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Cowhide - break the silence
Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:15 pm
by AdaminNYC
Hello all,
There have been a lot of discussions in this forum about different types of leather, but there has been little talk, good or bad, about cowhide. Why is that?
I remember one person saying “cowhide drapes like no drape at all”, but I’m not sure what that means.
I’m considering getting a new Indy jacket in cowhide, but I want to make sure I’m not making some newbie mistake by getting this infrequently discussed leather.
Can I get a “moo”?
Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:27 pm
by Holt
well first off welcome!
and second the draping of leather,the softness in other words.the Lamb really takes your body frame after wearing it a almost grows on you
the you have cowhide is a stiffer leather when you have it maintains it shape longer and doesnt drape all that good
here is an exmaple of the draping in a Lamb jacket.there is no stiffnes and thickness in the leather like you find in a cow
but in the end it's all up too you and what YOU prefer in a nice jacket
Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:35 pm
by Kt Templar
I bought one on ebay, wore it about 3 times and sold it fairly rapidly afterwards. Far to heavy and thick for my taste.
If you want a heavyish tough leather go for the horse instead it drapes much better.
If you want a tought but light leather go for the 'new' goat. JMO.
Here's a comparison in weights I did a short while ago.
The cowhide I had came in at about 4.75 - 5lb.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:50 pm
by gladd96
cowhide isn't as popular as lamb or goat on here because it has a different look and feel to it and it doesn't resemble the Raders Jacket look at all. With the new movie we are seeing more interest in the cowhide as it's the new Indy look. I have owned a cowhide non-Indy jacket for over ten years and it is almost bullet proof and extremely heavy... I like the feel of the jacket but it isn't for everyone and not a good choice for an everyday jacket as it wears you as much as you wear it. I'm considering cowhide for my next Indy jacket. You have to watch cowhide because it can be all over the place in quality and you don't wan't the cheap stuff.
If you like the KotCS look go for the cowhide otherwise I'd suggest goat or lamb depending on the level of wear you'll put on it.
Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:18 pm
by AdaminNYC
Well, I had decided to get an undistressed cowhide Indy jacket... And it seems that cowhide is no longer available. At least I don't see it on the order page. I've got an email in to Gemma.
They do have predistressed, but I don't want pre-distressed. I have years to do my own distressing. I call it "wearing."
Denied again...
Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:26 pm
by Holt
why dont you get the goat?it is very strong and that comes undistressed...
and it has a very nice drape to it
Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:29 pm
by AdaminNYC
I don't like the texture of goatskin. It's too pebbly. I like my leather smooth, thick, and tough.
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:55 am
by Dr. Jones Jr.
I have a wested horsehide jacket, and a schott nyc perfecto in cow. The horse is heavier, but feels softer and thinner. the cowhide is very stiff and tough, and is more suitable as say a bike jacket.
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:56 am
by gladd96
If you are after cowhide I believe US Wings has a non-distressed VIP Indy jacket on sale. Certainly worth a look.
I'd be buying one but I can't afford to part with the money for a jacket I won't get to wear until fall.
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:16 am
by coronado3
I have a wested cowhide and it rocks! It is heavier than others and makes a fantastic fall/winter/spring jacket.
The newer wested Novapelle cowhide is a good compromise. It is lighter in weight. m2c
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:18 am
by Band Director Jones
The Lambstouch cowhide from Wested was the best of the cowhides. It draped well, was very soft, had a nice grain to it, and was still cowhide. Too bad that don't offer it anymore.
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:31 pm
by RockBottom
coronado3 wrote: The newer wested Novapelle cowhide is a good compromise. It is lighter in weight.
You sure? Mine seems extraordinarily heavy. I don't mind except when I'm travelling though.
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:43 pm
by Chewing Wax
I have a Flight Suits cowhide Navy G-1 that I got in 2000, and it's absolutely fantastic leather. Soft, drapes nicely, stays flexible in below zero temperatures, is tough as nails and is reasonably light weight. Easily as light as the leather they use in their chrome goat. Sometimes I wish I'd gotten the G-1 in goat, but then I realize the cow hide is excellent and I should have no regrets.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:56 pm
by Kt Templar
RockBottom wrote:coronado3 wrote: The newer wested Novapelle cowhide is a good compromise. It is lighter in weight.
You sure? Mine seems extraordinarily heavy. I don't mind except when I'm travelling though.
Any chance of weighing it? I wouldn't class my one as heavy at all.
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:15 pm
by bigrex
...never mind, I read more thoroughly and had my question answered..
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:52 pm
by RockBottom
Kt Templar wrote:RockBottom wrote:coronado3 wrote: The newer wested Novapelle cowhide is a good compromise. It is lighter in weight.
You sure? Mine seems extraordinarily heavy. I don't mind except when I'm travelling though.
Any chance of weighing it? I wouldn't class my one as heavy at all.
All I had to use was a bathroom scale so it may not be that accurate but, to my surprise, it only showed 3 lbs.
Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:52 pm
by AdaminNYC
Ah, joy of joy. A quick international call (on the company dime) informed me that they do have undistressed cowhide. Phone was the way to go, anyway, as the wested site doesn't have the ability to enter a different shipping address than the mailing address.
Hey, LL Bean they are not. I'd rather they focus their energies on making great leather than improving their webmastering.
So now I'm just 3-4 weeks away from an Indy jacket that used to moo.
Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:53 am
by Hunter Jones
I always have my Wested orders shipped to my office. I simply email Gemma. It's never been a problem.
Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:19 pm
by rick5150
My opinion is that the secret is in:
- the thickness of the hide,
- the density of the hide,
- the tanning method
- the protective finish
- the care/conditioning (oils)
I have taken cowhide jackets that felt like cardboard and stripped off the outer (protective) layer threw them in the washer and they are softer than you can imagine. One of them is my Wested Indy cowhide.
The same with my Aero FQ horsehide which may be the softest jacket I own relative to it's thickness.
I have two Schott Perfecto 618's and one is stiff as heck and the other is quite wearable. Same leather. With the right methods, I think most every leather can be made to be pretty soft.