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When do you wear your lid?
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:36 pm
by Mr. Z
As a new Fedora owner, I am excited and slightly trepidatious about wearing my hat. I have worn it like crazy at home and sent out pictures, etc., but I am wondering when people wear their hats out. Do most think of it like a ball cap, as far as wearing it whenever they go out? I will certainly wear it when I gear up, but I think it would be cool to wear when all dressed up or something like that.
I think I still am not used to the lid yet (after a whopping 24 hours

), as I still feel like it looks a tad big on me. This is most certainly just not being used to it. Here's a pic:

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:54 pm
by Piker
Question is, when don't I wear it. Left the house the other day without it, seemed weird.
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:06 pm
by Thousand Truths
Yea I don't know where I'll wear it. I haven't gotten my fedora yet but when I do I'll probably wear it alot when I first get it and as time goes on I may wear it more or less and just with my Indy gear...who knows?
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:12 pm
by WarrenJones
I wear mine all the time, to the barn to the mall, nothing has really been said but then again I dont really pay attention, as far as I am concerned if kids can walk around with there pants around their knees, I can wear a fedora, (I am only 30 by the way)

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:20 pm
by Mr. Z
That is true Warren; believe me. I'm a high school teacher, and some of these kids are downright embarassing, as far as the whole pants thing. I'm by no means a stick in the mud, but come on.
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:23 pm
by Thousand Truths
Mr. Z wrote:That is true Warren; believe me. I'm a high school teacher, and some of these kids are downright embarassing, as far as the whole pants thing. I'm by no means a stick in the mud, but come on.
Have you worn your fedora to class yet?

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:24 pm
by Mulceber
Yep, I wear mine all the time too. At first it seems a bit big, but I say, relish how big it feels. Look at how it looks on Sean Patrick Flannery in the young indy series. It feels similar to that early on. :junior: -M
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:27 pm
by Piker
WarrenJones wrote:I wear mine all the time, to the barn to the mall, nothing has really been said but then again I dont really pay attention, as far as I am concerned if kids can walk around with there pants around their knees, I can wear a fedora, (I am only 30 by the way)

Crack Pants!
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:28 pm
by WarrenJones
as long as your comfortable, it will be ok
for a while at first I would wear it take it off at the mall, put it back on when I came out, but then I realized I was being stupid, I was worried what someone might say, I have never once worried about anything else why this? So now its with me always, still wish more would wear one though

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:31 pm
by WarrenJones

hehe yeah Piker, I let it slide if a toolbelt is pulling your pants down but...
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:39 pm
by IndianaSolo
If I'm outside my home, I always have a fedora handy, be it felt or straw. I can't say it's always on, but Its on pretty much as often as say, a jacket would be.
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:39 pm
by IndyFrench
I wear mine on weekends and to and from the office, except on days when I have on a dark suit (but I'm placing an order for a grey AB, so that should solve that problem soon). Like many here have said, I feel weird not having mine with me. Sometimes you get the weird looks and comments, and other times you get sincere admiration and questions about where you got it.
Heck, my BOSS wants one now!
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:44 pm
by BoilermakerJones
Mr Z.
I don't remember how long it took for me, but after awhile you almost don't even know you have it on. Once the sweatband has become formed to your head and you are used to the weight of the hat sitting there, it really becomes a part of you and you feel almost naked without it. Of course that could just be the result of my receding hair line!
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:05 pm
by Mr. Z
Mulceber wrote:Yep, I wear mine all the time too. At first it seems a bit big, but I say, relish how big it feels. Look at how it looks on Sean Patrick Flannery in the young indy series. It feels similar to that early on. :junior: -M
Interesting and cool comments all. I always thought it looked really obnoxious on Flannery, so I hope to steer clear of that look. I haven't gotten a chance to wear it at school yet, as we are ACT testing, but it will happen soon!
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:07 pm
by Mr. Z
BTW, is it typically best to pull it down to about eyebrow level, or more slanted and sitting in the middle of your forehead? Mabye it is just personal preference?

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:36 pm
by gabrielle
I always have a hat on. Mostly a fedora and sometimes a straw or ball cap.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:38 pm
by DR Ulloa
My only Indy fedora right now is a wool DP which I wear out most of the time (only until I recieve my Keppler, then I'll wear it all the time). But I also have some other fedoras that I used to wear out more often, the DP has pretty much replaced them. I can't think of a single reason why one should leave his house without a hat, be it a fedora, golf cap, or even a ball cap. As far as how I wear it, I bring the back a little lower than the front, with the front resting about half an inch or so above my brow. I don't sit there and measure, or anything like that, but just adjust until I am satisfied.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:06 am
by BendingOak
I went out one time without it and someone I knewalmost walked right by me. They said they couldn't place me without the hat.
The little kid down the block from (around 3 ) saw some one with a fedora and called out my name. His mom said no" that's not John" but he said" the hat."
My fedora and me became one somewhere in my life I just don't know when. I do feel funny without it even if I just walk two houses down to drop something in the mail box.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:49 am
by Sergei
On the trail for me. Keeps the sun's rays off my neck and face and as well the debris from the back of the neck whilst bushwacking.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:33 am
by alanseijas
Please don't be insulted, but IMO that hat does look too high on you.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:49 am
by Mr. Z
alanseijas wrote:Please don't be insulted, but IMO that hat does look too high on you.
I'm not insulted at all. Do you have any suggestions how I can fix it? Is it a style thing (as far as the wrong bash for my face?)?
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:02 am
by Piker
Can't touch the hat, man. You'll just have to get plastic surgery. Make your face fit the hat, only way to go. Proves you are a fan.
Seriously, it looks fine. You will find in a month or so that it looks right.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:03 am
by alanseijas
Mr. Z wrote:alanseijas wrote:Please don't be insulted, but IMO that hat does look too high on you.
I'm not insulted at all. Do you have any suggestions how I can fix it? Is it a style thing (as far as the wrong bash for my face?)?
Sorry, I don't. I am not one of the experts here, just a NOOB. Just MY opinion, and you seem to be getting some other favorable responses.
BTW, I wear my hat as much as I can. When I drive, at home, into and out of work -- Off for the diner table at home though. Oh yeah, not while sleeping or showering either!

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:23 am
by Mark Brody
Wearing a fedora out in public can definitely take some getting used to. You get a lot of comments; some good, some bad. Once you learn to shrug off the bad ones, it's like the hat becomes part of you. I was into fedoras before I was into Indy gear, and even though I got the hat for the sake of the hat, it took some time to grow on me.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:27 am
by Iowa
I wear a hat almost any time I go outside. As everyone says, once you get used to it, you notice more when it's gone than when it's on. And that hat really does look great on you! The ratio between brim-to-crown and brim-to-chin is very close, which is just what a good proportionate Raiders hat needs.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:59 am
by Hunter Jones
I wear mine as often as possible. My only problem is that I have to see clients in their homes and since most people don't know what to do with a hat any more I don't wear it on those occasions. Or with a black suit. The rest of the time I do.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 4:14 pm
by Mr. Z
Iowa wrote:I wear a hat almost any time I go outside. As everyone says, once you get used to it, you notice more when it's gone than when it's on. And that hat really does look great on you! The ratio between brim-to-crown and brim-to-chin is very close, which is just what a good proportionate Raiders hat needs.
Thanks Iowa. I have been really concerned about this, so that means a lot.
Piker wrote:Can't touch the hat, man. You'll just have to get plastic surgery. Make your face fit the hat, only way to go. Proves you are a fan.
Seriously, it looks fine. You will find in a month or so that it looks right.

I appreciate that as well Piker. I think I just need to get over the initial awkwardness. I just don't want to look like "Young Indiana Jones".

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:29 pm
by ztmario
I kind of envy you guys for being able to pull that off in the outside world. it's not that I look bad in my hat.. but I'm only 22 and, unfortunately, have no choice but to care what other people think. as stupid as that sounds, there's just no way I'm going to walk into a bar or club and pick up a girl with a big brown fedora on. at least not without trying a whole lot harder.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:32 pm
by Indiana G
ztmario wrote:I kind of envy you guys for being able to pull that off in the outside world. it's not that I look bad in my hat.. but I'm only 22 and, unfortunately, have no choice but to care what other people think. as stupid as that sounds, there's just no way I'm going to walk into a bar or club and pick up a girl with a big brown fedora on. at least not without trying a whole lot harder.

i totally understand where you're coming from....i was 22 once

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:47 pm
by Thousand Truths
I just wore my very first fedora for the very first time today! Man did it feel cool! Everyone who saw me in it said I looked good in it and thought it was cool. Now I understand what you guys feel like when it's not on cause you feel "naked" without it! I can't wait to get my "real" fedora by AB!

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:56 pm
by BoilermakerJones
I wore my black fedora to my daughter's softball game today. One of her teammates asked if I was from Texas. Ugh. (Not meant as a slam on Texas.) She said "No, he's from Indiana."
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:06 pm
by Thousand Truths
BoilermakerJones wrote:I wore my black fedora to my daughter's softball game today. One of her teammates asked if I was from Texas. Ugh. (Not meant as a slam on Texas.) She said "No, he's from Indiana."
lol nice, Indiana.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:32 pm
by Mr. Z
BoilermakerJones wrote:I wore my black fedora to my daughter's softball game today. One of her teammates asked if I was from Texas. Ugh. (Not meant as a slam on Texas.) She said "No, he's from Indiana."
That's classic.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:43 am
by hocfutue
I wear a fedora and leather jacket whenever I leave the house. We've had snow lately, so I wear a fur collar A2, and my old hat's fur felt is great for keeping the almost constant rain off of my face. Come warmer/drier days, the SA hat and jacket are coming out of the closet, though.
The hat's a useful piece of clothing and gear. Keeps you dry in winter, keeps the sunburn/melanoma at bay in the summer. Don't leave home without it!
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:29 am
by WinstonWolf359
I wear mine with a suit, if it's sunny or rainy, and of course if I'm wearing the rest of the gear.
I do think a fedora belongs with at least "high end casual" clothing. If I'm wearing shorts or a T-shirt it's a baseball cap for me.
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:45 am
by IndyFan89
I wear it all day at work(since i work outside), and some times when i go ouot for my night.
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:53 am
by JR
Since February, I've been wearing my Fedora every day. I used to be afraid of wearing it, except on Halloween.

I mean how many women you know (let alone in New York) actually wears a fedora? It turns out there is one other woman in NY that I've seen that wears a fedora. It may not be an Indiana Jones fedora, but a fedora nonetheless.
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:03 am
by Luke Warmwater
I wear mine every day now. My girl really likes the way I look with it on, and that's all the encouragement I needed.
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:19 am
by alanseijas
A question on top of the question -- When do you stop wearing your fedora? I live in NJ, and those really hot days are fast approaching. Do you guys put your lids away for the summer? I mean, if it's 95 degrees out, are you sporting your hat?
Last summer I put mine away, but this summer I am not sure. I have become like Linus and his blanket! It sure is getting hot, though.
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:49 am
by binkmeisterRick
Nice hat, Z! It looks good on you. (Do you mind reducing the size of your pic a bit?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:11 am
by Indiana Max
I wear different Fedoras nearly every day, I feel kind of undressed without

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:23 pm
by Luke Warmwater
alanseijas wrote:A question on top of the question -- When do you stop wearing your fedora? I live in NJ, and those really hot days are fast approaching. Do you guys put your lids away for the summer? I mean, if it's 95 degrees out, are you sporting your hat?
Last summer I put mine away, but this summer I am not sure. I have become like Linus and his blanket! It sure is getting hot, though.
I got a nice Panama hat for the summer.
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:31 pm
by alanseijas
Luke Warmwater wrote:alanseijas wrote:A question on top of the question -- When do you stop wearing your fedora? I live in NJ, and those really hot days are fast approaching. Do you guys put your lids away for the summer? I mean, if it's 95 degrees out, are you sporting your hat?
Last summer I put mine away, but this summer I am not sure. I have become like Linus and his blanket! It sure is getting hot, though.
I got a nice Panama hat for the summer.
I'm still upset with you that your Adventurer looks better than mine!
Where is the thread with your pics again? I need to see that hat again.
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:05 pm
by Mr. Z
binkmeisterRick wrote:Nice hat, Z! It looks good on you. (Do you mind reducing the size of your pic a bit?

Thanks Rick. I still feel like it's too tall for me, but we'll see.
I tried to resize the image a bit. Do you have a specific size requirement, because I will be happy to adjust it.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:37 pm
by Luke Warmwater
alanseijas wrote:Luke Warmwater wrote:alanseijas wrote:A question on top of the question -- When do you stop wearing your fedora? I live in NJ, and those really hot days are fast approaching. Do you guys put your lids away for the summer? I mean, if it's 95 degrees out, are you sporting your hat?
Last summer I put mine away, but this summer I am not sure. I have become like Linus and his blanket! It sure is getting hot, though.
I got a nice Panama hat for the summer.
I'm still upset with you that your Adventurer looks better than mine!
Where is the thread with your pics again? I need to see that hat again.
The pics are here: ... 062921057/
When do you wear your lid?
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:08 pm
by rrhanselka
I would encourage all of you young guys to start NOW. wear your hat all of the time. It becomes part of your identity, part of who you are. People will respect and remember you, because of your classy hat. Let me repeat myself----START NOW.
I didn't start when I was younger. Where I'm from and am, if you didn't wear a cowboy hat, you were a sissy, so i didn't wear one at all. Now, as I have aged quite a bit, it's even harder to start anew identity as a hat wearer. I've always been one, just never had the courage to stand out.
So, If you feel it...start today. Wear it out and often. Don't waste so many years as I did.
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:13 pm
by Bowie
Good point. Establish the fact that you wear a Fedora BEFORE the new movie comes out. Otherwise, find a seat on the bandwagon....
They do feel unusual at first, but they become a necessary article quickly.
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:45 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Mr. Z wrote:binkmeisterRick wrote:Nice hat, Z! It looks good on you. (Do you mind reducing the size of your pic a bit?

Thanks Rick. I still feel like it's too tall for me, but we'll see.
I tried to resize the image a bit. Do you have a specific size requirement, because I will be happy to adjust it.

You can see the requirements in the rules thread:
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:09 pm
by Mr. Z
All set; thanks for the link!
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:51 am
by Bufflehead Jones
Indiana G wrote:ztmario wrote:I kind of envy you guys for being able to pull that off in the outside world. it's not that I look bad in my hat.. but I'm only 22 and, unfortunately, have no choice but to care what other people think. as stupid as that sounds, there's just no way I'm going to walk into a bar or club and pick up a girl with a big brown fedora on. at least not without trying a whole lot harder.

i totally understand where you're coming from....i was 22 once

Yeah, me too. I've been 22, two and a half times, already.