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Fed Crown height

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:49 pm
by Bemo
O.k., I'm sorry for asking this as I'm sure it's been answered before and if I just searched longer I would find it; but I have to sleep sometime.

A little background relevant to the discussion. I'm short, 5'5". A tall hat makes me look stoopider than I already are. I emailed Hatsdirect, the Fed is and I quote "A straight non tapered crown, 5.5" - 6" tall, proportional to hat size." I wear 57 (7 1/8 U.S.). Will this be a 5.5" crown? I'm contemplating the Adventurer also.

Thanks for the help. Peace.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:10 pm
by airforceindy
I'm 5'10", about 200 lbs. This is a Fed Dlx, Raiders/LC bash, size 60. Hope it gives you some ideas.

Regards, Andy



Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:13 am
by Bemo
Thanks for the pic. Hatsdirect replied to my email. In my hat size, the crown is 5.5". So I should be good to go.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:39 am
by JeffB
Bemo wrote:Thanks for the pic. Hatsdirect replied to my email. In my hat size, the crown is 5.5". So I should be good to go.
So is the crown height different for the different sizes?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:51 am
by WeeMadHamish
I think it's 6" for the extra-large sizes (60 and up?) Otherwise the proportions are off.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:25 pm
by JulianK
Personally I think that whether things like crown height and brim width look good on you is more a product of your face/head shape rather than how tall you are. Check out this interesting post:


Of course there ARE limits to everything! ;)

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:48 pm
by Bemo

I would quote the response to my query, however I had an unexpected (are they ever expected?) hard drive crash. But yes, the Feds crown height is "proportional to the size", so a little smaller hat size gets the lower crown height of 5.5" as opposed to 6". Hatsdirect was very prompt and helpful, you could email them and confirm for yourself. They did not tell me, btw (nor did I ask) at what size the crown height changes.
