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Does the NH bag strap only come is Raiders style?SEARCH OVER
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2002 11:37 am
by Henri Defense
I was wondering because I looked at the price list and it just says "Indiana Jones bag strap" I ask this because I have a NH that MJ gave me and it's Raiders (thanks!) but I want to get a LC one for my new bag that I'm getting soon....
I looked on the main Indygear site, and there seems to be nothing on the LC it the same as Raiders?
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2002 1:24 pm
by schwammy
Henri, I don't know about Last Crusade, but I did have a Keppler Temple of Doom strap, which ITG now owns.
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2002 2:25 pm
by Henri Defense
After doing some research I found that the LC strap is a little different than the Raiders.
1) It appears to be darker, almost black
2) To me and IMHO the buckle seemed more square than Raiders, not rounded edges, like Raiders
It also DOES NOT have a roller, or from what I can tell...
This is what I found, and I could be wrong...does anybody else have any information?
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2002 2:34 pm
by Minnesota Jones
Henri, check with ol' Idaho, as Renderking calls him. Or we call him Indiana Dan. I believe it was black, like the ToD strap. But the buckle was "bent" outward, with the middle of it behind the top and bottom which were more forward. I think Dan had a Keppler buckle and bent it to fit what he wanted.
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2002 4:55 pm
by Henri Defense
It DOES have a roller! After more research, I found the LC strap does indeed have a roller! If you look at the seen when he's hangin of the tank, just before he climbs up you get a perfect shot of the buckle. Hit pause (if you VCR will allow you with it getting fuzzy) you can clearly see a roller on it, making it the same as a ToD strap/buckle! Well it looks like my search is over, now to order one of Lee's ToD straps!
MJ, yes it does appear to to be somewhat bent, but this shouldn't be hard to do, I'll talk to Dan and see what he says!
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2002 10:59 pm
by whipwarrior
Actually, they may have used two different types. The one most prominently seen in the movie (and publicity stills) is the 'bent' buckle with the roller on it. However, if you consult chapter 8, page 7 of the British-made Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade storybook by Anne Digby, the buckle on Indy's bag strap appears to be square, like the Noel Howard straps. Then again, I may just be seeing things.
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2002 11:29 pm
by Henri Defense
Hmm, that's interesting but yeah the one seen in the movie, bent with a roller. I talked to Dan and he told me how to do. You take a LK ToD strap, take the roller off the buckle. Put in in a vice, heat it a little and take a pliers and bend it so that when you look at it from the side, it shapes a "V"...let it cool, put the roller back on a vola!