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Art of the turk's head.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 4:55 pm
by PyramidBlaster
Hello all!

Although i've been making whips off and on for 14 years, I'm now starting on my first true 'Indy' style, which means it needs a turk's head knot covering the pommel. I've seen a few around the forums here that I like, and was wondering if any of you cats who are more familiar with them could possibly field a guess as to the configuration i'm looking at:


is this the 'pineapple' style i'm hearing so much about?

I'm braiding mine out of similar materials as the one shown in the thread...Just need to know what style this is, and if you want to throw any pointers my way....

I'm planning on shooting lots of pictures and hi-def video on this one...Seems like I always forget to do that...

Thanks in advance!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:39 pm
by rjallen70
I'll second this request...
And patiently await your video.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:49 pm
by Indiana_Hall
Pyramid Blaster,

The knot in those pics is actually just a plain old 3 pass, 5 part, 4 bite Turkshead knot. That is the same knot as we see on Indy's whip - it's just that the guy who made that whip used a different shape for the knob it's tied onto....The pineapple knot you were asking about is made up of a Turkshead knot with a strand that is interwoven into it....

Any other questions, myself or one of the other whipmakers on here will be happy to help....

Highest Regards,
- Chris

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:05 pm
by PyramidBlaster
Thank you! I've already put the handle and core together tonight in gleeful anticipation of my newest design!!!

I'll keep you guys posted....

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:36 pm
by rjallen70
Hey blaster...
How about keeping us posted with pics!
Be real cool to follow this from start to finish.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:53 pm
by PyramidBlaster
I might be able to accommodate that.....

Yeah, I reviewed my braiding books and you're right. It's just a simple 3-pass 5-part. Never having really done one, it looked far more exotic than it actually is....

RJ, I'll pay special attention to videotape the knots when it comes down to it---I'm pretty good at the ring knots I use, and the turks head has some similarities there....