Felt question - How can you tell which fur it is?
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 4:33 pm
Stopped by JJ Hat Center again trying to see what I can do about the ribbon for my up coming adventurer. While I was examining other hats, the guy showed me a bunch of hats that he said were full beaver felt. He was also showing me some rabbit felts, and I asked him if he was "sure" that the other hats were beaver, and he says yes 100% pure beaver.
I didn't know how to know if he was telling the truth or playing on my noobieness. How can you tell just by looking and feeling if a hat is rabbit or beaver (some hats only said pure fur felt or fine fure felt)?
I didn't know how to know if he was telling the truth or playing on my noobieness. How can you tell just by looking and feeling if a hat is rabbit or beaver (some hats only said pure fur felt or fine fure felt)?