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Wested order problem...

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:07 pm
by doc riviere
Why it is so complicate to order from wested ??

i would like to order an other jacket, but this time i 've received no news !
the first time i tried was weeks ago but nothing. i try and try and try again...via the PETER personal email address, the wested ( Gemma ) email address but still no news.... !! any infos ??


Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:14 pm
by ob1al
Just a suggestion, but you might have better luck calling them on the phone.

I always had my questions answered and orders placed via telephone to Wested in the past, it's an instantaneous method of communication and avoids any frustration associated with email difficulties.

Good luck,


Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:27 pm
by mufflowne
They're busy, so they don't respond to emails unless they're very threatening. ob1al is right though, call em up, they'll pick right up and answer any question you have.

If you've already ordered your jacket, sit back and relax. I didn't get any confirmation on buying it for my last purchase either.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:06 pm
by Indiana
They aren't the best at responding to emails. Seeing as how you live in EU, it would be best for you to call them. Americans on the otherhand, I'd keep trying email as it is so expensive for Americans to call overseas. Unless you can get a good deal on a phone card.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 4:46 pm
by nicktheguy
I guess I'm just lucky these days - Gemma and I are in Horsehide negotiation via email - my last jacket was all through the phone, and this time it appears to be via email. But Calling will definately be the best quick route to go through.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:31 pm
by Dr.Seuss
Telephone. One call was all it required when I ordered my "custom" HH. Peter (assuming he is back up and around, following his recent surgery) is extremely pleasant and conversational.


Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 1:38 pm
by Nicolas
Doc, have you finally received an answer to your mail ?

I'm currently trying to order a jacket. I'm french too, and not very fluent in english :oops:, that's why I prefer to place my order by mail but it don't seems to work....

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 1:49 pm
by doc riviere
yes, i received news... at last ! but not the answers to my questions !!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 2:33 pm
by Indiana G
hey doc,

for my latest and greatest venture with wested, i corresponded with gemma via e-mail on all the specs i wanted. she provided me a quotation for the jacket.

after that, i sent her a hardcopy of our correspondence with the specs and some material that i wanted on the jacket. i then checked to see if they received the package (she did).

after that, i followed up with a phone call and had the honour of speaking with peter directly in regards to my order. what a very pleasant gentleman to talk to i must say. he is very down to earth and extremely helpful in regards to what and what was not available.

after all of that, i asked gemma for a jacket order no. to confirm everything and now my last wested raiders jacket is in the cue :D

now this seems like a lot compared to just entering your info on their web page but heck that was half the fun of it all IMO. anyone can order a wested of their site but to jump through all the hoops that i did gave me a great deal of accomplishment in the end.

i'm hoping that all of my specs are met, but i think i'll be happy with whatever peter makes for me because of all the work i put into ordering it. now i just got my heels kicked up and waiting for it (which is fun too).

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 3:24 pm
Both Gemma and I have replied to you.
Maybe the problem is at your end.
Why not phone or skype me.
Pas problem?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:18 pm
by Dr.Seuss
Indiana G wrote: after that, i followed up with a phone call and had the honour of speaking with peter directly in regards to my order. what a very pleasant gentleman to talk to i must say. he is very down to earth and extremely helpful in regards to what and what was not available.
Second that! Not to be redundant, but when I ordered my HH, it was a true pleasure speaking to Peter. I cannot say I often have the opportunity to speak with someone so intricately involved in the creation of such a piece of screen memorabilia.


Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 4:15 am
by Nicolas
Hi Peter,
I've checked my spam filter, I didn't receive any answer to my mails. So I've sent you a PM with my order. I hope it will work. I would really like to speak with you by phone, infortunately I can't hold a conversation in english !

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:28 am
by ANZAC_1915
Gemma has replied to my emails quite promptly; and Peter even gave me a ride back to the train station when I visited last month.

Now all I need is my jacket. :D

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:08 am
by codefool
Why not phone or skype me.
Skype? I've searched for "Wested" in the UK and no hits. What's Peter's Skype?

I tried phoning but no answer. I ended up faxing my order because it's a Bad Idea(tm) to send CC info over email.

I've found working with Wested to be "slightly" frustrating because I'm not used to having to "pull" information out of my vendor, such as how much I've been charged (or been charged at all), or an order confirmation. Being in the US, the anxienty is higher since sending it back is so much more effort - so I'd like to know the order was received and that it was understood before work even begins!

Gemma, however, has always responded promptly to my emails. Any slight "frustration" I may have with Wested is more than compensated by all the good things people are saying about their products!