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Whose selling the 500 dollar Wested on e-bay?
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 12:38 pm
I just saw a person who is selling a Wested Pre-distressed
cowhide jacket from Wested on e-bay for a buy-it-now
price of $500.00! It has a starting bid of $300.00!
Whose got the ba*&s to do that?
Lets see if any fool is dumb enough to pay the buy-it-now
If someone buys this jacket, it really amazes me how people
who claim to be fairly computer savy, don't know how to use
the "search" commands.
You gotta love free enterprise!!
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 2:00 pm
by Indiana Texas-girl
Yeah, I was about to post the same question when I saw yours. This will be an interesting auction to watch: ... 2805144016
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 2:17 pm
by Ken
Its also the first time I have seen NH pants or shirt advertised as well.
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 5:30 pm
by Toolbox78
There's something strange about the auction. In the description it says it has a cotton body with satin sleeves and is pre-distressed hide. However the pictures show what appears to be a non-distressed jacket with a satin body. Am I nuts?
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 5:34 pm
by Sergei
Toolbox78 wrote:There's something strange about the auction. In the description it says it has a cotton body with satin sleeves and is pre-distressed hide. However the pictures show what appears to be a non-distressed jacket with a satin body. Am I nuts?
You are SO RIGHT!!!! That is definitely a satin body lining and the hide is too dark to be a predistressed hide. Stay away, stay far away......
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 5:36 pm
by Indiana Texas-girl
Ha Toolbox, you're right. I emailed the seller to inquire on that. He has lowered his price to $200...I wonder if someone here sent him a message in regards to his previous price.
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 5:48 pm
by Renderking Fisk
Who is it? Is it one of us? Why not mention these items are for sale to other fans first?
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 6:26 pm
by Fedora
I think he may be one of us. Careful of what you say.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 7:05 pm
by IndianaCollins
yeah, i saw that on the web a couple o days ago
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 8:53 pm
In your message to the person, did you mention that the jacket for sale
is not the jacket that is decribed? If you look at the larger versions
of the pictures, especially the collar shot, you can clearly see this jacket
is not distressed, and the lining doesn't look at all like the cotton linings
I have seen. I could be wrong though. But the lining looks too shiney
to be cotton.
But the leather is not the Pre-distressed cowhide.
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 10:47 pm
by schwammy
Curious. Inaccuarcies abound with this guy. He says the pants are made of cotton twill, and the shirt is made of 'cotton combination blend.' Neither statement is true. Is it that hard to read a label?
And another thing - if he bought this stuff 'back in the day' as he claims, why didn't he ever bother to get the pants hemmed? Who buys a $165 pair of pants and then never wears them?
Another inaccuracy: He says "Just for your reference I wear large shirts from the Gap, B. Republic, A&Fitch, Structure etc. and thias shirt fits similar just so you know its size." As Martin Luther would say, 'this is most certainly not true.' Anyone who's ever tried on a Noel Howard shirt knows they are much more closely fitted than anything currently on the mass market in the USA.
And why list the pants for less than half price ($100), when he's charging the same price for the shirt, which is more than a new one would cost from MBA?
My, my, my.
Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 12:26 am
by Indiana Texas-girl
In your message to the person, did you mention that the jacket for sale
is not the jacket that is decribed?
Pretty much...I told him that the auction states that the jacket has a cotton body, but that his picture shows a satin body. I forgot to mention the leather. As of yet, I haven't received a response.
Ebay Plagerism
Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 1:30 am
by Dr._J
I don't know who this person is but he/she used my description from a previous Wested that I had sold on Ebay. In fact, the jacket I had sold was pre-distressed leather with satin sleeves and a cotton lining!!! This seller just took the description I had written, made some minor changes, and posted it in his auction!!! So, that answers the leather and lining questions. They just plagerised my auction notes. Let's hope (for the sake of the auction winner) it's actually a size 44 regular!!!
"Go ahead and bid; You know you've wanted this jacket since you saw the movies!!!"
That was my line!!! He stole my line!!!
Dr. J
Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 3:56 am
by Mystique
CAVEAT EMPTOR (Let the buyer beware!)
As Belloq tells Indy showing him a pocketwatch,
"Look at it, 10 dollars from a vendor in the streets, if I bury it in the sand for a thousand years it becomes priceless, like the Ark. Men would
kill for it, men like you and me..."
Both of these quotes apply well to Ebay.
Just my two bits.
Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 5:29 am
by Indiana Joe
Indiana Texas-girl wrote:FLATHEAD wrote:ITG:
In your message to the person, did you mention that the jacket for sale
is not the jacket that is decribed?
Pretty much...I told him that the auction states that the jacket has a cotton body, but that his picture shows a satin body. I forgot to mention the leather. As of yet, I haven't received a response.
I had e-mailed this person too, ITG and but I mentioned the leather also and recommended changing the description.
Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 8:01 pm
by schwammy
Dr. J, did this guy steal your prose on the shirt and pants as well?
Someone really ought to email the person who's bidding on this stuff and make him aware of the strong possibility of fraud.
Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 10:16 pm
by Dr._J
No, he must have stolen those lines from someone else.
Dr. J
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 5:05 am
by Indiana Joe
Eric Daniel Abraham e-mailed me back with a polite thank you.
When I checked the auction, the description has changed and has an apology in it.
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 8:29 am
by Indiana Texas-girl
I don't remember reading this part before, but it'd be enough to make me not want to buy it. I have to give this guy credit though for honesty though:
It has only been worn around the house. I only wore it once while nude and watching Seinfeld.
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 10:21 am
by Mike
Indiana Texas-girl wrote:I don't remember reading this part before, but it'd be enough to make me not want to buy it. I have to give this guy credit though for honesty though:
It has only been worn around the house. I only wore it once while nude and watching Seinfeld.
eeeewwwww! Can these things be steam cleaned? Disinfected?
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 10:39 am
by Pyroxene

That is about one of the funniest things I have read in an auction in a long time.
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 1:31 pm
by cliffhanger
Indiana Texas-girl wrote:I don't remember reading this part before, but it'd be enough to make me not want to buy it. I have to give this guy credit though for honesty though:
I too am glad he is being honest, but I bet he lost a whole lot of bidders with the nude remark. Blecchhh
Pyroxene wrote: That is about one of the funniest things I have read in an auction in a long time.
I second that one!
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 1:52 pm
by Renderking Fisk
Hey... don't laugh! Under all my clothes, I'm nude too!
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 2:38 pm
by Michaelson
Only difference is, I don't recall seeing any of your clothes listed for sale on eBay lately. (grins) Regards. Michaelson
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 7:36 pm
by MaryonRavenwood
Indiana Texas-girl wrote:I don't remember reading this part before, but it'd be enough to make me not want to buy it. I have to give this guy credit though for honesty though:
It has only been worn around the house. I only wore it once while nude and watching Seinfeld.
Man....too much information!
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 3:10 am
by Indiana Philip
MaryonRavenwood wrote:Indiana Texas-girl wrote:I don't remember reading this part before, but it'd be enough to make me not want to buy it. I have to give this guy credit though for honesty though:
It has only been worn around the house. I only wore it once while nude and watching Seinfeld.
Man....too much information!
What. You guys got a problem with Seinfield?
Indiana Philip
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 9:48 am
by Pyroxene
What really makes it funny is when you look at his other items, the guy ACTUALLY has his clothes for sale on ebay as well. People charge good money to write humor like this and we get it for free.
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 1:51 pm
by Dr._J
Glad he changed the listing but he still used part of my previous Wested description! Oh well, what'cha gonna do? He really blew the sale with that "nude" comment though.
Dr. J
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 3:02 pm
by MaryonRavenwood
Indiana Philip wrote:MaryonRavenwood wrote:Indiana Texas-girl wrote:I don't remember reading this part before, but it'd be enough to make me not want to buy it. I have to give this guy credit though for honesty though:
It has only been worn around the house. I only wore it once while nude and watching Seinfeld.
Man....too much information!
What. You guys got a problem with Seinfield?
Indiana Philip
Maybe it was the episode where George poses (almost) nude.
Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 8:15 am
by Indiana Texas-girl
Yikes, somebody bought it!

They must not have read the whole description.