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Anyone got a pair of authentic Officers Pinks?

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2003 1:12 am
by agent5
If so, how do they compare to the NH? It seems that when you get the NH pants off the rack they're kinda too baggy for the Raiders look. I'm wondering if the additional cost of Mr.Howard tailoring them for us would fix that or if he would simply hem them up. The Raiders pants were actually very streamlined and when ordering my NH pants he told me himself that the pants were actually not that baggy in the film. I would imagine that authentic officers pinks would also have a steamlined fit since that's how officers uniforms are. I had mine taken in around the butt and upper thigh area but now I think I need them taken in all the way down the leg to get the true look of the film. after I had mine done I could see a definite difference right away for the better. :D I was wondering how the color rated on originals and also how the fit is? Anybody?

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2003 11:01 pm
by MaryonRavenwood
You can get replicas of WW2 uniforms (including officer's pinks) at:

Granted, WW2 was after Indy's era, but then again, the Mark VII bag wasn't period-authentic either (as were a few other things, if I'm not mistaken...)

Nice site....worth taking a look. I'd love to order a WAC uniform at some point!

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2003 1:28 am
by Indiana Philip
I checked out the site and found some Army dress officer pinks, but they weren't pleated. Perhaps there are some others around the site that I missed.
Indiana Philip

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2003 1:55 am
by Crusader
You can try , which might have something you are looking for. They are kinda pricey, but they do offer a pleated version.

Good Luck

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 12:37 pm
by Gringo
Hey Guys,
I own both the NH Raiders and the original pinks. Aside from the pleats, they are very close to style. The pinks are about triple the thickness of material. I like the pinks better. They go on ebay all the time. I just picked up my pair for around $42.00. I wear them more than my NH pants.
Take care


Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 3:50 pm
by Indiana Philip
Thanks Maryon, Crusader, and Gringo! My next item to aquire will be the pants. I'm just not sure which ones I'll go with.
Indiana Philip

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 4:23 pm
by MaryonRavenwood
Glad to be of service! I discovered the WW2 Impressions site awhile back, while I was searching for swing dance clothes. I thought a WAC uniform would be a neat and original idea for period-authentic swing attire. :D Besides, I just have an affinity for WW2 era-clothing. It's fun to dress in clothing from another era.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 5:30 pm
by agent5
Thanks Gringo, that's the reply I've been waiting for. Now, are they alot more slender in the legs? I think the NH pants are fine but if you get them of the peg they're too baggy for the Raiders look. How do the Pinks look compared to the NH pants in terms of look on film?

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 11:04 pm
by Gringo
Hey Agent 5,
They seem to be slender in the legs,but have the bottom of the NH. The color is right on from the last crusade. The back pocket flap is more accurate and the over all feel is better. These are not the Raiders look but the last crusade look despiste the pleats. You will love them so much, you won't even care...
Let me know if you need more info.
Take care