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Todd's Shirt has finally ARRIVED !!! (w/ many pics)
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 9:28 pm
by IndyFalco
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 9:39 pm
by Indiana
Oh man that looks great! That fabric looks like it'll wrinkle really nice!

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 10:23 pm
by Tron7960
I'm really looking forward to receiving mine!
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 10:37 pm
by Indiana G
indyfalco....thanks for sharing!
man, that does look like a great shirt....todd!!! where was this when i was buying those oversized WPG shirts?!?!?
thanks for bringing these to us die-hard fans and indyfalco, enjoy it in good health. i hope you post some pics when you get that shirt worked in.
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:05 pm
by Holt
finally!! at last some pictures.
man I cant whait for my 3 to arrive!
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:48 pm
by Travner Ravenweird
WOW, I can't Wait!!
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:58 pm
by Indywanabe91
Wow nice!!!
are you gonna post any pics of you wearing your new indy shirt?
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:03 am
by Scott63
Wow, that shirt looks great! Good job Todd! I can't wait to get mine.
BTW IndyFalco - How's it fit?
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:35 am
by Photoss
Looks great!
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:40 am
by Indywanabe91
I really need to get one but now i have to wait for the Large sizes!!
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:48 am
by IndyFalco
Scott63 wrote:Wow, that shirt looks great! Good job Todd! I can't wait to get mine.
BTW IndyFalco - How's it fit?
I'll tell you this much. If you've got any extra baggage on you, the shirt WILL fit snug. Did you notice how the shirt curves into the waist? The curve really helps profile the shape of your body, but again, if your on the heavy side, the shirt may not do you much justice.
Now, the chest/shoulders of the shirt are really interesting. It does a fantastic job at over-amplifying the chest. The pockets are placed perfectly across your chest and it gives you this broad, big chested look. I really liked that feature.
I weigh 185 pounds and the shirt fits me good, but if I gain anymore weight I know the shirt will begin to show more than I'd like it too.
Overall, it's a really good shirt. But you've also got to make a part to make yourself look good while wearing it.
So my suggestion, EVERYONE be on your HEALTHIEST behavior while wanting to pull off a good INDY look with TODD's shirt. !!!

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:47 am
by swcrazyfan
I can't wait till I have the money to buy one of these. It looks awesome.
I might want to play around with the color though. However, I won't know until I get one to really see.
Todd, that looks Awesome!
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:51 am
by Mr. Kent
Hey IndyFalco,
What's your chest and waist measurements if you don't mind? I emailed Todd and gave him mine and he said either a large or extra large, but I want to be certain before I order one, so I don't have to send it back.
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:23 am
by Indiana Max
What a great shirt, the colour looks nearly fantastic and the seams...

Thanks IndyFalco for sharing so many detailed pics

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:33 am
by Indiana Strones
Which is the real colour? The one of the indoor pics or the outdoor?
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:37 am
by LordxHelmetx
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:43 am
by IndyFalco
Mr. Kent wrote:Hey IndyFalco,
What's your chest and waist measurements if you don't mind? I emailed Todd and gave him mine and he said either a large or extra large, but I want to be certain before I order one, so I don't have to send it back.
I'm between a 42 -44 chest. The shoulders are wide on this shirt so I think that's why todd may have said either the large or the x-large. I don't feel much restriction on my shoulders while wearing the shirt. The sleeves are long, which is great because it can easily be passed off as a dress shirt. I have a medium Todd's Standard Jacket and the shirt's cuff does stick out of the jackets sleeves. (doesn't look that bad at all)
Like I mentioned before, the shirt gives this "big-chest" effect, which is really cool.
I'm a 34 on waist. The shirt does curve into the waist and gives a very awesome profile of the body. Like I mentioned before, if you have a big form/extra baggage, the shirt will feel snug. (my shirt is a LARGE, btw)
It already feels a tad bit close to me, its not snug....yet... but after a good washer/dryer treatment you could already assume it to shrink
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:56 am
by IndyFalco
Indiana Strones wrote:Which is the real colour? The one of the indoor pics or the outdoor?
Okay, the color of the shirt is "khaki"
Under artificial light (lamps, etc) the shirt may look kinda golden. (take a look at the post by LordxHelmetx before mine)
but under regular light indoors, the color of the shirt looks like this
Now, in outdoors the shirt takes on a more "Streets of Cairo" look
It all depends on the lighting. The shirt looks GREAT. The pics I took really represents the color well. Hope that helped you out.
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 4:05 am
by Indiana Strones
Ok thanks!

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 7:13 am
by SankaraRaider
Looks really great!

Can't wait to get mine!
Ordered it last night, just too bad I didn't order it a lot sooner, now there's no way I'll get it before the premiere.. But congrats on yours!

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 1:05 pm
by Dalexs
I don't know... it looks alittle flat to me...
Why does it look like you ran over that with a steam roller?
Or does your grass just need to be cut?
(oh and nice shirt!)
Re: Todd's Shirt has finally ARRIVED !!! (w/ many pics)
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 1:20 pm
by Indiana Strones
Hey, can you please post some other pics?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 1:47 pm
by McFly
That looks fantastic! I may just have to get one....

and they're NOT that expensive...! I wonder if the small will fit me though. Hmm...
GREAT color!
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 5:04 pm
by Sabich
Thanks for posting those great pics. Can't wait until the mediums start shipping!

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 5:24 pm
by McFly
I just ordered a small!

Lookin' forward to a new shirt...!
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 6:56 pm
by Texas Raider
Got mine,,if you were a large,,ya better go up in size! ;-) , it's definitely form fitting. After a wash n dry,,it's gonna be REALLY form fitting,,

Also, I'd say the color is Temple of Doom-ish more than Raiders. My old altered Deadlock shirt is much closer to Raiders in color. But I really like this one! I'm gonna order an XL next, for sure!
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 7:22 pm
by Photoss
Make sure and tell us how much you think it shrinks in the wash.
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 9:01 pm
by Holt
anybody have a NH shirt and a new Todd shirt for to compare the two
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:36 pm
by bigrex
Holy moley batman, that's the first Indy shirt I've seen that has the color SPOT ON! Although maybe there are some out there, this one looks the best I can ever remember. It always seems there is some compromise and you have to settle for something that is pretty good, or ok, but not just what you are looking for —and this is it. Can't wait for mine to arrive.
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 3:32 am
Awesome Shirt!!! Could ya give some specs from the shirt, sleeves, chest and waist..? Now I´m seriously thinking of gettin me one!!

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 7:34 pm
by serrecuir
Indiana Holt wrote:anybody have a NH shirt and a new Todd shirt for to compare the two
I have a Medium on order. I plan on doing exactly what you ask when I get mine. I'll post the pics here, if no one beats me to the punch. So far, from the pics here, this looks like a great shirt! I may have to order a second if the fit is right.
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 11:00 pm
by bigrex
Well, got mine today. To be perfectly honest, it's a tad yellower than I thought it would be, the sleeves are a tad long, and so are the collars, but otherwise it's all right, and I assume the longer sleeves and collars are based on what is accurate. The photo below is a comparison with the What Price Glory shirt on the left. The image has been adjusted via Photoshop to reproduce what I am seeing with my own eyes. The contrasting colors looks true to life on my screen at least.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 8:41 am
by IndyMo
Texas Raider wrote:Got mine,,if you were a large,,ya better go up in size! ;-) , it's definitely form fitting. After a wash n dry,,it's gonna be REALLY form fitting,,

Also, I'd say the color is Temple of Doom-ish more than Raiders. My old altered Deadlock shirt is much closer to Raiders in color. But I really like this one! I'm gonna order an XL next, for sure!
I went with the XL just to be safe.
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 10:03 am
by Indiana Strones
Can anyone post a comparison pic with a Wested shirt?

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 10:41 am
by agent5
Just noticed the button placement is off. Even so, it still apprears to be one of the best shirts available from what I can see in the pics. The shirt looks fantastic!
Bravo, Todd!
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:34 am
by Holt
agent5 wrote:Just noticed the button placement is off. Even so, it still apprears to be one of the best shirts available from what I can see in the pics. The shirt looks fantastic!
Bravo, Todd!
well if you think they look fantastic it must be very good.I am whaiting on 3 shirts from todd.
what do you think of the color?are they close to the NH shirts by the look of them?
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:47 am
by agent5
Just based on what I see in the pics I'd have to say yes. It's not supposed to be white as many people think. You just don't want it too dark.
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:14 pm
by Cowboy
bigrex wrote: the sleeves are a tad long, and so are the collars, but otherwise it's all right, and I assume the longer sleeves and collars are based on what is accurate.
That is correct. Todd said that the shoulders are wider and the sleeves longer.
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:14 pm
by Cowboy
agent5 wrote:Just noticed the button placement is off. Even so, it still apprears to be one of the best shirts available from what I can see in the pics. The shirt looks fantastic!
Bravo, Todd!
Buttons wrong?? Which?
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:41 am
by myamoebafriend
This is kind of annoying because I don't think mine is even going to be shipping until the 30th. argh.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:43 am
by Cowboy
myamoebafriend wrote:This is kind of annoying because I don't think mine is even going to be shipping until the 30th. argh.
What size? I got an XL...which means not until the 23rd?
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:58 am
by myamoebafriend
Cowboy wrote:myamoebafriend wrote:This is kind of annoying because I don't think mine is even going to be shipping until the 30th. argh.
What size? I got an XL...which means not until the 23rd?
I got a small
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 7:46 am
by IndyMo
Cowboy wrote:myamoebafriend wrote:This is kind of annoying because I don't think mine is even going to be shipping until the 30th. argh.
What size? I got an XL...which means not until the 23rd?
Correct, My understanding per Todd's site is the "other " sizes would be shipped on the 23rd. I'm in the holding situation as well as I went with XL.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 7:58 am
by Indiana Strones
I will order mine very soon!!!

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 8:42 am
by JC1972
I also ordered an XL & can't wait to get it but I hope its big enough.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 8:52 am
by Holt
IndyFalco wrote:Indiana Strones wrote:Which is the real colour? The one of the indoor pics or the outdoor?
Okay, the color of the shirt is "khaki"
Under artificial light (lamps, etc) the shirt may look kinda golden. (take a look at the post by LordxHelmetx before mine)
but under regular light indoors, the color of the shirt looks like this
Now, in outdoors the shirt takes on a more "Streets of Cairo" look
It all depends on the lighting. The shirt looks GREAT. The pics I took really represents the color well. Hope that helped you out.
wow! now I really cant wait for my shirts
this made my day.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:14 am
by Bullitt
I would also like to see a comparison to the AB or NH shirt.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 10:06 am
by Holt
only one diffrence by he todd shirts and the CS shirt is that the straps on the shoulders are longer then the CS shirt.
but then again that is a CS shirt,differentpattern maby?.......and the todd shirt is said to be copied from an original raiders shirt.maby the straps on shoulders from a raiders shirt are longer then the CS shirt?
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:23 am
by agent5
Yes, they are. Todd did a fantastic job on getting the epaulettes correct. The NH buttons used to be incorrect as well. If you just take a look at the shirt in the film you can easily see the button placement and how it differs on the Todds shirt and almost all of the older NH shirts.
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:55 am
by Bemo
Agent 5, sorry to be dense about this, but which buttons where?