.
Thanks again, VERY much to the extraordinarily generous member here who bought the hat for me. I couldn't have been given a more amazing gift!
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:24 pm
by McFly
Oh - also - I thought it was very interesting that this hat is a much more rich brown color. The Rabbit looks a little more red. Also, this hat has a darker ribbon, and I'm sure that's because the Rabbit has had so much Fuller's on it!

I have to find a way now to restore the color of the ribbon on that Rabbit!!
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:40 pm
by Alan
Congratulations on the new hat, and a tip o' the hat to your AB patron.
The hat looks great. I should be about a week out from getting mine.
By the way, you missed a spot shaving this morning.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:52 pm
by indyrocks
AMAZING hat, I recently saw KOTCS again and let me tell you-it's DEAD on!

Rock on
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:56 pm
by Dr. Nebraska S.
Shane, that's an outstanding looking hat (or should I say "hats")--congratulations!
best wishes,
Nebraska Schulte
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:09 pm
by McFly
Thanks, guys! I still may have to resize it... but dang! I'm really in love with the center dent and the crown. They're everything I wanted the rabbit to do! It's just the brim that I'm trying to trick.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:10 pm
by Mannie Bothans
SWEET! You must do a shadow pic!
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:26 pm
by mufflowne
yummy looking hats sir! one of these days...
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:31 pm
by Indiana Williams
Very nice, Shane. I must say seeing your CS AB has made a fan of them out of me. when I put in the order for my new AB, I might have to consider getting a CS one, maybe grey just for good measure. Enjoy the fedora
Best Regards,
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:31 pm
by McFly
Should it be that tall in the front...?
EDIT: Actually, it's made a fan of them out of me, too!

Before it came I kept thinking, "Maybe I'll change it to a Raiders hat when it shows up..." but then when it came, I thought, "I don't care if I didn't like the movie, that's a really COOL bash."
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:45 pm
by Indiana Jess
Nice hat Shane!! I hope my looks that good on me. If it were my hat, I wouldn't change a thing.
Alan wrote:By the way, you missed a spot shaving this morning.
My dad always told me when I had some stubble going, "You need to stand closer to your razor."
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:32 pm
by Raven Brody
It looks good on you. I think the crown may be a little high, but it sill looks good.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:58 pm
by Chaval85
Amazing hat! Congratulations! An AB NEVER disappoint to anybody!
I'll keep waiting for mine... The D day gets closer.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:58 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Nice, Shane! I look forward to seeing you in it at the QM summit in November!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:03 pm
by gabrielle
Beautiful hat Shane and to whomever was incredibly nice enough to help you out my hat is off to you!!! People like you are not found often enough and I congratulate you so much on your humanity...I hope it rubs off.
Enjoy your hat in good health Shane, it looks terrific on you and just right.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:09 pm
by gwyddion
Now I know for sure I want an AB. Ok, the "Henry" I am waiting for is an AB, but I guess you know what I mean.
Regards, Geert
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 1:14 am
by Weston
Very nice! If it were me, I'd drop the front pinch down a notch, but hey, these hat's look better after wearing and handling. The right look just seems to find you after time. The only thing keeping insane jealousy in check is the fine new fedora on top of my head (also a gift).
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 1:31 am
by DR Ulloa
It is a beauty, Shane. I'm glad you finally have it in your hand. Every photo I see of these CS ABs make me want mine in hand even more.
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:48 am
by Zombie Jones
That's a beautiful hat, and a terrific story! In an era where most people seem to be self-centered and apathetic, it's good to know there are still people like your benefactor who possess the kindness and goodwill to help someone without publicity, acclaim, or demanding something in return. Well done, good Sir!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:28 am
by Doctor_Jones
hehe! fantastic! there are really generous people on this board. And I'm glad that you are one of the lucky ones.
I fell out of a job so I need to look closely at my budget if I can buy a new hat yes or no cos my old federation almost died on me during the downpoor in engeland almost two weeks ago.
wear your fedora in good health. It looks fantastic!
Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:29 pm
by McFly
Zombie Jones wrote:That's a beautiful hat, and a terrific story! In an era where most people seem to be self-centered and apathetic, it's good to know there are still people like your benefactor who possess the kindness and goodwill to help someone without publicity, acclaim, or demanding something in return. Well done, good Sir!!!

I absolutely agree. I've always been surprised by the generosity and selflessness of this community as a whole, and this guy helped reinforce the idea that Indy fans are the best ones in the world.

This community has been blessed with amazing people, and lots of them really know how to "pay it forward." It's such a nice feeling though, doing things for others.
Now, I sent these pictures to Steve to ask him what he thought, and he said I should send it back to him for some changes.

He said he wasn't happy with how the block was looking on the front of my hat, and he'd like to change it. Talk about striving for perfection!! Even when the hat already looks awesome, he wants to make it even better!
Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:23 pm
by Indiana MarkVII
Steve has mentioned several times in different posts that he would like to see photos of your face before he cuts or styles the hat. He will, or did anyway, offer to make it to flatter or fit your face, as it is not one specific style that fits every shape of head or face. Way to go, Steve!