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NH Trousers (thats pants to you folks)

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 7:24 pm
by Ken
The NH trousers come unfinished at the end with much extra material. I remember reading somehwere that they should be turned up well inside so as not to snag on the Aldens. But whereabouts on the outside of the boot should they fall to when hemmed? Any advice?


Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 11:55 pm
by schwammy
Esquire magazine states, "Trousers should be long enough that no sock shows at any point in your stride when walking." That's for dress shoes, of course. Since these are high-tops, that's not really an issue. The professional who hems your trousers should know what to do. I doubt they would hem them at your knees.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 5:10 am
by geordie jones
Ken, when you are stood up I would say that if you are going to get the trousers tapered the back of the taper should be just above the heel.

However, since these are IndyGear you need a little baggyness so I would say about an inch to inch and a half on top of the length you normally wear say a pair of denims. But everybody has there personal choice.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 7:57 am
by Indiana Texas-girl
I've also heard someone say to leave enough hem sewn underneath so that it comes above the boot so that the shoelace prongs don't get caught on the underside hem. I hope this makes's early in the morning here.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2003 3:01 pm
by Pyroxene
Have you watched Raiders? You know there are several good shots of the hem line as they are walking up to the idol temple.

Just a suggestion.

ITG makes a good point

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2003 3:23 pm
by Michaelson
For those of us who DIDN'T have the hem sewn below the boot lace hooks, and I'm among them, expect to have the bottom of your trousers slowly shred over a period of time. Been there, done that, have the shredded pants legs to prove it. Fortunately they weren't NH's, but I have plenty of Dockers, LL Beans, etc. to prove it. Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2003 3:26 pm
by Pyroxene
I don't know if it's the hem length that I order or what but I don't have any problems. I also use a large boot lace. That may be helping too.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2003 3:35 pm
by Ken
Thanks everyone. Next job to find a good tailor to turn them up.
