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It's official, Lauren Wickline is now a part of MidWestWhips

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:47 am
by midwestwhips
Lauren Wickline (LemonLauren here on COW) has been studying whipmaking with me for over a year and a half, and her work has improved so much that she has reached the high standard of quality that I have always looked for in an addition to MidWestWhips. I am proud to have asked her to become a part of MidWestWhips, and a full time whipmaker. I'm sure many of you have been following her progress through the posts showing some of the Indy whips she has made, and her ability is quite clear. She has also made many whips which she hasn't posted pictures of that have been just as consistently excellent. I have closely examined the past 15-20 whips she has made, and they are all evenly braided and tightly plaited, have straight seams, and crack effortlessly.

She has amazed me countless times with her ability to learn things faster than anyone I have ever taught. She and I tied her first 7 part 6 bight turks head together, and then after that first time, she could do it perfectly from memory on her own. And to top that, she half-watched me tie a pineapple interweave on a whip once while she was tying a transition knot, and then came to me a few hours later with the pineapple interweave tied perfectly in a 7x6 knot around the handle of my mallet. She has an unmatched knack for leatherwork, and a passion for whipmaking along with a tendency toward consummate perfectionism, which is a combination that is rarely seen these days. Without a doubt, she is already among the most talented whipmakers I know.

What does this means for someone considering ordering a whip from MidWestWhips? Potential customers now (if they want to) have the ability to request that their whip be crafted by either myself or Lauren. If there is no specific request then the whip will either be built by myself, Lauren, or (more likely) we will both have a hand in crafting it. Adding Lauren as a full time whipmaker for Midwestwhips will also dramatically decrease the wait time for receiving a whip from MidWestWhips in most cases. Just email or PM either of us with what type of whip you're looking for, and we'll be able to give you an estimate on when your order will be completed. Also, with two full-time whipmakers behind MidWestWhips, we hope to begin offering a wider variety of products and services along with a faster turnaround on orders.

I have included a couple of pictures below of her latest Indy whip - a 12ft in saddle tan. I am extremely happy to finally make the announcement that Lauren is joining MidWestWhips. Having a partner this talented and passionate about whipmaking is something I have dreamed of for a very long time.


Paul Nolan



Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:20 am
by BullWhipBorton
Paul it's about time! :lol:

Congratulations Lauren, That’s great news and a beautiful looking Indy whip!

All the best.


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:42 am
by IndyWhips
:D I must of had a feeling in my water when we exchanged emails the other week :D

Congratulations Lauren & Paul


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:43 am
by The_Edge
Yes, congratulations to Lauren! And also to Paul for finding a worthy apprentice. That whip is gorgeous.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:09 am
by Cracker
Congratulations Lauren !!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:00 am
by Arthur Dent

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:27 am
by Indiana Max
Congrats :D

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:00 am
by kooniu

Your whip is perfect!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:46 pm
by Herr Jones
Congrats Lauren!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:36 pm
by rjallen70
When first you met, she was but a she is the master!

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:05 am
by PyramidBlaster
It is so encouraging to hear that not only is this once-dying art persevering, but also that it is no longer the realm of men only. This is exciting!!

From a fellow whipmaker, My hat's off to you both...Great work!

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:39 am
by thefish
I wouldn't say it's breaking in to a "Men Only" realm, PB. More like joining the ranks of brilliant whipmakers like Janine Fraser and Fiona Wilks who just happen to be women.

I've never handled a whip by Fiona, but Janine's stockwhips blow everything else I've ever handled out of the water. You just put them in your hand, and they crack! Just beauty.

After handling a couple of the signalwhips that Lauren had made early on, and watching as pics of her bulls began to pop up here on COW, I was wondering when this was going to happen. Paul and I had discussed this a couple times before, and it's great to see it finally official.

Congrats Paul and Congrats Lauren.

All the best and happy!


Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:31 am
by giovanniceleste
My compliments for your entry in MidWestWhips!!!
Beautifull whip
All the best.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:43 pm
by LemonLauren
Thanks for the welcome everyone. :-) I'm so amazed that I've finally been able to quit my day job and become a full-time whipmaker with MidWestWhips. Making whips is easily the most rewarding and challenging job I've ever had, and I've never been happier! Thank you all!!!

Lauren Wickline

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 4:27 pm
by Sergei
You are in good hands w/ Paul... From the looks of your braiding, you don't have far to go.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:23 pm
by Canyon
Lauren, many congratulations to you. :clap:

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:54 pm
by Boggstandard
I think Lauren is very lucky to work with a truly outstanding whip maker such as Paul.
Paul has a lot of integrity as an artist, and as a businessman.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:01 am
by midwestwhips
Thanks a lot to everyone for giving Lauren such a wonderfully warm welcome as a vendor. She certainly has put in quite an enormous amount of time and effort. She constantly surprises me at every turn, and in fact she just created her own pattern for a knot that I've never seen it done before. I'll see if I can get her to post a picture of it, if she has the spare time.

And, congrats' to her from me as well! ;-)


Paul Nolan