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Order confirmation from Wested?

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 5:00 am
by pvtsmith29
I ordered a Lambskin Raiders jacket from Westeds website last Tuesday, but have not received any confirmation from them to say they received my order. Should I have received an email from Wested confirming my order? I have sent 2 emails asking about my order but have not got a reply.

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 11:52 am
by IndianaChris711
Ya you should have gotten a confirmation from Gemma confirming your order. She was out sick I am not sure if it was last week or the week before. So either they are trying to catch up to e-mails or maybe they missed your order, mistakes happen. You might want to check your credit card or however you paid and see if they billed you yet, they usually do right away. If you don't get an e-mail back I suggest trying to call them, or send an e-mail directly to Peter at I think that his e-mail. Hope you find out what happened to your order. :D


Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:00 pm
by pvtsmith29
Thanks for the reply. If I don't get a reply tomorrow I think I'll try Peters email.

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:02 pm
by DanielJones
I put my order in on Friday & paid through Paypal and got an e-mail confirmation yesterday morning. You may want to contact Gemma and see. From what I've heard, yes they have been very busy. Give it a little time. 've ordered things from other places that normally send you an order confirmation but didn't, but then it showed up on my stoop rather quickly after it was ordered. The reason there was no e-mail confirmation was because I had fat fingered my e-mail address so it never came. I guess these things happen.



Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:39 am
by pvtsmith29
I received an Email from Gemma on Monday to say that they had not received my order. I went to their website and resubmitted my order, and also sent an email asking to be let known if they received my new order. I have yet to get a reply confirming my order. Is there a problem ordering on Westeds website?

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:58 am
I did not get a confirmation email when I placed my order because my credit card company declined the transaction as a security precaution. It took a bit to figure out, but Gemma finally saw why the order did not go through. I called the card company to authorize the transaction and Gemma re-ran the number. It went through fine. Maybe that's why some orders do not go through? The funny thing is I forgot the same thing happened when I ordered my first Wested 6 years ago. Maybe I should have used Paypal.