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Want a pair of Wells Lamont Gloves? (size medium)

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2002 1:22 pm
by Ken
Ok. Well I was doing a bit of tidying the other day back home before I return to University at the end of this week. Anyway I found something I had forgotten about - a pair of Wells Lamont Gloves! They were sent to me by Chamarro a while ago when I was trying to find a pair. However they were a size medium and I take a small so I had to get another pair sent over. So I have this superflous pair sitting about - they are a (US) size medium (would fit an averaged sized person's hands in my opinion), light tan in colour and pretty much in pristine condition - the only mark on them is where i removed the cardboard to try them on and there is a tiny hole where the staple was but as far as I can tell this was inevitable. I never wore them apart to try them on.

So as I dont need them I was wondering if anyone out there wants them, free of charge. Since you can get these any most Walmart stores in the US, so I believe, I thought it would ne nice if these could go to a non-US fan maybe in UK or Europe. This doesnt mean I wont be open to any US fans only I think its probably easier for you to get them at home.

The fairest way I can think of is to send them to the first person to send me a Private Message. As I said I would prefer these to go to someone outside of the US but if you can make a good case feel free to message. Best of luck everyone!

Ken :)

PS - I will be back at University at the end of the week so will post them as soon as I get back or after details have been arranged!

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2002 1:29 pm
by Mike
I wouldn't mind, but like you said, I think it'd be nice to see them go to a non-US fan.


Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2002 4:57 pm
by Ryusui
Does Hawaii count as non-US? :lol:
I have a hard time finding four-fifths of the things most mainland people do. :P

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2002 7:42 pm
by Ken
No messages yet so you are both still in the running guys :)


We have a winner!

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2003 8:10 am
by Ken
Mmarsoy, Ryusui:

Sorry guys I am afraid I got a message from Geordi Jones here in the UK and I have decided to give him the gloves. I am sorry that I didnt give them to you but I am glad to see them going to someone here in the UK.

Dont despair though if I am ever in the situation to give something away again it should be open to everyone. Its just with the gloves I know that its only possible to get them in the US.

Best of luck getting yourselves some gloves I know it can be hard (especially sympathise with you Ryusui although I think the climate and scenery may be fair compensation ;)).

All the best for the new year!


Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 8:49 am
by Mike
I'm glad to see them staying abroad. I actually didn't want them for myself, I just wanted to make a point backing your statement to send them where they're not readily available. I'm happy to see this has happend.


Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 10:15 pm
by Ryusui
No problem at all. That was very kind of you to even let us know that we were being considered, and also to update when they were spoken for.
Not to mention the kindness of just donating these gloves to another fan. Thanks again. :)