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Penny Pincher

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:23 pm
by Super Sleuth
Hi I'm new but have been keeping an eye on this site, heck without Indy Gear I would not have been able to finish my senior project in high school. Anyway I don't have much money and doing some research for the new movie I stumbled upon what I like to call the penny pincher's fedoras.

First the most expensive, new for this Halloween: Image
I think it looks better than the old one made to look like leather.

Second & my favorite:[/img]Image
Unfortunately they are temporarily discontinuing it to give the brim more of a dip and curl.

Last but not least: Image

Im still kinda new to the whole picture thing but i thought they might be interesting. [/img]

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:37 pm
by Hunter Jones
Even for IOAB I think there are probably better options available. Heck once the film opens I'm sure there will be a glut of inexpensive hats available on ebay.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:55 pm
by Super Sleuth
When I saw the second one for the first time it was the color that made me like it so much. I did, however, find this one on the same site.
Now this one is made of fur felt as opposed to the second one which is wool.