I'm willing to bet it's the same company in India that makes Magnoli's bags. I have 2 Magnoli replica Mk VII's and the first one I got was undersized by about 1.5 to 2" either way. The second bag I got from him was the right size.
I could be wrong, but it's an interesting coincidence.
bought one yesterday and will give measurements when I have it in hand. It looked great and I plan on using it alot. For work,school, and have young child so need to bring extra stuff.
I ended up with one of the smaller Magnoli bags so I re-dyed it and distressed it and gave it to my 6 year old son. He promply filled it up with his collection of plastic sharks.
After I get my 'real' bag strap from Keppler I'll put my Todd's strap on his bag so he can carry his stuff around.