Which Magnoli's pants for most SA raiders colour????
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 5:40 pm
Right so i ordered a pair of magnoli's pants a few months ago but it turns out he did'nt get my sizing order with it, This has given me a second chance to reconsider because when i ordered them i ordered 100% calvary twill for the whole general SA thing. However I got a subtle impression that the twill pants were'nt as SA in the colour department for Raiders as some of the other materials that were made by magnoli?
If someone could enlighten me if this is true or not id be very thankfully
p.s. i do remeber seeings starks raiders pants and i think they were in whool blend and they looked real spot on to me!
Red Dust
If someone could enlighten me if this is true or not id be very thankfully
p.s. i do remeber seeings starks raiders pants and i think they were in whool blend and they looked real spot on to me!
Red Dust