Budget whip from ebay!! Just received it today!! (Pic heavy)
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 1:37 am
Hello, my fellow gear heads!! Just received this 35 dollar whip from ebay... It's a 14 footer 4 plait whip.. So far it cracks real easy despite its length... Got it dark brown instead of tan... When I realized it, it was already too late, but oh well, it actually looks pretty good with the rest of my gear... color contrast and all... Played around with it a bit today. WHAT A RUSH with whip cracking!! It was my first time cracking the whip and I figured it out in mere seconds... I guess the length of the whip helped quite a bit. Thank you everyone for posting whip cracking tutorials... it was very helpful!! Well, without much ado....here are the photos.... enjoy!!