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New gear : Marshall college t-shirt / sweatshirt !

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 8:41 am
by Nicolas
Hi everybody,

As we know since the release of the New Haven set pictures, Yale will be the fictionnal Marshall College in Indy 4 :


The first time I saw this picture, I had the idea of making a Marshall College t-shirt - or maybe a sweatshirt - Something like that :


So I redrawn the logo using a vector graphics editor and printed it on a tee. Here's the result (sorry for the poor quality of the pictures) :


It's only a prototype, laser printed on a white t-shirt, but I like it. Now, I will slightly modify the design, and print it in white flock on a blue t-shirt. I will post a new picture when it will be done.

What do you think of it ? I am not a vendor, I do it for my personal enjoyment, but if you want to buy a t-shirt of this kind, or a sweatshirt, or a cap, or a mug, etc. with the Marshall College seal on it, send me a PM...

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:30 am
by 00Stephen
Awesome!That looks great!! I'd certainly be interested in a t-shirt after all is said and done. Keep us posted!

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 1:43 pm
by McFly
I'm interested!! As soon as we get an idea of cost, I'll be able to commit. I'm sure it won't be THAT much, but you know how it works.

In Christ,

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 1:48 pm
by agent5
Absolutely love it! Do you think there is any chance at all of bringing the back design up just a bit closer to the collar?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:04 pm
by Lord_Clarence
Nice. Not a bad concept for a new coin, either! :) *ducks*


Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:06 pm
by Kt Templar
That's excellent and so quickly too. I want one!

Take care now and remember the story of the fan who made and sold 'Firefly' shirts, using her own artwork at that, helping to promote the show and the movie. The studio had the gall to threaten to prosecute her and put her out of business.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:27 pm
by rhboyd
yes please!!!

Maybe not so huge on the back... and the grey T will make a huge difference....

Might be nice to "age" the look of the logo a bit... but yeah... I'm in!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:59 pm
by CarolinaQuirk
Wow - that's something I'd be interested in!

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:45 pm
by Dalexs
Folks, sorry, but someone has to say this...
lets please be careful regarding COPYRIGHT infringement.

There, its been said. Now carry on.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 8:58 pm
by Strider
As long as it won't get the original producer in trouble with the law over copyrights, I'd be interested. Wouldn't want anyone going to jail.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 6:00 am
by Nicolas
I'm glad you liked the idea :)

But I wasn't explicit enough : actually I dont want to sell t-shirts, I am not a vendor. I have send my drawing to spreadshirt, they printed it for me. I paid 27 euros (including shipping costs) for a laser impressions, flock impression will probably be around 35 euros. It's less expensive if you print more than 25 shirts or open an online shop but I don't have enough free time now to manage such a project and, as KT pointed it out, there could be some copyright issue making it illegal...

But if you want, when the final design will be done, I can send you my drawing (for free of course) to print it yourself via spreasdshirt (or any other company). Just send me a pm or give me your mail.

Agent5 : yes, the back design can be placed a little bit closer to the collar. Rhboyd : it can be smaller too if you want but there are technical limitations with a flex or flock impression (it's necessary for every objects or lines in the design to have a minimum size of .06 inches/1.5mm)

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:41 am
by Jonesy
Yeah, copyright is the issue on those... tricky...

That's why we did these...