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Sinnnng.....sing a sooooooonngggg.....

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 4:41 pm
by Alathea
* Going the chapel.....*

Goin to the bathroom, gonna
Measure my head three times, and
then im gonna email Steve, and
Then im gonna Paypal him and,

Then Im gonna wait a long times,
Probably a year and then some,
Goin, to get my, AB.....

He replied! WoOt! Ill measure my head tonight and then PP him tomorrow. Then the wait begins....... :lol:

And the wait begins.....

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 11:27 am
by Alathea
Payments away. See you in, I don't know, around Feb at the earliest, with Pics!