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Magnoli Hat discussion

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 9:19 pm
by Indycrazy5187
Has anyone purchased a fedora from magnoli Clothiers. I've been considering a purchase of their HJ sable for some time and I was wondering if anyone that may have purchased one from them could give some input on their experiences with them, positives and negatives, etc. Hope to hear from anyone soon. The link below is a picture of the hat. ... 7109de5c3a

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:02 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
It is an HJ, so there's only so good it gets. It looks great, no denying, and it's as floppy as you'd want it. Personally, I find it a little too floppy. If you're going to get an HJ, Magnoli's is the one! But I like my AB much better.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:21 pm
by Nebraska Brad
I own a Magnoli HJ and he has done a great job reworking it. The result is a hat that looks the part and is much better than what you would get if you just bought the standard HJ. As usual Indy's customer service is top notch.



Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:27 pm
by Indycrazy5187
thanks for the input. I've been in a tug-o-war between Magnoli and AB for some time now. I REALLY WANTED an AB, but I don't have the time to wait for a year. I leave for Australia in the coming months and I know Steve works hard but the drawback is the long turnaround time. I've been in active talks with Indy at magnoli and he said the hat would ship in a month. I know that Steve's long wait is due to that he starts from scratch so you definitely get what you paid for. I'm sure i'll invest in an AB some day. Just today may not be that day. But who knows what the tide could bring in.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:45 pm
by Johnny Fedora
Ok, gotta jump in here. For my complete review please check this thread. viewtopic.php?t=24555&start=0&postdays= ... ohnson+hat

As for the hat itself, what can I say, it just feels so Raiders. Don't get me wrong I still really want an AB, but if you love the hat in Raiders you owe it to yourself to give the Mag's HJ a try. And remember, the man who bilts these hats for Magnoli is just as good as (if not better than) Fedora at making hats. :roll: :wink:


Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 12:10 am
by eazybox
I now own both a Magnoli HJ and an AB, and although I love the AB, I actually prefer the look and feel of the Magnoli; it's soft as butter and the sable coloring is just gorgeous-- it's a real treasure. Also, it's been available for, I believe, over a year now, and I have yet to see any complaints about its durability. The extra steps that Steve takes to reduce shrinkage and taper seem to be working very well.

That said, the Magnoli is still more of a dress hat (or collector's item) and considering its price, I am not inclined to subject it to a lot of harsh weather and rough treatment. If you require a rugged hat that will take anything the elements can throw at it, you'd probably be better off waiting for an AB.


Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 1:44 am
by Tron7960
Mine seems to get better every day. It looks and feels great. Very Raiders (IMO). Summer will be the true test as it can get quite humid here.

:tup: :tup:


Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 2:52 pm
by Indycrazy5187
Im glad to see a discussion brewing here. Eazybox i think you just hooked me with "soft as butter" since I love soft hats. I had a DP for a while and it got stiff as time went on even with all the measures i took to keep it nice.