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The week before KOTCS ..Channel Theory

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 5:43 am
by 3thoubucks
Screenused reported no stitch pleating the felt, causing the channel in the front dent above Indy's right eye. I was puzzled. Perhaps it rotted away? He reported there is no liner in the hat. My last channel theory demonstrated how a sewn in liner stitch on an old HJ could have been the cause. If the linner came out after the filming, that could explain no stitch. ...but, ... I bought a new Raiders DVD (my old one got borrowed, forever?) It's the KOTCS premiere edition, and it has a gallery of 50 or more production shots I had never seen before. One picture of the hat turned on the light bulb. - I believe the front of the crown was trasitioned into brim on the Raiders hat. I do that to my hats, as you can see here. 4 inches of stitches removed at the very front of the hat, and that section only held in position with one stitch. :idea: I think the channel might originate at the point where the original stitches end. A tightend ribbon and vintage felt making a stitched pleat unnecessary, but still, this mechanical cause triggering and facilitating the effect. Image