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I need some reassurance!

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 10:31 pm
by Flash Gordon
I'm pretty sure I'm about to drop $260 on my first pair of Aldens.

Friday is my birthday, and although I told myself that my Wested was going to be my birthday present to myself, it now turns out that was my Christmas present.

So, here's what I need from you guys. Should I do it?

This is what is keeping me from jumping in head-first. (Or is it feet-first?):

I tried on a pair at the Alden store here in New York. I usually take an 11-and-a-half to 12, but the 11s were the right length. The "D" width was too wide. They didn't have anything narrower. So, I'm thinking of ordering over the internet a pair of 11s, "C" width. What do you think?

If they don't fit, I'll have to pay to send them back, as well as a $15 "re-stocking fee". For me, $260 is a big piece of change, and I've always heard "never buy mail-order shoes".



Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 10:52 pm
by IndianaJames
GO for it. Not just saying that because Im an indy fan....The boots are super comfortable after a brief break in period, and, they are super tough, and go with just about anything. The customer service from The Alden Shop is top notch as well, so if youre not happy for some reason, they will MAKE you happy! These are no "mail order" shoes, they are great work boots youll be "ordering through the mail" :wink: and will last you for years and years to come.

Good Luck Deciding! :)

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 12:11 am
by CEEJAY928
Go for it.
Trust us..... It will be the best pair of shoes you may ever buy.

and..... it will be the best shoes you'll own for over twenty years.

heheh.... well, I guess thats if you resole them and all

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 12:34 am
by whipwarrior
IndianaJames is absolutely right: these boots will last you for years to come. I've owned mine since November of 1998, they are sooo comfortable and good-looking, and like a fine wine, they will only improve with age. Do yourself a big favor and BUY THE ALDENS!!! I promise you won't regret it.

-Dale (satisfied Alden customer)

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 9:09 am
by Flash Gordon
Thanks for your ecouragement! :D

:!: FYI - The Alden Shop isn't listing the Indy boots on their website anymore! I looked and looked, and they just weren't there. What's up?!

So, I think I'm going to have to buy them from another store I found on the internet. Any suggestions there?

I don't mean to be a pest...but.. :?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 10:09 am
by Pyroxene
Flash Gordon wrote: :!: FYI - The Alden Shop isn't listing the Indy boots on their website anymore! I looked and looked, and they just weren't there. What's up?!
I would probably chalk it up to one of three things.

1.) It's due the production recycle that's going on right now.

2.) They are updating their website and need a full color pic of the 405 (which, btw, is looking really good.)

3.) Alden only wants the 405 here.

I am sure there are other theories/reasons but those were just a few that poped into my head.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 10:11 am
by Bogie1943
I tell ya, I have had my Aldens for two years now and have worn them for most of the days for those two year and these are the best shoes I have had and if I could get another pair I would. The only thing is my Aldens are now in the need of new heels, which after two years of almost constant use, is a good run. I love um, go for it man.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:37 pm
by Atticus
Check this out it might answer some questions: ... php?t=3186[/url]

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:48 pm
by Flash Gordon
All right...I did it! :shock:

I ordered my first pair of Alden's.

I called the Alden Shop in California and spoke to Allen. He said I bought the very last pair of 11-Cs. He said, "You're in luck, there's one pair left at the factory!" He explained they're out of many sizes, and so it's a hit-or-miss venture.

Since they're coming from the factory in New England, and I live in New York, they'll be here early next week. (Imagine calling California to buy something in New England.)

Anyway, when they get here, I'll let you guys know.

Thanks for all the helpful ecouragement! :D

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:57 pm
by Michaelson
Good for you! You're going to enjoy them. I am mine right now! Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 5:57 pm
by CEEJAY928
There you go....

they are great shoes.

I work in a hospital. Standing on my feet all day, while treating
patients for 8 hours, would usually cause aches.
But my Aldens keep my dogs comfortable day in and day out.


Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 10:05 pm
by Indiana Jess
I ordered my first pair about a year ago and haven't worn any other of my shoes since. I'll never wear anything but my 405's from now on.