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an "official" indy lid

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:35 pm
by Dostacos
I just received a new fedora this is one of the Licensed hats with the pin on the ribbon. I got one off ebay a while back and it was soft and had no liner.
this one is hard as a rock and has a "silk" lining.

oh, yeah this is for my wife, I was surprised that it actually had a liner. so now she has a Mk VII, a elsa with flash light. all for her birthday, [pray for me]:shock: ... :IT&ih=019

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:39 pm
by Ripper
I wouldnt mind seeing a picture of it when you get the chance. I assume she asked for this for her birthday or are you just taking a chance ? :wink:

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:56 pm
by Indiana G
dostacos, is this like a homer simpson thing where he bought her a bowling ball for her birthday (which was already monogrammed with 'homer')?

if not, then she's a gearhead like us?

i'd like to see the hat as well if you gotta chance. :D

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:07 pm
by Dostacos
she had surgery on her thumb today so she is home until Monday and it will be wrapped by then, and no she did not ask :shock:

We met IndyMcfly at an outdoor showing of raiders and I said I should get her a MK VII and she liked the idea. Then she needed a flash light and we were using my Elsa lighter which is much lighter and takes up less space so.....

We are going to the Queen Mary and she will be wearing the Indy stuff and probably be more comfortable in that than the "vintage" clothes for Saturday night.
Hey, at least it isn't for our 30th wedding anniversary.

[Finger lakes for the 30th :lol: ]


Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:18 pm
by Jonesy
Yeah, those new "official" dorfmans.... We used them as hard hats at the Indy ride...haha. I much prefer the softer ones!

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:23 pm
by Indiana G
well dostacos, i must sasy that those are some very nice gifts for her then. i'm sure she'll appreciate them.

i sure would like to catch up with you and the rest of the folks at the QM but little baby G is on the way. sorry to break that commitment mr. snakewhip sable but there has been some extenuating (sp?) circumstances :wink:

but, it seems that me catching up with you good folks will start to replace my yearnings to acquire indygear....then i'll be true to rendering fisk's age old motto :D

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:34 pm
by Dostacos
It's when BINK starts telling her that she should have an ADVENTUREBILT and a Wested and SA shirt and pants and, and, and.......

pictures should be available on the 26th


Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:56 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Dostacos wrote:It's when BINK starts telling her that she should have an ADVENTUREBILT and a Wested and SA shirt and pants and, and, and.......
Dan, obviously you don't know me that well or haven't read any of my posts on such matters. :lol: While I am a personal fan of the AB, I have never told anyone what they should or shouldn't buy. I've always done my best to present objective opinions based from personal experience and to make sure the purchaser knows it's his or her decision to make, and no one else's. Besides, most of my gear is "close enough" gear. I don't even own a Wested shirt! :lol: Personally, I'd rather have "period Indy" gear, like a pair of real WWII officer pinks! I know you're just joshing me, but I thought I'd clear that up, anyhow. :wink: And just so you know, the only advice I'd give your wife is to mess with the wiring of your chair. :lol: :wink:

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:42 pm
by Dostacos
yes, I was joshing, [of course NOW you will feel obligated to tell her she needs the expensive stuff :rolling:]

oh, and when you meet my wife you will understand how much of a joke this is.

She is NOT one to spend a penny more than she would have to on anything :lol: {with ham radio, the comment is always ooh, you bought THAT radio? :-0 }

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:49 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Oy. You're a hammer? I REALLY feel sorry for your wife now! :lol: What's your operator number? A late friend of mine was a ham radio man for many years, and my father used to scan the radio waves when he was younger.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:59 pm
by Dostacos
binkmeisterRick wrote:Oy. You're a hammer? I REALLY feel sorry for your wife now! :lol: What's your operator number? A late friend of mine was a ham radio man for many years, and my father used to scan the radio waves when he was younger.
actually we both are. I am KC6EWX and she is KC6WWN, she went through her class with to other female friends, KC6WWW and KC6WWT

my wife is a nurse [wild and wicked nurse] the next was born in Walla Walla Washington and the last is Wicked Woman of Tustin.

We have not used the radios in a while, we used to offroad and we would talk among a few friends on 2meter while the group leader was talking to the group on the CBs. every no and then we got microphone dyslexia and made a funny about the leader on the CB :oops:

When he got his license and started using 2M we moved to 440 :D


Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:04 pm
by binkmeisterRick
KG9EX was his number, I believe. I have a vintage Hallicrafters Continental shortwave I'd love to get some good signals on. While wearing a fedora. 8)

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:56 pm
by Dostacos
oh yeah that's old school :D