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D. Tracy vs IndyIV Hat...
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:59 am
by Indiana Neri
I had mangaed to DVR D. Tracy recently and I was noticing something that I never really noticed before. Not only does Tracy's hat literaly changes from scene to scene, but I noticed something of a tight front pinched crown with the triangular shape towards the brim, much like the new Indy hat. I started to wonder if Warren Betty's Dick Tracy actually had that Indy hybrid look, before Indy had one? Thoughts?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:37 pm
by Minnesota Jones
I know Jimmy (JP) made one of these. The ones in the movie D. Tracy were in fact Stetsons...

It's a teardrop design (where Indy's fedora is a center dent). That's as much research on it that I've done. It IS a sweet lid thou....
The yellow trenchcoat was a custom one from Burberry's.
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:41 pm
by Indiana Neri
I was not aware of the fact that Tracy's hat was a Stetson. I knew about the teardrop bash, but when I was watching the movie (for the ump-teenth time in my life) I started to notice the front pinch. Ever since I found COW and I learned the ways of bashes and tapers, gunbelts and holsters, and various kinds of leather, I've been watching my favorite movies (with new eyes, so to speak) and trying to find subtle nuances and links to the Indiana Jones world. With all the talk of the CS hat being a Raiders/LC-hybrid, I'm starting to look for something similar in other movies. It's odd, I know, but what else can you do when you've seen a movie a thousand times?
PS: I remember reading somewhere that Tracy's coat was in fact a Burberry. It must be the only one in existance without their famous plaid design lining.
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:03 am
by Treadwell
slightly OT:
Disney sold differently-colored versions of the Indy teardrop wool felt Stetson as a D. Tracy tie-in. I don't remember if they sold a yellow one, but I bought a black one at Disney-MGM Studios at the time.
annnnd, in the extras of the Saturday Night Live: The Best of Phil Hartman DVD, they show his audition--he wore one of these black hats in one of his bits.