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Ordered my first US Wings - owners please comment
Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 12:25 pm
by Indy_Chris
I ordered my first US Wings - an Indy Kangaroo, and was just curious if US Wings owners would care to comment on how they like their jackets. I own jackets from all of the other makers except this one. I have always had my eye on that Kangaroo hide as it is really unique. They still had my size in stock, and they say once their gone, that's it. I figured with their return policy you can't lose. I know _ used to have one of these - if you can, please comment. I know Michaelson and Indydawg have said good things about US Wings, so please indulge me if you have the time. Best regards!
Sure, man...
Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 12:55 pm
by Indydawg
You've done yourself a great service by adding one of Sarge's jackets to your collection. Michaelson has actually owned more of these jackets than I have, and the roo hide is the only one I haven't seen in person, but all my other Wings jackets have been awesome with regard to quality of constrution, materials used, customer're getting a great "all around" Indy jacket, without the "hassle" of trying to identify the subtle screen accurate points on it, and one that will be around for generations.
Indiana Joe and Michaelson have seen the Wings jacket I currently wear, and both can, I'm sure, report the same for the jacket I have and the ones they've handled.
So, get it, wear the heck out of it, and enjoy it! You certainly shouldn't have to baby the thing...
Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 1:01 pm
by Michaelson
Can't add a thing to what IndyDawg has said. Comfortable, built like tanks, and will serve you well. Enjoy! Regards. Michaelson
Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 3:35 pm
I have one of the Wings Old cow jackets from 2001, and I
love it! It wears great, the color is just about exactly what
the new "Authentic Lamb" is now from Wested, and it
distesses VERY easily!
I can say that mine is a Cooper, but the new ones from
Sarge are made at his place, so they can only get better!
You can't go wrong with this jacket. You can indeed wear
the heck out of it. It just gets softer and better with age.
The roo I have heard does not have the light tan
undertones when it gets distressed. I do beleive it is actaully
black, or a darker color under the outer surface which
is the brown color. So I don't know how it will distress.
_ is indeed the one to ask about this.
Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 5:01 pm
by misterindy
Speaking of _, where is he lately???

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 5:07 pm
by Indy_Chris
Thanks for the replies fellas, I am eager to get this jacket! I will post my thoughts once I have it in hand. If anyone hears from _, please ask him to give me his thoughts, as I know he owns or maybe owned at one point a Roo jacket. Best regards, Chris
Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 6:26 pm
by Rixter
I bought my USWings Indy Jones VIP Jacket around eight months ago, and I have been very pleased with it. Initially, I did find the sizing to run a little larger in certain areas then what I normally would expect. But as to material and workmanship, it has worn extremely well and shows no apparent wear, which may or may not be what some people desire depending on whether you’re looking for that ‘distressed’ look. I’m sorry that I can’t shed any light on the Roo jackets and whether they distress well or not, but then to me, it has a unique look in and of itself.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 7:12 pm
by IndianaJames
Hate to be pea in a stack of matresses, but - I actually wasnt too happy with the service. I expected a different looking leather from what was on the website, and wasnt happy at all with the return policy. The jacket has to be back in US Wing's hands inside of 15 days...and my card wasnt credited for a couple months! Other than that, with the exception of some loose stitching (hey NOBODY is perfect) is was a really nice jacket! The kangaroo does look very nice, put up some images when you get it!
Wear it in good health
Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 9:57 pm
by Michigan Smith
I love my USW Vintage Cow Indy Jacket, great fit and color (after a coat of Pecard's). I wish it was warmer so I could wear it more.
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 9:39 am
by Minnesota Jones
I have two USWings jackets - the Goat and the Distressed Cow. Both are wonderful and have a solid construction feel to them! A great all around (all three movie) jacket - sort of a combination of the length of a ToD jacket with the collar of a LC. But remember, this is not a Wested or a Flightsuit jacket in regards to pocket placement, pleats, etc etc. But a solid Indy jacket with military specs and one jacket that you wouldn't be afraid to be dragged behind a truck in!

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 10:01 am
by Bogie1943
I have been around a long time now, and I have to say I have never heard any complaints about the Wings jackets, Sgt. Hack has always done a great job supplying us with wonderful, high quality jackets. Although not 100% accurcate, I like to call these the sorta ToD style jackets, small pockets. But as for quality, you can't beat it, I still want one, one of these days, after I get my Wested and a FS, then maybe I will add one to my collection. I always wonder in 10 years how many Indy jackets will I own, lol.
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 9:56 am
by Malenfant
Michigan Smith wrote:I love my USW Vintage Cow Indy Jacket, great fit and color (after a coat of Pecard's). I wish it was warmer so I could wear it more.
I love my US Wings Vintage Cow that was purchased last september - after three individual coats of Pecards, it looked too new but is aging perfectly (I suspect having it hanging up on a hook in my rather dry apartment is helping). I really didn't like the original finish, now I love the jacket as a whole. The grain is starting to really show, and the color gets distinctive with age.
It isn't as warm as my pseudo-lamb Wested, but the Medium US Wings fits what I like in a jacket better than my Wested - and I normally wear either a 40 or a 42R. I'm not a stickler for details, so I suspect I'll be selling the Wested in a couple of months due to my sizing preferences.
I'm really glad this post came up - after the blizzard here in Boston, it is now around 45, and the US Wings emerged yesterday and is hanging in my office. Worn the leather twice in 2003 already!
- Malenfant
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 10:45 am
by Indy_Chris
I received the US Wings Kangaroo but decided to return it. The quality is certainly there, but I was not crazy about the color of the jacket in person. It looked better on their website. In person, it was a flat light brown. It did not have the vintage look that I saw on their website. It looked very different from _'s jacket (pics in Cooper Jacket section of main page). The seam configuration on the back of the sleeves was also different from their other jackets - I wonder if the one I got was some kind of a fluke? Their other hides look nice, maybe someday I'll pick up another. For now, I'm really happy with my post-mod Flightsuits seal brown goat and my Wested's! I have been thinking about a FS in lamb - I really like the fit of their jackets and how precisely cut they are. They really are a good investment. Who else has a 6 month return policy?!?! I spoke to Ehren at FS this week and they have a new predistressed cowhide! Perhaps this is the jacket MK was referring to? I had them send me a sample, I'll post when I get it.
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 6:32 pm
by Rixter
Indy_Chris wrote:I received the US Wings Kangaroo but decided to return it. The quality is certainly there, but I was not crazy about the color of the jacket in person. It looked better on their website. In person, it was a flat light brown. It did not have the vintage look that I saw on their website. It looked very different from _'s jacket (pics in Cooper Jacket section of main page). The seam configuration on the back of the sleeves was also different from their other jackets - I wonder if the one I got was some kind of a fluke?...
I've known people who have ordered two of the SAME jacket in different sizes at the same time and have received completely different looking hides from USWings, and neither were Cooper's. In fact, although they weren't Kangaroo, but lamb, and one of the guys, cow, I recall being shown the same 'flat light brown' you describe compared to the other jackets which were a much richer color. I can imagine if that person had only gotten the light brown one's, he would have assumed that they were typical of those particular hides.
As someone here says, be careful, be very, very careful. (Or something similar.)