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My New Wested Goat Raiders; I am so happy; take a look.
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 2:04 pm
by Doeindy
Hi all.
I just wanted to thank you all for all your wize words and help in the last month.
Yesterday I visted Wested Leather with my beautiful Wife Jo. When we where there I was met by Kt Templar, Indybrit and Peter; what a great day it was.
When we arrived Peter asked me what I was looking for and I said somrthing like my heart is telling me a Lamb Raiders but my mind is telling me a Goat Raiders because I am a bit clumbsy.
I was then made to feel like the most important person in the world. Peter picked up a Raiders Lamb first and opened it up so I could place my arms through; that man is a Gentlemen. I then suggested that the jacket is beautiful but a bit thin as I may rip it; my Wife said it looked Great. I then was handed a Goat Raiders by Peter and again he held it open for me to put my arms in; if being excited was not enough then made to feel this good is amazing. I then tried on the new CS and that jacket has the most amazing finish on it; I loved it, but I had my heart on that Raiders jacket.
Eventually I made up my mind and said to my good Wife; the Goat is the one as it is tougher but equally as nice as the Lamb. I tried it on again and my Wife told me to my happyness that the jacket suits me and looks good; so that was that and the I then handed over the money for the Goat.
Can you feel that I am so happy; because I am exstatic. As a addition to getting the Goat and my Wife wanting to come with me; I got to meet Peter of-course, but I got to meet Kt Templar and Indybrit.
All three of those people are gentlemen.
Kt Templar went out his way to bring with him his HH jacket (Not sure what film) a Holt Grail chalice, Two beautiful Bull Whips, an AB and a Christys Fed a Magnoli Ra Head Peice and an original MK6 bag with an amazing strap that he made himself. Kt brought his gear to show me; I really have to thank you for that.Kt also showed me and my Wife how to break the sound barrier with his Bull Whip; that was impressive; big time Kt is the man. Also he gave me a gift that I recived when I got home; you are one of the people who made my day.
Indybrit: What a trully decent guy you are man. Brit had brought with him a Magnoli bag and I must say that the workmanship on that bag is amazing; thank you for that and I apprieciate the gesture. Meeting Brit is a pleasure and I have got to get to know him as Brit only had an hour with us.
Peter: If I could ever recomend a service and a person to visit; then Peter of Wested Leather is that service and person. From the moment I got there he was great. Peter asked me what I was looking for. He walked me through many options and worked to find the right size jacket for me. Peter treated my Wife and me like we are something special. Peter spent the time to show us some of the jackets from other shows and movies and we even got to watch a news report about Peter and his business.
I just wanted to say thanks to you all who made my day special and who have spent the time helping me on COW.
So here is my jacket: ... 1214763772 ... 1214763862
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 2:18 pm
by Holt
hey Paul
great news! I', glad you are happy.
the links you provided doesnt work.
ohh and let me just say that grail was one of my earlier ones.
the shape is a bit of.
anyways congrats on your jacket
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 2:37 pm
by Stringer
Sounds amazing, glad you had a good time.
I never seem to make it out to Wested on my trips down south, it's allways that little too far for someone who doesnt drive.
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 2:39 pm
by ichnob
Looks good on you. And this was an OTR?
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 2:43 pm
by Doeindy
Thank you Eric, Ichnob and Stringer.
I loved your Grail Chalice; If you ever make a new run and they are kind of cheap; maybe an unfinished then could you keep me in mind; I love your work.
Thank you Ichnob? LOL (Your Alias sounds funny). Thank you for posting my pictures for me; I have been trying for an hour to post them. I appreiciate the help. Yes this jacket was OTR and it feels so good to wear. Its a OTR Raiders in Goat; a bit tougher than my original choise which was Lamb, but I was scared to rip a Lamb as I could not replace it if it got damaged.
I would love to meet you Stringer; maybe at an event would be the time and place.
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 4:41 pm
by IndianaGeo
That´s a fantastic jacket and looks great on you! Nice work and congratulations!
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 4:46 pm
by ichnob
Heh, if you think it sounds funny in your head, try saying it out loud when you input it for a bowling game.
That's a great OTR find. Looks like it was made for you.
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 5:05 pm
by Tollan
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 5:20 pm
by Holt
it looks great Paul
nice pocket flaps too by the look of them.
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 5:33 pm
by Kt Templar
Hey Paul,
It was really great to meet you and your very supportive lady!
So nice of you to be so tactful about my feeble, feeble attempt to crack a whip. Next time I promise there will be some noise!
That's a great jacket you've got and like it said, really wear it, new jackets are a bit like a blank canvas, the character comes out in time.
Hope we can meet up at LFCC too. Any one else in?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:44 pm
by Doeindy
Hey all.
Thank you so much for your comments. I am happy with the jacket big time. For my first ever jacket; I feel I have hit the right notes.
Just one last thing:
When would be a good time (right time) to Pecards the jacket. I am not in any rush; I just want to take care of it. I am also very aware of the fact that I may not need to do it yet; but it would be great for a newbie like me to know.
Many thanks again,
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:59 pm
by Michaelson
There's no rush on putting any kind of leather dressing on goatskin. It's already naturally water resistant, so unless you see it starting to get dry, there's no need to worry about it.
Looks GREAT and sounds like you had a wonderful experience!
HIGH regards! Michaelson
Loves His Jacket
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:28 pm
Would make a good advertisement for Wested, though I suppose business is booming these days.
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:23 pm
by Swindiana
You can't go wrong with goat.
Congrats on a very nice jacket!
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:09 pm
by Doeindy
Thats great guys.
I will will treat the jacket at Westeds in 6 to 9 months. I know that Peter stated that I may get a white residue from the jacket; Peter said its just the wax comming out of the leather.
Kt also stated that Peter has a conditioner for my jacket; so I will get the jacket treated there; many thanks Michealson.
Many magical thanks pals. It is great to be in good company. Eric I am glad that you like the pockets; what would the pockets usually look like? Also I have rectangle rings on the jacket too and not D Rings. I keep on finding these plus's. I have a cotton material kind of linning and like a silky type sleeve lining too.
BTW: it is really hot in England; so I am gutted as I have not been able to wear my jacket yet. I WANT IT TO RAIN AND BE COLD.
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 7:22 pm
by Stringer
Doeindy wrote:
BTW: it is really hot in England; so I am gutted as I have not been able to wear my jacket yet. I WANT IT TO RAIN AND BE COLD.
The bennefit of moving to Glasgow. Even on the hot days, it wants to rain and be cold
Not such an advantage in winter (re:most of the year) when i get wetter than Indy at the start of Crusade....
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:20 am
by IndyBrit
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the kind words and apologies for dashing off. Sounds like you and KT had some fun, that is quite a collection he has!
As you know I also went with the goat OTR, which will now sit next to my custom Horse hide. I must say I am impressed with the jacket.
A general note to all: the new goat hide is a winner, not quite the same feel as the lamb but soft and will drape well over time. It is clearly more durable than the lamb. As I am in the natural distressing camp I reckon a good five to eight years of abuse to get the look. The washed goat special looked great as a pre-distressed jacket, but not for me. Peter's latetest jackets seem to be a slimmer fit and the finish is great- in this case it was an imported OTR. Also note the scalloped pocket shapes from Paul's pictures
BTW Paul; You should have seen my cousin's face when I gave him my year old Wested lamb. Christmas came early for him
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:30 pm
by Doeindy
Hi Indybrit.
I must say that the Goat Wested has been put together really well. I know what you mean about the jacket being tough, and I can see how it is going to drape in a fantastic way.
It the scalloped pockets a new thing? The jacket I have fits very well and I have allot of faith in the duribility. I am so happy that I did not get Lamb as this baby is gonna last.
Your Cousin must have the best Cousin in the World; you giving him the Lamb and all. I would have been bouncing of roof if someone gave me a Lamb Raiders. You are a good man to give him such a great gift.
So has the Wested Raiders jacket changed since the original then?
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:50 pm
by Michaelson
Kt also stated that Peter has a conditioner for my jacket; so I will get the jacket treated there; many thanks Michealson.
You're MORE than welcome. KT is probably talking about Letaps. That's a GREAT product! I love the stuff!
HIGH regards! Michaelson
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:10 pm
by Doeindy
Yes: Kt was refering to Letaps; sounds like great stuff. It seems like Goat is easy to take care of too.
I am loving this topic too. I am getting excited because I can now take part in Posts from COWers asking if the Wested Goat is a good jacket or not.
My reply:
The jacket is not good; its a cool peice of craftmanship that has by-passed my expectation of what the meaning of terrific is.
Michealson; have you got allot of jackets? You seem very well in the know about such things.
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:23 pm
by IndyBrit
hi Paul,
It would seem the jackets have changed a bit. The lamb I gave away was a fuller cut and the pockets where straight cut.. oh and D rings. Still good jacket. Now I have to resist getting another lamb
Enjoy your new jacket and lets compare notes in six months time!
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:48 pm
by agent5
Also he gave me a gift that I recived when I got home; you are one of the people who made my day.
You're not the first person to benefit from his generosity. I can now claim the same.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:03 pm
by Doeindy
I thought to myself: I have not got D rings and my pockets are scalloped; it looks like Wested have got a winning formular for knocking out the best. I would love to compare notes later; I bet you gwt to wear yours more than mine at the moment; its still too hot and I am desperate for a seriously big downfall.
Kt Templar has been good to me and you too; it shows what a great guy he is; he should be cloned as this world needs more people like him.
Good bloke
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:53 pm
by IndianaGeo
I´ll third that. KT Templar is the best. He let me check out his gear when I was at Wested, try some fedoras, crack a whip or two, and gave me a MKVII bag strap adjuster thingy that I don´t know quite what to do with yet, but I´ll figure it out!
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:53 am
by Canada Jones
That is a great looking jacket and I found Peter also excellent to deal with in person. I have had the priviledge of meeting him a few times.
Enjoy that jacket, and like you I am partial to the Raiders jacket.
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:48 pm
by Doeindy
It has been raining in the south of England; I have been wearing my jacket three days in a row now; I love the joy of it all.
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:58 pm
by Kt Templar
Doeindy wrote:Everyone.
It has been raining in the south of England; I have been wearing my jacket three days in a row now; I love the joy of it all.
So this weather is all your fault! Thanks!

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:30 pm
by Doeindy
Maybe it was my fault...............................No it was not......................Yes it was.
I don't know what you are talking about

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:13 pm
by Elliott
Glad you like your Jacket,
I must have been there before you (Hi Jason!) Isnt Peter a great guy to talk to, I think he should open a cafe, so that we can all meet up there for lunch!
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:53 am
by Doeindy
Hi Elliott.
Peter is a great salesman and the very kind decent sort of person that you could only wish to do business with. He does have allot to contend with; with us Gearheads phoneing him about things and hanging out in his shop; but Peter is so decent about it all.
Regading my jacket:
It has had a few soakings now and it is starting to get a great drape and the sleeves are becomming wrinkled; its looking better all the time. I just had to get my head past the (I do not want to get it dirty bit). because I love the jacket so much; I am quite honestly paronoid that I am gonna rip it.
A Cafe at the Barn would be a great idea; we could meet up there to have a chat.
Thanks for your interest,
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:05 pm
by Kt Templar
Elliott wrote:Glad you like your Jacket,
I must have been there before you (Hi Jason!) Isnt Peter a great guy to talk to, I think he should open a cafe, so that we can all meet up there for lunch!
Hey Elliott, nice to see you on the board.
I seem to bump into Elliott about every 6 months at some con or something. I work right next to his former flatmate. Everytime I forget his name! I'm very bad at names!
This time I bump into him at Wested. It really is a small world!

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:49 pm
by Elliott
[quote="Kt Templar
This time I bump into him at Wested. It really is a small world!

As we got in the car, Sir Knight said 'cant we go anywhere without people knowing you!'
He then commented that He is going to follow your lead on taking his Indy apparel around in the boot of his car......just incase an adventure presents itself!

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:01 pm
by Doeindy
Kt; that car business was great. You have some wonderful Indy items in that boot. I hope to bump into you on the A127 (not literally).