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Todd's Shirts
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:28 pm
by Puppetboy
Just to give you a little update on the project - below is a photo of my latest prototype before going off to the factory. Hopefully they'll be ready in a week or two.
But now to the poll question: If you were to have an indy shirt in another color, which would it be? Why? Oh, I don't know. Just idle curiosity.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:29 pm
by Ripper
I like the Cocoa one, no reason, just like the color.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:59 pm
by Sabich
Cocoa for me too.
That prototype looks great Todd!
Can't wait to order one.
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:28 pm
by Swamp
Cocoa was my vote, but the celery is good looking too. Todd, what sizes are you making the shirt in? I need a new one.
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:37 pm
by PepiloJones
I like Cocoa and Celery.
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:38 pm
by Zach R.
Cocoa is nice, I'll be looking forward to picking up the regular color once they're readily available to the public, in any case.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:38 pm
by Indiana Kev
Todd the shirt looks good! I like the cocoa color as well.
Since you've got everything else any thoughts on making pants as well?
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:47 pm
by starks_6
Todd that shirt is definetly Raiders! Thats going on the list!. As for colour its being a miliatry-ish style of shirt its a little hard to go with a lot, but the cocoa, celery and scarlet are all nice colours

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:54 pm
by Puppetboy
Oh, I've got a long list of items coming - pants, boots, guns, pocket knives, etc.
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:57 pm
by Dutch_jones
Puppetboy wrote:Oh, I've got a long list of items coming - pants, boots, guns, pocket knives, etc.
Todd GREAT ! But maybe an Idea , there is currently no vendor offering indy 4 pants and shirts

;) your attention for accuracy is amazing.
ps LOVING your new gear offerings !!
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:06 pm
by agent5
Are you sourcing the original material as well? The shirt looks great from what I can see.
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:43 pm
by Argonaut
Dutch_jones wrote:Puppetboy wrote:Oh, I've got a long list of items coming - pants, boots, guns, pocket knives, etc.
Todd GREAT ! But maybe an Idea , there is currently no vendor offering indy 4 pants and shirts

;) your attention for accuracy is amazing.
ps LOVING your new gear offerings !!
Todd's offering one of the best looking Raiders shirts I've seen for a cheaper price than most. Now that's what I'm looking for.
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:58 pm
by Indiana
Will this shirt be a more closer fitting shirt? From what I have heard your current offering is rather wide in the body. Hard for thin guys to get the Indy look with a baggy shirt.
Color wise I am for Scarlet or Sailor Blue.
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:17 pm
by theinterchange
I voted cocoa, too. The shirt looks good. Was also wondering about the fit. I am very interested in getting one of them. I just ordered an LL Bean poplin field shirt in a color similar to the sailor blue.. if that helps your "other" color choice any.
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:24 pm
by Argonaut
Indiana wrote:Will this shirt be a more closer fitting shirt? From what I have heard your current offering is rather wide in the body. Hard for thin guys to get the Indy look with a baggy shirt.
Color wise I am for Scarlet or Sailor Blue.
I too am a skinny guy. Most shirts like this don't fit that well, but Magnoli's are supposed to. Close-fitting is what I'm looking for.
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:26 pm
by Mulceber
Yeah I'm a skinny guy as well. I love the Magnoli shirt I've got, but I can't see myself spending $100 every time I want an Indy shirt. I could see this being a great alternative if it's more close-fitting. :junior: -M
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:37 pm
by theinterchange
exactly I'm a skinny guy so fit is important! I want a Magnoli, but, can see myself buying these with more frequency.
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:48 pm
by bigrex
Looks great, very Raiders, I almost expect to see Harrison Ford smiling in the sun with an unbuttoned shirt with your picture there. I vote sailor blue, cocoa was my runner up followed by scarlet. I would like to see the cocoa ever so slightly lighter, but then I guess it wouldn't be cocoa.
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:33 pm
by Mulceber
I personally like the celery look because I think you could use it for a German army uniform if you wanted to. It wouldn't be 100% SA, but it would be a nice close-enough. :junior: -M
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:49 pm
by Bemo
I like the Scarlett and the Cobalt. I could easily wear those to work.
BTW, what's everyone's opinions on the length of the epaulettes?
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 11:59 pm
by swcrazyfan
I really like the cocoa and sailer blue!
I thought I wasn't going to be able to have a SA shirt for the Indy 4 premiere. But if the price is right,(which from what you say, it should be) I might be able to get one.
BTW, i'm getting all of my leather stuff from you!
Do you have any idea when the rubber whip will be coming out?
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 12:05 am
by Holt
I like the cocoa and the military green colors
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:29 am
by Puppetboy
Thanks for all the kind remarks, everyone. I did not source the original material since I have no idea where it came from or if the factory is still in business and if the cotton is still the same and the dye yaddi yadda yadda. I will get to see an original shirt soon so I can match the color (assuming it isn't faded) but for now I'm just going by what I see on screen as far as weight, finish, and color. I did not copy any vendors' shirt or assertions about material. I started from scratch looking at the movie shirt and with some help from the owner of an original shirt with dimensions and measurements. Here are a few of the design features:
The shoulders are extra wide - they drop off the shoulder a good inch or so. The pockets are also widely spaced on the chest, making the chest look bigger. The sleeves are fairly snug, like the jacket is. The back is gathered for ease, and the width is not extememely snug like you might suppose. It is nicely fitted, but not as tight as a military shirt. Again, this is based on the original specs. The cuffs do not have a french placket, but a continuous lap placket. The collar is a standard American straight collar, which creates that wide-open look.
Now for a departure from Indy shirt tradition, the front bands are NOT STRAIGHT (they're not actually pleats). Yep, that's right. They curve slightly towards the shoulders to create more of a "V" shape and a wider shoulder look. When the bands are straight, they appear to curve towards the neck when worn. The solution is to carefully bend them towards the shoulders so they LOOK straight when worn. It's a 2D/3D thing. This touch also puts the bands in proper alignment with the epaulettes.
Another departure from Indy shirt tradition, the epaulette button DOES NOT line up with the inside edge of the front bands. The button is about 3/4" closer to the collar than the inside edge of the bands. Just check the Cairo scenes and you'll see how they line up (or DON'T line up).
Just a few touches for that authentic movie look I hope you'll all like!
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:37 am
by Tron7960
Looks awesome Todd, and the design innovations are really interesting!
I've bought a lot of stuff from you and have always been very impressed with the products and service.
Keep up the good work!
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:42 am
by Argonaut
Yeah, the shirt is looking fantastic. I just hope it has a snug enough fit for us skinny guys.
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 6:08 am
by Satipo
Puppetboy wrote:Now for a departure from Indy shirt tradition, the front bands are NOT STRAIGHT (they're not actually pleats). Yep, that's right. They curve slightly towards the shoulders to create more of a "V" shape and a wider shoulder look. When the bands are straight, they appear to curve towards the neck when worn. The solution is to carefully bend them towards the shoulders so they LOOK straight when worn. It's a 2D/3D thing. This touch also puts the bands in proper alignment with the epaulettes.
Is this how it works on the original shirt? And, when you say "original shirt", do you mean an actual screen-used one from Raiders, or an MBA? It's a very clever approach, but I always assumed they were real pleats in Raiders running straight up and down. So, is the "departure" actually from what vendors have traditionally offered, or from the original screen-used design?
Puppetboy wrote:Another departure from Indy shirt tradition, the epaulette button DOES NOT line up with the inside edge of the front bands. The button is about 3/4" closer to the collar than the inside edge of the bands. Just check the Cairo scenes and you'll see how they line up (or DON'T line up).
At last, someone else notices this vital detail! Good call!
The shirt does look great in the proper colour. Regarding the shape of the shirt, will it fit close to the body like it does on Ford if you actually
do have a body shaped like Ford's?
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:01 am
by starks_6
so when you say pants??
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:05 am
by conceited_ape
Hey Todd, the shirt looks great!
Quick question - will this be available with ToD/LC buttons?

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:46 am
by Neolithic
What?! No strawberry?!
That shirt looks like my NH shirt.
I like the wrinkly front bands too.
I'm another skinny white dude looking for a skinny, fitted shirt.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:09 am
by Puppetboy
Is this how it works on the original shirt? And, when you say "original shirt", do you mean an actual screen-used one from Raiders, or an MBA? It's a very clever approach, but I always assumed they were real pleats in Raiders running straight up and down. So, is the "departure" actually from what vendors have traditionally offered, or from the original screen-used design?
I mean a departure from what vendors have traditionally offered. No, the pleats are not "pleats" made by folding and stitching the front material. This is confirmed on the original shirt owned by my friend and by looking at the scene in the cabin of the ship when Ford removes the shirt. Look carefully and you will see that as he spreads the shirt open, the light from the window shines through the shirt. The added strip of fabric casts a clear shadow, revealing the double layer.
As for the fit, it should fit most people. Ford has a bit of a barrel chest, creating a tighter look in the front, but the width is normal for a dress/casual shirt.
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:53 am
by JulianK
While I like the richness of the cocoa colour, I think that it would blend in too much with a brown leather jacket. That's why I chose the celery. case anyone's interested.
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:50 am
by agent5
So, the shirt you're modeling this after is from the Raiders production?
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:25 pm
by DoubleOhSeven
I like the cocoa and the cobalt.
Good looking shirt, Todd.
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:31 pm
by Flash Gordon
So when can we order? Huh? huh? huh?

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:01 pm
by Puppetboy
So, the shirt you're modeling this after is from the Raiders production?
Yes it is, however there were (my theory) two types of shirts. There are the few "hero" shirts made at Berman & Nathans, and then the rest which were made in Italy. (My theory) The "hero" shirts were used in scenes without a jacket, and the rest were worn under the jacket, stand-ins, stunt men, etc. I suspect there are small differences in the British-made shirts and the Italian-made shirts. The shirt I had indirect access to was an Italian shirt worn under the jacket, specifically some Well of Souls scenes. I would expect that the main details, like size and dimensions, would be the same, but small details might be different. Incidentally, I just received a call from a friend who has a friend that owns one of the Berman & Nathan's shirts from Raiders, so I hope soon I will have specs from that one as well to compare. The owners of these shirts will not come on COW because the "experts" will give them nothing but grief and they know that. I even hesitated to mention it myself because I expect to get grief from the "experts" as well. Bottom line, it is true that I had help from an owner of a real Raiders HF shirt in the form of detailed close-up photos, measurements, and hours worth of phone time asking detailed questions, and I'm not going to do battle to prove it. Period. (hopefully, I will get to inspect the shirt in person soon!)
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:12 pm
by Indiana Croft
I to like the cellary, most of my shirts are either kahki, tan or green. I also like the sunshine as a change of pace. Keep up the good work and looking foward to your pant project, I'd love a new pair.
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:11 pm
by DR Ulloa
Can you reveal how much the new shirt will cost. When will the pants be available to order and ship?
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:12 pm
by DR Ulloa
Can you reveal how much the new shirt will cost. When will the pants be available to order and ship?
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:00 am
by Argonaut
I've never looked at Todd's shirts before, so the $58 could be the price for the last shirt. Or maybe it's the new price. Don't know. If that's the new price, I'd be pretty impressed.
EDIT: Oh yeah. Todd says the price will be lower than before. So either way it's gonna be a really really good deal.
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:50 am
by Satipo
Puppetboy wrote:So, the shirt you're modeling this after is from the Raiders production?
Yes it is, however there were (my theory) two types of shirts. There are the few "hero" shirts made at Berman & Nathans, and then the rest which were made in Italy. (My theory) The "hero" shirts were used in scenes without a jacket, and the rest were worn under the jacket, stand-ins, stunt men, etc. I suspect there are small differences in the British-made shirts and the Italian-made shirts. The shirt I had indirect access to was an Italian shirt worn under the jacket, specifically some Well of Souls scenes. I would expect that the main details, like size and dimensions, would be the same, but small details might be different. Incidentally, I just received a call from a friend who has a friend that owns one of the Berman & Nathan's shirts from Raiders, so I hope soon I will have specs from that one as well to compare. The owners of these shirts will not come on COW because the "experts" will give them nothing but grief and they know that. I even hesitated to mention it myself because I expect to get grief from the "experts" as well. Bottom line, it is true that I had help from an owner of a real Raiders HF shirt in the form of detailed close-up photos, measurements, and hours worth of phone time asking detailed questions, and I'm not going to do battle to prove it. Period. (hopefully, I will get to inspect the shirt in person soon!)
That's quite a scoop. Having access to not one, but
two Raiders production shirts. Wow, you've got some good connections! If all goes well, this looks like it will be the most SA Raiders shirt to be offered. I got a good feeling when you highlighted the correct epaulette placement. I'm very interested to see how this turns out. Just don't make them baggy around the waist -
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:17 am
by Puppetboy
Just don't make them baggy around the waist - please!!!
Don't worry, they're not! Arangements are being made to inspect the Italian shirt either next month or this summer. There is much more I'd like to share, but I can't out of deferrence to the owner. When I can, I will. He also owns a pair of HF slacks and a stunt jacket (from Raiders) which I will get to inspect. The British shirt is in china, along with a pair of slacks as well, and those I won't get to inspect, obviously. My contact hopes to get me whatever details the owner will provide, but we'll see if it happens.
Yes, I am fortunate that these people have contacted me! For me, their help is invaluable since I care so much about these articles.
Can you reveal how much the new shirt will cost. When will the pants be available to order and ship?
Not yet. When they are in my possession and all of the final costs are accounted for, I will set the price.
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:22 am
by swcrazyfan
so i guess there will be no pre-ordering then. however, is there a list i can get myself on so i can make sure i get a shirt in my size?
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 11:41 am
by Mulceber
Just don't forget this when dealing with those people, Todd:
"she has been in possession of the original piece for years. She may know much if...properly motivated."

:junior: -M
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 12:18 pm
by Puppetboy
"she has been in possession of the original piece for years. She may know much if...properly motivated
Oh, trust me, these guys are a treasure trove of inside information. It's just that the information is not mine to share.
I will probably not take pre-orders. The shirts will be here soon enough, and I'm getting plenty - I don't plan to run out.
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 12:38 pm
by WinstonWolf359
I'm really looking forward to ordering your new shirt (and pants, when you get there) and I was curious if these were going to be sized by neck/sleeve measurement or S, M, L, XL, etc...
Also, would you say the length of the body would be "average" for a typical dress shirt, or a little on the long side?
Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:27 am
by Mark Brody
I see I'm not the only skinny guy looking for a reasonably priced Indy shirt. I think I may be the only tall skinny guy, though. Are you gonna offer long lengths in addition to regular? I never liked ordering an XL just for the longer sleeves when I only have a 42 chest.
Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:40 am
by Puppetboy
The only thing I see (and this may be like you said, illusion of 2d/3d perspective) is that the epaulette tab lengths themselves appear to be a bit long.
The dimensions are taken straight from the screen-used shirt. The dimensions match well with the Cairo shirt, where the epaulette comes very close to the neck.
I'm really looking forward to ordering your new shirt (and pants, when you get there) and I was curious if these were going to be sized by neck/sleeve measurement or S, M, L, XL, etc...
Also, would you say the length of the body would be "average" for a typical dress shirt, or a little on the long side?
These will be S, M, L, etc. The length is average - It compares with most of the dress shirts in my closet. Again, screen-used measurements on the length.
Are you gonna offer long lengths in addition to regular?
Sorry, no. The sleeves are long already (again, screen-used measurements) so tall people should have no problem. The extra sleeve won't be seen under a jacket, and if you're wearing it without a jacket, you'll probably roll them up anyway.
A small update - I'm having a little trouble with the factory and there is going to be another short delay. Their counter-sample (about the fifth one) is still not according to my pattern, so we'll try it again. Since it is their fault, perhaps they will speed the order to make it up to me. I'm still optimistic, but it's been a hard road.
Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:04 am
by morganswift
Haven't been thinking in terms of shirts at all but this looks great. I like the cocoa too - just a nice colour for the style. Oh, and thanks for the gloves that came the other day, Todd.
Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 4:11 pm
by Wraith1031
Any news yet?

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 6:13 pm
by Michaelson
What? No blue checked option?!
Regards! Michaelson